185 research outputs found

    Security and privacy issues in some special-puropse networks

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    This thesis is about providing security and privacy to new emergent applications which are based on special-purpose networks. More precisely, we study different aspects regarding security and privacy issues related to sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc networks and social networks.Sensor networks consist of resource-constrained wireless devices with sensor capabilities. This emerging technology has a wide variety of applications related to event surveillance like emergency response, habitat monitoring or defense-related networks.Ad hoc networks are suited for use in situations where deploying an infrastructure is not cost effective or is not possible for any other reason. When the nodes of an ad hoc network are small mobile devices (e.g. cell phones or PDAs), such a network is called mobile ad hoc network. One of many possible uses of MANETs is to provide crisis management services applications, such as in disaster recovery, where the entire communication infrastructure is destroyed and reestablishing communication quickly is crucial. Another useful situation for MANETs is a scenario without fixed communication systems where there is the need for any kind of collaborative computing. Such situation can occur in both business and military environments.When the mobile nodes of a MANET are embedded in cars, such a network is called Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). This kind of networks can be very useful to increase the road traffic safety and they will be deployed for real use in the forthcoming years. As a proof of that, eight important European vehicle manufacturers have founded the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. This non-profit organisation is dedicated to the objective of further increasing traffic safety and efficiency by means of inter-vehicle communications.Social networks differ from the special-purpose networks commented above in that they are not physical networks. Social networks are applications that work through classic networks. They can be defined as a community of web users where each user can publish and share information and services. Social networks have become an object of study both in computer and social sciences, with even dedicated journals and conferences.The special-purpose networks described above provide a wide range of new services and applications. Even though they are expected to improve the society in several ways, these innovative networks and their related applications bring also security and privacy issues that must be addressed.This thesis solves some security and privacy issues related to such new applications and services. More specifically, it focuses on:·Secure information transmission in many-to-one scenarios with resource-constrained devices such as sensor networks.·Secure and private information sharing in MANETs.·Secure and private information spread in VANETs.·Private resource access in social networks.Results presented in this thesis include four contributions published in ISI JCR journals (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) and Computer Communications) and two contributions published in two international conferences (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).Esta tesis trata diversos problemas de seguridad y privacidad que surgen al implantar en escenarios reales novedosas aplicaciones basadas en nuevos y emergentes modelos de red. Estos nuevos modelos de red difieren significativamente de las redes de computadores clásicas y son catalogadas como redes de propósito especial. Específicamente, en este trabajo se estudian diferentes aspectos relacionados con la seguridad de la información y la privacidad de los usuarios en redes de sensores, redes ad hoc móviles (MANETs), redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANETs) y redes sociales.Las redes de sensores están formadas por dispositivos inalámbricos muy limitados a nivel de recursos (capacidad de computación y batería) que detectan eventos o condiciones del entorno donde se instalan. Esta tecnología tiene una amplia variedad de aplicaciones entre las que destacan la detección de emergencias o la creación de perímetros de seguridad. Una MANET esta formada por nodos móviles conectados entre ellos mediante conexiones inalámbricas y de forma auto-organizada. Este tipo de redes se constituye sin la ayuda de infraestructuras, por ello son especialmente útiles en situaciones donde implantar una infraestructura es inviable por ser su coste demasiado elevado o por cualquier otra razón. Una de las muchas aplicaciones de las MANETs es proporcionar servicio en situaciones críticas (por ejemplo desastres naturales) donde la infraestructura de comunicaciones ha sido destruida y proporcionar conectividad rápidamente es crucial. Otra aplicación directa aparece en escenarios sin sistemas de comunicación fijos donde existe la necesidad de realizar algún tipo de computación colaborativa entre diversas máquinas. Esta situación se da tanto en ámbitos empresariales como militares.Cuando los nodos móviles de una MANET se asocian a vehículos (coches, camiones.), dicha red se denomina red ad hoc vehicular o VANET. Este tipo de redes pueden ser muy útiles para incrementar la seguridad vial y se espera su implantación para uso real en los próximos años. Como prueba de la gran importancia que tiene esta tecnología, los ocho fabricantes europeos más importantes han fundado la CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. Esta organización tiene como objetivo incrementar la seguridad y la eficiencia del tráfico mediante el uso de comunicaciones entre los vehículos.Las redes sociales se diferencian de las redes especiales descritas anteriormente en que éstas no son redes físicas. Las redes sociales son aplicaciones que funcionan a través de las redes de computadores clásicas. Una red de este tipo puede ser definida como una comunidad de usuarios web en donde dichos usuarios pueden publicar y compartir información y servicios. En la actualidad, las redes sociales han adquirido gran importancia ofreciendo un amplio abanico de posibilidades a sus usuarios: trabajar de forma colaborativa, compartir ficheros, búsqueda de nuevos amigos, etc.A continuación se resumen las aplicaciones en las que esta tesis se centra según el tipo de red asociada:·Transmisión segura de información en escenarios muchos-a-uno (múltiples emisores y un solo receptor) donde los dispositivos en uso poseen recursos muy limitados. Este escenario es el habitual en redes de sensores.·Distribución de información de forma segura y preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc móviles.·Difusión de información (con el objeto de incrementar la seguridad vial) fidedigna preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc vehiculares.·Acceso a recursos en redes sociales preservando la privacidad de los usuarios. Los resultados de la tesis incluyen cuatro publicaciones en revistas ISI JCR (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) y Computer Communications) y dos publicaciones en congresos internacionales(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

