124 research outputs found

    Random Phase Center Motion Technique for Enhanced Angle-Doppler Discrimination Using MIMO Radars

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    A random Phase Center Motion (PCM) technique is presented in this paper, based on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar, in order to suppress the angle- Doppler coupling in Time Division Multiplex (TDM) Multiple- Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar when employing sparse array structures. The presented approach exploits an apparently moving transmit platform or PCM due to spatio-temporal transmit array modulation. In particular, the work considers a framework utilizing a random PCM trajectory. The statistical characterization of the random PCM trajectory is devised, such that the PCM and the target motion coupling is minimal, while the angular resolution is increased by enabling the virtual MIMO concept. In more details, this paper discusses sidelobe suppression approaches within the angle-Doppler Ambiguity Function (AF) by introducing a phase center probability density function within the array. This allows for enhanced discrimination of multiple targets. Simulation results demonstrate the suppression angle- Doppler coupling by more than 30 dB, even though spatiotemporal transmit array modulation is done across chirps which leads usually to strong angle-Doppler coupling

    Cognitive radar network design and applications

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    PhD ThesisIn recent years, several emerging technologies in modern radar system design are attracting the attention of radar researchers and practitioners alike, noteworthy among which are multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), ultra wideband (UWB) and joint communication-radar technologies. This thesis, in particular focuses upon a cognitive approach to design these modern radars. In the existing literature, these technologies have been implemented on a traditional platform in which the transmitter and receiver subsystems are discrete and do not exchange vital radar scene information. Although such radar architectures benefit from these mentioned technological advances, their performance remains sub-optimal due to the lack of exchange of dynamic radar scene information between the subsystems. Consequently, such systems are not capable to adapt their operational parameters “on the fly”, which is in accordance with the dynamic radar environment. This thesis explores the research gap of evaluating cognitive mechanisms, which could enable modern radars to adapt their operational parameters like waveform, power and spectrum by continually learning about the radar scene through constant interactions with the environment and exchanging this information between the radar transmitter and receiver. The cognitive feedback between the receiver and transmitter subsystems is the facilitator of intelligence for this type of architecture. In this thesis, the cognitive architecture is fused together with modern radar systems like MIMO, UWB and joint communication-radar designs to achieve significant performance improvement in terms of target parameter extraction. Specifically, in the context of MIMO radar, a novel cognitive waveform optimization approach has been developed which facilitates enhanced target signature extraction. In terms of UWB radar system design, a novel cognitive illumination and target tracking algorithm for target parameter extraction in indoor scenarios has been developed. A cognitive system architecture and waveform design algorithm has been proposed for joint communication-radar systems. This thesis also explores the development of cognitive dynamic systems that allows the fusion of cognitive radar and cognitive radio paradigms for optimal resources allocation in wireless networks. In summary, the thesis provides a theoretical framework for implementing cognitive mechanisms in modern radar system design. Through such a novel approach, intelligent illumination strategies could be devised, which enable the adaptation of radar operational modes in accordance with the target scene variations in real time. This leads to the development of radar systems which are better aware of their surroundings and are able to quickly adapt to the target scene variations in real time.Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Greenwich

