57 research outputs found

    BMC Bioinformatics

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    BackgroundSuccessfully modeling high-dimensional data involving thousands of variables is challenging. This is especially true for gene expression profiling experiments, given the large number of genes involved and the small number of samples available. Random Forests (RF) is a popular and widely used approach to feature selection for such "small n, large p problems." However, Random Forests suffers from instability, especially in the presence of noisy and/or unbalanced inputs.ResultsWe present RKNN-FS, an innovative feature selection procedure for "small n, large p problems." RKNN-FS is based on Random KNN (RKNN), a novel generalization of traditional nearest-neighbor modeling. RKNN consists of an ensemble of base k-nearest neighbor models, each constructed from a random subset of the input variables. To rank the importance of the variables, we define a criterion on the RKNN framework, using the notion of support. A two-stage backward model selection method is then developed based on this criterion. Empirical results on microarray data sets with thousands of variables and relatively few samples show that RKNN-FS is an effective feature selection approach for high-dimensional data. RKNN is similar to Random Forests in terms of classification accuracy without feature selection. However, RKNN provides much better classification accuracy than RF when each method incorporates a feature-selection step. Our results show that RKNN is significantly more stable and more robust than Random Forests for feature selection when the input data are noisy and/or unbalanced. Further, RKNN-FS is much faster than the Random Forests feature selection method (RF-FS), especially for large scale problems, involving thousands of variables and multiple classes.ConclusionsGiven the superiority of Random KNN in classification performance when compared with Random Forests, RKNN-FS's simplicity and ease of implementation, and its superiority in speed and stability, we propose RKNN-FS as a faster and more stable alternative to Random Forests in classification problems involving feature selection for high-dimensional datasets

    Ensemble of a subset of kNN classifiers

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    Combining multiple classifiers, known as ensemble methods, can give substantial improvement in prediction performance of learning algorithms especially in the presence of non-informative features in the data sets. We propose an ensemble of subset of kNN classifiers, ESkNN, for classification task in two steps. Firstly, we choose classifiers based upon their individual performance using the out-of-sample accuracy. The selected classifiers are then combined sequentially starting from the best model and assessed for collective performance on a validation data set. We use bench mark data sets with their original and some added non-informative features for the evaluation of our method. The results are compared with usual kNN, bagged kNN, random kNN, multiple feature subset method, random forest and support vector machines. Our experimental comparisons on benchmark classification problems and simulated data sets reveal that the proposed ensemble gives better classification performance than the usual kNN and its ensembles, and performs comparable to random forest and support vector machines


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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Informatics and Computing, 2016Prediction of unknown drug target interactions from bioassay data is critical not only for the understanding of various interactions but also crucial for the development of new drugs and repurposing of old ones. Conventional methods for prediction of such interactions can be divided into 2D based and 3D based methods. 3D methods are more CPU expensive and require more manual interpretation whereas 2D methods are actually fast methods like machine learning and similarity search which use chemical fingerprints. One of the problems of using traditional machine learning based method to predict drug-target pairs is that it requires a labeled information of true and false interactions. One of the major problems of supervised learning methods is selection on negative samples. Unknown drug target interactions are regarded as false interactions, which may influence the predictive accuracy of the model. To overcome this problem network based methods has become an effective tool in predicting the drug target interactions overcoming the negative sampling problem. In this dissertation study, I will describe traditional machine learning methods and 3D methods of pharmacophore modeling for drug target prediction and will show how these methods work in a drug discovery scenario. I will then introduce a new framework for drug target prediction based on bipartite networks of drug target relations known as Random Walk with Restart (RWR). RWR integrates various networks including drug– drug similarity networks, protein-protein similarity networks and drug- target interaction networks into a heterogeneous network that is capable of predicting novel drug-target relations. I will describe how chemical features for measuring drug-drug similarity do not affect performance in predicting interactions and further show the performance of RWR using an external dataset from ChEMBL database. I will describe about further implementations of RWR approach into multilayered networks consisting of biological data like diseases, tissue based gene expression data, protein- complexes and metabolic pathways to predict associations between human diseases and metabolic pathways which are very crucial in drug discovery. I have further developed a software tool package netpredictor in R (standalone and the web) for unipartite and bipartite networks and implemented network-based predictive algorithms and network properties for drug-target prediction. This package will be described

