39,053 research outputs found

    A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic

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    The MIFARE Classic is the most widely used contactless smart card in the market. Its design and implementation details are kept secret by its manufacturer. This paper studies the architecture of the card and the communication protocol between card and reader. Then it gives a practical, low-cost, attack that recovers secret information from the memory of the card. Due to a weakness in the pseudo-random generator, we are able to recover the keystream generated by the CRYPTO1 stream cipher. We exploit the malleability of the stream cipher to read all memory blocks of the first sector of the card. Moreover, we are able to read any sector of the memory of the card, provided that we know one memory block within this sector. Finally, and perhaps more damaging, the same holds for modifying memory blocks

    CONCISE: Compressed 'n' Composable Integer Set

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    Bit arrays, or bitmaps, are used to significantly speed up set operations in several areas, such as data warehousing, information retrieval, and data mining, to cite a few. However, bitmaps usually use a large storage space, thus requiring compression. Nevertheless, there is a space-time tradeoff among compression schemes. The Word Aligned Hybrid (WAH) bitmap compression trades some space to allow for bitwise operations without first decompressing bitmaps. WAH has been recognized as the most efficient scheme in terms of computation time. In this paper we present CONCISE (Compressed 'n' Composable Integer Set), a new scheme that enjoys significatively better performances than those of WAH. In particular, when compared to WAH, our algorithm is able to reduce the required memory up to 50%, by having similar or better performance in terms of computation time. Further, we show that CONCISE can be efficiently used to manipulate bitmaps representing sets of integral numbers in lieu of well-known data structures such as arrays, lists, hashtables, and self-balancing binary search trees. Extensive experiments over synthetic data show the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: Preprint submitted to Information Processing Letters, 7 page

    A New Digital Watermarking Algorithm Using Combination of Least Significant Bit (LSB) and Inverse Bit

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    In this paper, we introduce a new digital watermarking algorithm using least significant bit (LSB). LSB is used because of its little effect on the image. This new algorithm is using LSB by inversing the binary values of the watermark text and shifting the watermark according to the odd or even number of pixel coordinates of image before embedding the watermark. The proposed algorithm is flexible depending on the length of the watermark text. If the length of the watermark text is more than ((MxN)/8)-2 the proposed algorithm will also embed the extra of the watermark text in the second LSB. We compare our proposed algorithm with the 1-LSB algorithm and Lee's algorithm using Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). This new algorithm improved its quality of the watermarked image. We also attack the watermarked image by using cropping and adding noise and we got good results as well.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures and 4 tables; Journal of Computing, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2011, ISSN 2151-961

    Stream VByte: Faster Byte-Oriented Integer Compression

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    Arrays of integers are often compressed in search engines. Though there are many ways to compress integers, we are interested in the popular byte-oriented integer compression techniques (e.g., VByte or Google's Varint-GB). They are appealing due to their simplicity and engineering convenience. Amazon's varint-G8IU is one of the fastest byte-oriented compression technique published so far. It makes judicious use of the powerful single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD) instructions available in commodity processors. To surpass varint-G8IU, we present Stream VByte, a novel byte-oriented compression technique that separates the control stream from the encoded data. Like varint-G8IU, Stream VByte is well suited for SIMD instructions. We show that Stream VByte decoding can be up to twice as fast as varint-G8IU decoding over real data sets. In this sense, Stream VByte establishes new speed records for byte-oriented integer compression, at times exceeding the speed of the memcpy function. On a 3.4GHz Haswell processor, it decodes more than 4 billion differentially-coded integers per second from RAM to L1 cache
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