    Radar Signal Processing for Interference Mitigation

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    It is necessary for radars to suppress interferences to near the noise level to achieve the best performance in target detection and measurements. In this dissertation work, innovative signal processing approaches are proposed to effectively mitigate two of the most common types of interferences: jammers and clutter. Two types of radar systems are considered for developing new signal processing algorithms: phased-array radar and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. For phased-array radar, an innovative target-clutter feature-based recognition approach termed as Beam-Doppler Image Feature Recognition (BDIFR) is proposed to detect moving targets in inhomogeneous clutter. Moreover, a new ground moving target detection algorithm is proposed for airborne radar. The essence of this algorithm is to compensate for the ground clutter Doppler shift caused by the moving platform and then to cancel the Doppler-compensated clutter using MTI filters that are commonly used in ground-based radar systems. Without the need of clutter estimation, the new algorithms outperform the conventional Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) algorithm in ground moving target detection in inhomogeneous clutter. For MIMO radar, a time-efficient reduced-dimensional clutter suppression algorithm termed as Reduced-dimension Space-time Adaptive Processing (RSTAP) is proposed to minimize the number of the training samples required for clutter estimation. To deal with highly heterogeneous clutter more effectively, we also proposed a robust deterministic STAP algorithm operating on snapshot-to-snapshot basis. For cancelling jammers in the radar mainlobe direction, an innovative jamming elimination approach is proposed based on coherent MIMO radar adaptive beamforming. When combined with mutual information (MI) based cognitive radar transmit waveform design, this new approach can be used to enable spectrum sharing effectively between radar and wireless communication systems. The proposed interference mitigation approaches are validated by carrying out simulations for typical radar operation scenarios. The advantages of the proposed interference mitigation methods over the existing signal processing techniques are demonstrated both analytically and empirically

    A Review of Indoor Millimeter Wave Device-based Localization and Device-free Sensing Technologies and Applications

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    The commercial availability of low-cost millimeter wave (mmWave) communication and radar devices is starting to improve the penetration of such technologies in consumer markets, paving the way for large-scale and dense deployments in fifth-generation (5G)-and-beyond as well as 6G networks. At the same time, pervasive mmWave access will enable device localization and device-free sensing with unprecedented accuracy, especially with respect to sub-6 GHz commercial-grade devices. This paper surveys the state of the art in device-based localization and device-free sensing using mmWave communication and radar devices, with a focus on indoor deployments. We first overview key concepts about mmWave signal propagation and system design. Then, we provide a detailed account of approaches and algorithms for localization and sensing enabled by mmWaves. We consider several dimensions in our analysis, including the main objectives, techniques, and performance of each work, whether each research reached some degree of implementation, and which hardware platforms were used for this purpose. We conclude by discussing that better algorithms for consumer-grade devices, data fusion methods for dense deployments, as well as an educated application of machine learning methods are promising, relevant and timely research directions.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures. Accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (IEEE COMST

    Development and Evaluation of a Multistatic Ultrawideband Random Noise Radar

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    This research studies the AFIT noise network (NoNET) radar node design and the feasibility in processing the bistatic channel information of a cluster of widely distributed noise radar nodes. A system characterization is used to predict theoretical localization performance metrics. Design and integration of a distributed and central signal and data processing architecture enables the Matlab®-driven signal data acquisition, digital processing and multi-sensor image fusion. Experimental evaluation of the monostatic localization performance reveals its range measurement error standard deviation is 4.8 cm with a range resolution of 87.2(±5.9) cm. The 16-channel multistatic solution results in a 2-dimensional localization error of 7.7(±3.1) cm and a comparative analysis is performed against the netted monostatic solution. Results show that active sensing with a low probability of intercept (LPI) multistatic radar, like the NoNET, is capable of producing sub-meter accuracy and near meter-resolution imagery

    Block Circulant Decomposition of Cross-Correlation Matrix for Transmit MIMO Beamforming

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    This paper deals with the design of transmit probing signal under the trade-off between good target discrimination (low cross-correlation beam pattern) and beam pattern design (desired auto-correlation beam pattern) in a Multiple-Input- Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar configuration. The quartic optimization problem, with a finite alphabet constraint on the probing signal and using Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) in a multiplexed antenna system, is solved through a Fourier series approximation of the desired beam pattern by exploiting a block circulant property of the transmit signal matrix. The mean square error between an ideal and the proposed crosscorrelation beam pattern is -35 dB enhancing the attractiveness of the proposed approach