    An Optimal k Nearest Neighbours Ensemble for Classification Based on Extended Neighbourhood Rule with Features subspace

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    To minimize the effect of outliers, kNN ensembles identify a set of closest observations to a new sample point to estimate its unknown class by using majority voting in the labels of the training instances in the neighbourhood. Ordinary kNN based procedures determine k closest training observations in the neighbourhood region (enclosed by a sphere) by using a distance formula. The k nearest neighbours procedure may not work in a situation where sample points in the test data follow the pattern of the nearest observations that lie on a certain path not contained in the given sphere of nearest neighbours. Furthermore, these methods combine hundreds of base kNN learners and many of them might have high classification errors thereby resulting in poor ensembles. To overcome these problems, an optimal extended neighbourhood rule based ensemble is proposed where the neighbours are determined in k steps. It starts from the first nearest sample point to the unseen observation. The second nearest data point is identified that is closest to the previously selected data point. This process is continued until the required number of the k observations are obtained. Each base model in the ensemble is constructed on a bootstrap sample in conjunction with a random subset of features. After building a sufficiently large number of base models, the optimal models are then selected based on their performance on out-of-bag (OOB) data.Comment: 12 page

    An Efficient Approximate kNN Graph Method for Diffusion on Image Retrieval

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    The application of the diffusion in many computer vision and artificial intelligence projects has been shown to give excellent improvements in performance. One of the main bottlenecks of this technique is the quadratic growth of the kNN graph size due to the high-quantity of new connections between nodes in the graph, resulting in long computation times. Several strategies have been proposed to address this, but none are effective and efficient. Our novel technique, based on LSH projections, obtains the same performance as the exact kNN graph after diffusion, but in less time (approximately 18 times faster on a dataset of a hundred thousand images). The proposed method was validated and compared with other state-of-the-art on several public image datasets, including Oxford5k, Paris6k, and Oxford105k

    A Feature Selection Algorithm to Compute Gene Centric Methylation from Probe Level Methylation Data

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    DNA methylation is an important epigenetic event that effects gene expression during development and various diseases such as cancer. Understanding the mechanism of action of DNA methylation is important for downstream analysis. In the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation 450K array, there are tens of probes associated with each gene. Given methylation intensities of all these probes, it is necessary to compute which of these probes are most representative of the gene centric methylation level. In this study, we developed a feature selection algorithm based on sequential forward selection that utilized different classification methods to compute gene centric DNA methylation using probe level DNA methylation data. We compared our algorithm to other feature selection algorithms such as support vector machines with recursive feature elimination, genetic algorithms and ReliefF. We evaluated all methods based on the predictive power of selected probes on their mRNA expression levels and found that a K-Nearest Neighbors classification using the sequential forward selection algorithm performed better than other algorithms based on all metrics. We also observed that transcriptional activities of certain genes were more sensitive to DNA methylation changes than transcriptional activities of other genes. Our algorithm was able to predict the expression of those genes with high accuracy using only DNA methylation data. Our results also showed that those DNA methylation-sensitive genes were enriched in Gene Ontology terms related to the regulation of various biological processes

    Fast k-means based on KNN Graph

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    In the era of big data, k-means clustering has been widely adopted as a basic processing tool in various contexts. However, its computational cost could be prohibitively high as the data size and the cluster number are large. It is well known that the processing bottleneck of k-means lies in the operation of seeking closest centroid in each iteration. In this paper, a novel solution towards the scalability issue of k-means is presented. In the proposal, k-means is supported by an approximate k-nearest neighbors graph. In the k-means iteration, each data sample is only compared to clusters that its nearest neighbors reside. Since the number of nearest neighbors we consider is much less than k, the processing cost in this step becomes minor and irrelevant to k. The processing bottleneck is therefore overcome. The most interesting thing is that k-nearest neighbor graph is constructed by iteratively calling the fast kk-means itself. Comparing with existing fast k-means variants, the proposed algorithm achieves hundreds to thousands times speed-up while maintaining high clustering quality. As it is tested on 10 million 512-dimensional data, it takes only 5.2 hours to produce 1 million clusters. In contrast, to fulfill the same scale of clustering, it would take 3 years for traditional k-means
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