    A Trust-Based Group Key Management Protocol for Non-Networks

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    In this paper, a secure and trust-based group key management protocol (GKMP) is presented for non-networks such as MANET/VANET. The scheme provides secure communication for group members in a dynamic network environment and does not restrict the users (registered or non-registered), allowing for flexible group communication. The proposed scheme is designed to address the challenges of key distribution, secure grouping, and secure communication. For result evaluation, first of all formal and informal security analysis was done and then compared with existing protocols. The proposed trust-based GKMP protocol satisfies the authentication, confidentiality of messages, forward/backward security concurrently as well as shows robustness in terms of packet delivery ratio and throughput

    Still Wrong Use of Pairings in Cryptography

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    Several pairing-based cryptographic protocols are recently proposed with a wide variety of new novel applications including the ones in emerging technologies like cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), e-health systems and wearable technologies. There have been however a wide range of incorrect use of these primitives. The paper of Galbraith, Paterson, and Smart (2006) pointed out most of the issues related to the incorrect use of pairing-based cryptography. However, we noticed that some recently proposed applications still do not use these primitives correctly. This leads to unrealizable, insecure or too inefficient designs of pairing-based protocols. We observed that one reason is not being aware of the recent advancements on solving the discrete logarithm problems in some groups. The main purpose of this article is to give an understandable, informative, and the most up-to-date criteria for the correct use of pairing-based cryptography. We thereby deliberately avoid most of the technical details and rather give special emphasis on the importance of the correct use of bilinear maps by realizing secure cryptographic protocols. We list a collection of some recent papers having wrong security assumptions or realizability/efficiency issues. Finally, we give a compact and an up-to-date recipe of the correct use of pairings.Comment: 25 page

    A family of key agreement mechanisms for mission critical communications for secure mobile ad hoc and wireless mesh internetworking

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    Future wireless networks like mobile ad hoc networks and wireless mesh networks are expected to play important role in demanding communications such as mission critical communications. MANETs are ideal for emergency cases where the communication infrastructure has been completely destroyed and there is a need for quick set up of communications among the rescue/emergency workers. In such emergency scenarios wireless mesh networks may be employed in a later phase for providing advanced communications and services acting as a backbone network in the affected area. Internetworking of both types of future networks will provide a broad range of mission critical applications. While offering many advantages, such as flexibility, easy of deployment and low cost, MANETs and mesh networks face important security and resilience threats, especially for such demanding applications. We introduce a family of key agreement methods based on weak to strong authentication associated with several multiparty contributory key establishment methods. We examine the attributes of each key establishment method and how each method can be better applied in different scenarios. The proposed protocols support seamlessly both types of networks and consider system and application requirements such as efficient and secure internetworking, dynamicity of network topologies and support of thin clients. © 2011 Ioannis G. Askoxylakis et al

