1,212 research outputs found

    A measure of centrality based on the spectrum of the Laplacian

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    We introduce a family of new centralities, the k-spectral centralities. k-Spectral centrality is a measurement of importance with respect to the deformation of the graph Laplacian associated with the graph. Due to this connection, k-spectral centralities have various interpretations in terms of spectrally determined information. We explore this centrality in the context of several examples. While for sparse unweighted networks 1-spectral centrality behaves similarly to other standard centralities, for dense weighted networks they show different properties. In summary, the k-spectral centralities provide a novel and useful measurement of relevance (for single network elements as well as whole subnetworks) distinct from other known measures.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Dynamics-based centrality for general directed networks

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    Determining the relative importance of nodes in directed networks is important in, for example, ranking websites, publications, and sports teams, and for understanding signal flows in systems biology. A prevailing centrality measure in this respect is the PageRank. In this work, we focus on another class of centrality derived from the Laplacian of the network. We extend the Laplacian-based centrality, which has mainly been applied to strongly connected networks, to the case of general directed networks such that we can quantitatively compare arbitrary nodes. Toward this end, we adopt the idea used in the PageRank to introduce global connectivity between all the pairs of nodes with a certain strength. Numerical simulations are carried out on some networks. We also offer interpretations of the Laplacian-based centrality for general directed networks in terms of various dynamical and structural properties of networks. Importantly, the Laplacian-based centrality defined as the stationary density of the continuous-time random walk with random jumps is shown to be equivalent to the absorption probability of the random walk with sinks at each node but without random jumps. Similarly, the proposed centrality represents the importance of nodes in dynamics on the original network supplied with sinks but not with random jumps.Comment: 7 figure

    Adjustable reach in a network centrality based on current flows

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    Centrality, which quantifies the "importance" of individual nodes, is among the most essential concepts in modern network theory. Most prominent centrality measures can be expressed as an aggregation of influence flows between pairs of nodes. As there are many ways in which influence can be defined, many different centrality measures are in use. Parametrized centralities allow further flexibility and utility by tuning the centrality calculation to the regime most appropriate for a given network. Here, we identify two categories of centrality parameters. Reach parameters control the attenuation of influence flows between distant nodes. Grasp parameters control the centrality's potential to send influence flows along multiple, often nongeodesic paths. Combining these categories with Borgatti's centrality types [S. P. Borgatti, Social Networks 27, 55-71 (2005)], we arrive at a novel classification system for parametrized centralities. Using this classification, we identify the notable absence of any centrality measures that are radial, reach parametrized, and based on acyclic, conservative flows of influence. We therefore introduce the ground-current centrality, which is a measure of precisely this type. Because of its unique position in the taxonomy, the ground-current centrality has significant advantages over similar centralities. We demonstrate that, compared to other conserved-flow centralities, it has a simpler mathematical description. Compared to other reach centralities, it robustly preserves an intuitive rank ordering across a wide range of network architectures. We also show that it produces a consistent distribution of centrality values among the nodes, neither trivially equally spread (delocalization), nor overly focused on a few nodes (localization). Other reach centralities exhibit both of these behaviors on regular networks and hub networks, respectively

    Detection of Core-Periphery Structure in Networks Using Spectral Methods and Geodesic Paths

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    We introduce several novel and computationally efficient methods for detecting "core--periphery structure" in networks. Core--periphery structure is a type of mesoscale structure that includes densely-connected core vertices and sparsely-connected peripheral vertices. Core vertices tend to be well-connected both among themselves and to peripheral vertices, which tend not to be well-connected to other vertices. Our first method, which is based on transportation in networks, aggregates information from many geodesic paths in a network and yields a score for each vertex that reflects the likelihood that a vertex is a core vertex. Our second method is based on a low-rank approximation of a network's adjacency matrix, which can often be expressed as a tensor-product matrix. Our third approach uses the bottom eigenvector of the random-walk Laplacian to infer a coreness score and a classification into core and peripheral vertices. We also design an objective function to (1) help classify vertices into core or peripheral vertices and (2) provide a goodness-of-fit criterion for classifications into core versus peripheral vertices. To examine the performance of our methods, we apply our algorithms to both synthetically-generated networks and a variety of networks constructed from real-world data sets.Comment: This article is part of EJAM's December 2016 special issue on "Network Analysis and Modelling" (available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-journal-of-applied-mathematics/issue/journal-ejm-volume-27-issue-6/D245C89CABF55DBF573BB412F7651ADB

    Graphs and networks theory

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    This chapter discusses graphs and networks theory
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