    Waveform Diversity and Range-Coupled Adaptive Radar Signal Processing

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    Waveform diversity may offer several benefits to radar systems though often at the cost of reduced sensitivity. Multi-dimensional processing schemes are known to offer many degrees of freedom, which can be exploited to suppress the ambiguity inherent to pulse compression, array processing, and Doppler frequency estimation. Spatial waveform diversity can be achieved by transmitting different but correlated waveforms from each element of an antenna array. A simple yet effective scheme is employed to transmit different waveforms in different spatial directions. A new reiterative minimum mean squared error approach entitled Space-Range Adaptive Processing, which adapts simultaneously in range and angle, is derived and shown in simulation to offer enhanced performance when spatial waveform diversity is employed relative to both conventional matched filtering and sequentially adapting in angle and then range. The same mathematical framework is utilized to develop Time-Range Adaptive Processing (TRAP) algorithm which is capable of simultaneously adapting in Doppler frequency and range. TRAP is useful when pulse-to-pulse changing of the center frequency or waveform coding is used to achieve enhanced range resolution or unambiguous ranging, respectively. The inherent computational complexity of the new multi-dimensional algorithms is addressed by segmenting the full-dimension cost functions, yielding a reduced-dimensional variants of each. Finally, a non-adaptive approach based on the multi-dimensional TRAP signal model is utilized to develop an efficient clutter cancellation technique capable of suppressing multiple range intervals of clutter when waveform diversity is applied to pulse-Doppler radar

    Applications of FM Noise Radar Waveforms: Spatial Modulation and Polarization Diversity

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    Two possible radar application spaces are explored through the exploitation of highdimensional nonrecurrent FM-noise waveforms. The first involving a simultaneous dual-polarized emission scheme that provides good separability with respect to co- and cross-polarized terms and the second mimicking the passive actuation of the human eye with a MIMO emission. A waveform optimization scheme denoted as pseudorandom optimized (PRO) FM has been shown to generate FM-noise radar waveforms that are amenable to high power transmitters. Each pulse is generated and optimized independently and possesses a non-repeating FM-noise modulation structure. Because of this the range sidelobes of each pulse are unique and thus are effectively suppressed given enough coherent integration. The PRO-FM waveform generation scheme is used to create two independent sets of FM-noise waveforms to be incorporated into a simultaneous dual-polarized emission; whereby two independent PRO-FM waveforms will be transmitted simultaneously from orthogonal polarization channels. This effectively creates a polarization diverse emission. The random nature of these waveforms also reduce cross-correlation effects that occur during simultaneous transmission on both channels. This formulation is evaluated using experimental open-air measurements to demonstrate the effectiveness of this high-dimensional emission. This research aims to build upon previous work that has demonstrated the ability to mimic fixational eye movements (FEM) employed by the human eye. To implement FEM on a radar system a MIMO capable digital array must be utilized in conjunction with spatial modulation beamforming. Successful imitation of FEM will require randomized fast-time beamsteering from a two-dimensional array. The inherent randomness associated with FEM will be paired with the PRO-FM waveforms to create an emission possessing randomness in the space and frequency domains, called the FEM radar (FEMR). Unlike traditional MIMO, FEMR emits a coherent and time varying beam. Simulations will show the inherent enhancement to spatial resolution in two-dimensional space (azimuth and elevation) relative to standard beamforming using only the matched filter to process returns

    The University Defence Research Collaboration In Signal Processing

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    This chapter describes the development of algorithms for automatic detection of anomalies from multi-dimensional, undersampled and incomplete datasets. The challenge in this work is to identify and classify behaviours as normal or abnormal, safe or threatening, from an irregular and often heterogeneous sensor network. Many defence and civilian applications can be modelled as complex networks of interconnected nodes with unknown or uncertain spatio-temporal relations. The behavior of such heterogeneous networks can exhibit dynamic properties, reflecting evolution in both network structure (new nodes appearing and existing nodes disappearing), as well as inter-node relations. The UDRC work has addressed not only the detection of anomalies, but also the identification of their nature and their statistical characteristics. Normal patterns and changes in behavior have been incorporated to provide an acceptable balance between true positive rate, false positive rate, performance and computational cost. Data quality measures have been used to ensure the models of normality are not corrupted by unreliable and ambiguous data. The context for the activity of each node in complex networks offers an even more efficient anomaly detection mechanism. This has allowed the development of efficient approaches which not only detect anomalies but which also go on to classify their behaviour