    A Novel Cryptography-Based Multipath Routing Protocol for Wireless Communications

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    Communication in a heterogeneous, dynamic, low-power, and lossy network is dependable and seamless thanks to Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Low power and Lossy Networks (LLN) Routing Protocol (RPL) has been designed to make MANET routing more efficient. For different types of traffic, RPL routing can experience problems with packet transmission rates and latency. RPL is an optimal routing protocol for low power lossy networks (LLN) having the capacity to establish a path between resource constraints nodes by using standard objective functions: OF0 and MRHOF. The standard objective functions lead to a decrease in the network lifetime due to increasing the computations for establishing routing between nodes in the heterogeneous network (LLN) due to poor decision problems. Currently, conventional Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is subjected to different security issues. Weathering those storms would help if you struck a good speed-memory-storage equilibrium. This article presents a security algorithm for MANET networks that employ the Rapid Packet Loss (RPL) routing protocol. The constructed network uses optimization-based deep learning reinforcement learning for MANET route creation. An improved network security algorithm is applied after a route has been set up using (ClonQlearn). The suggested method relies on a lightweight encryption scheme that can be used for both encryption and decryption. The suggested security method uses Elliptic-curve cryptography (ClonQlearn+ECC) for a random key generation based on reinforcement learning (ClonQlearn). The simulation study showed that the proposed ClonQlearn+ECC method improved network performance over the status quo. Secure data transmission is demonstrated by the proposed ClonQlearn + ECC, which also improves network speed. The proposed ClonQlearn + ECC increased network efficiency by 8-10% in terms of packet delivery ratio, 7-13% in terms of throughput, 5-10% in terms of end-to-end delay, and 3-7% in terms of power usage variation

    Secret key establishment from common randomness represented as complex correlated random processes: Practical algorithms and theoretical limits

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    Establishing secret common randomness between two or multiple devices in a network resides at the root of communication security. In its most frequent form of key establishment, the problem is traditionally decomposed into a randomness generation stage (randomness purity is subject to employing often costly true random number generators) and an information-exchange agreement stage, which relies either on public-key infrastructure or on symmetric encryption (key wrapping). This dissertation has been divided into two main parts. In the first part, an algorithm called KERMAN is proposed to establish secret-common-randomness for ad-hoc networks, which works by harvesting randomness directly from the network routing metadata, thus achieving both pure randomness generation and (implicitly) secret-key agreement. This algorithm relies on the route discovery phase of an ad-hoc network employing the Dynamic Source Routing protocol, is lightweight, and requires relatively little communication overhead. The algorithm is evaluated for various network parameters, and different levels of complexity, in OPNET network simulator. The results show that, in just ten minutes, thousands of secret random bits can be generated network-wide, between different pairs in a network of fifty users. The proposed algorithm described in this first part of this research study has inspired study of the problem of generating a secret key based on a more practical model to be explored in the second part of this dissertation. Indeed, secret key establishment from common randomness has been traditionally investigated under certain limiting assumptions, of which the most ubiquitous appears to be that the information available to all parties comes in the form of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples of some correlated andom variables. Unfortunately, models employing the i.i.d assumption are often not accurate representations of real scenarios. A more capable model would represent the available information as correlated hidden Markov models (HMMs), based on the same underlying Markov chain. Such a model accurately reflects the scenario where all parties have access to imperfect observations of the same source random process, exhibiting a certain time dependency. In the second part of the dissertation , a computationally-efficient asymptotic bounds for the secret key capacity of the correlated-HMM scenario has been derived. The main obstacle, not only for this model, but also for other non-i.i.d cases, is the computational complexity. This problem has been addressed by converting the initial bound to a product of Markov random matrices, and using recent results regarding its convergence to a Lyapunov exponent

    McCLS: Certificateless Signature Scheme for Emergency Mobile Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a self-configurable and self-organizing wireless network of mobile devices without fixed infrastructure support, which makes it a good candidate as underlying communication network for the Cyber-Physical Systems in emergency conditions such as earthquake, flood, and battlefields. In these scenarios, efficient communication schemes with security support are especially desired. Two cryptography approaches, the public key cryptography and the identitybased cryptography, face the costly and complex key management problem and the “key escrow" problem in the real-life deployment. Recently, the certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) was introduced to address these problems in previous approaches. However, the efficiency of the schemes based on CL-PKC is not high and can be improved further. In this paper, we present an improved certificateless signature scheme (McCLS) based on bilinear pairings. First, we theoretically compare the efficiency of McCLS with that of existing certificateless signature schemes (CLS). Second, an empirical study is conducted to compare the traditional AODV with the McCLS scheme based on AODV (McDV) in their efficiency and effectiveness against two most common attacks (i.e. redirection attack and rushing attack). Results from theoretical analysis show that the new McCLS scheme is more efficient than existing CLS solutions, and results from empirical studies show that the McDV is able to resist the two common attacks without causing substantial degradation of the network performance

    Securing routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is more prone to security threats than other wired and wireless networks because of the distributed nature of the network. Conventional MANET routing protocols assume that all nodes cooperate without maliciously disrupting the operation of the protocol and do not provide defence against attackers. Blackhole and flooding attacks have a dramatic negative impact while grayhole and selfish attacks have a little negative impact on the performance of MANET routing protocols. Malicious nodes or misbehaviour actions detection in the network is an important task to maintain the proper routing protocol operation. Current solutions cannot guarantee the true classification of nodes because the cooperative nature of the MANETs which leads to false exclusions of innocent nodes and/or good classification of malicious nodes. The thesis introduces a new concept of Self- Protocol Trustiness (SPT) to discover malicious nodes with a very high trustiness ratio of a node classification. Designing and implementing new mechanisms that can resist flooding and blackhole attacks which have high negative impacts on the performance of these reactive protocols is the main objective of the thesis. The design of these mechanisms is based on SPT concept to ensure the high trustiness ratio of node classification. In addition, they neither incorporate the use of cryptographic algorithms nor depend on routing packet formats which make these solutions robust and reliable, and simplify their implementations in different MANET reactive protocols. Anti-Flooding (AF) mechanism is designed to resist flooding attacks which relies on locally applied timers and thresholds to classify nodes as malicious. Although AF mechanism succeeded in discovering malicious nodes within a small time, it has a number of thresholds that enable attacker to subvert the algorithm and cannot guarantee that the excluded nodes are genuine malicious nodes which was the motivation to develop this algorithm. On the other hand, Flooding Attack Resisting Mechanism (FARM) is designed to close the security gaps and overcome the drawbacks of AF mechanism. It succeeded in detecting and excluding more than 80% of flooding nodes within the simulation time with a very high trustiness ratio. Anti-Blackhole (AB) mechanism is designed to resist blackhole attacks and relies on a single threshold. The algorithm guarantees 100% exclusion of blackhole nodes and does not exclude any innocent node that may forward a reply packet. Although AB mechanism succeeded in discovering malicious nodes within a small time, the only suggested threshold enables an attacker to subvert the algorithm which was the motivation to develop it. On the other hand, Blackhole Resisting Mechanism (BRM) has the main advantages of AB mechanism while it is designed to close the security gaps and overcome the drawbacks of AB mechanism. It succeeded in detecting and excluding the vast majority of blackhole nodes within the simulation time