11 research outputs found

    On the Geometric Ramsey Number of Outerplanar Graphs

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    We prove polynomial upper bounds of geometric Ramsey numbers of pathwidth-2 outerplanar triangulations in both convex and general cases. We also prove that the geometric Ramsey numbers of the ladder graph on 2n2n vertices are bounded by O(n3)O(n^{3}) and O(n10)O(n^{10}), in the convex and general case, respectively. We then apply similar methods to prove an nO(log(n))n^{O(\log(n))} upper bound on the Ramsey number of a path with nn ordered vertices.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    On geometric graph Ramsey numbers

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    For any two-colouring of the segments determined by 3n-3 points in general position in the plane, either the first colour class contains a triangle, or there is a noncrossing cycle of length n in the secondcolour class, and this result is tight. We also give a series of more general estimates on off-diagonal geometric graph Ramsey numbers in the same spirit. Finally we investigate the existence of large noncrossing monochromatic matchings in multicoloured geometric graphs

    Edge-Removal and Non-Crossing Configurations in Geometric Graphs

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    A geometric graph is a graph G = (V;E) drawn in the plane, such that V is a point set in general position and E is a set of straight-line segments whose endpoints belong to V . We study the following extremal problem for geometric graphs: How many arbitrary edges can be removed from a complete geometric graph with n vertices such that the remaining graph still contains a certain non-crossing subgraph. The non-crossing subgraphs that we consider are perfect matchings, subtrees of a given size, and triangulations. In each case, we obtain tight bounds on the maximum number of removable edges.Postprint (published version

    Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs

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    An ordered graph is a pair G=(G,)\mathcal{G}=(G,\prec) where GG is a graph and \prec is a total ordering of its vertices. The ordered Ramsey number R(G)\overline{R}(\mathcal{G}) is the minimum number NN such that every ordered complete graph with NN vertices and with edges colored by two colors contains a monochromatic copy of G\mathcal{G}. In contrast with the case of unordered graphs, we show that there are arbitrarily large ordered matchings Mn\mathcal{M}_n on nn vertices for which R(Mn)\overline{R}(\mathcal{M}_n) is superpolynomial in nn. This implies that ordered Ramsey numbers of the same graph can grow superpolynomially in the size of the graph in one ordering and remain linear in another ordering. We also prove that the ordered Ramsey number R(G)\overline{R}(\mathcal{G}) is polynomial in the number of vertices of G\mathcal{G} if the bandwidth of G\mathcal{G} is constant or if G\mathcal{G} is an ordered graph of constant degeneracy and constant interval chromatic number. The first result gives a positive answer to a question of Conlon, Fox, Lee, and Sudakov. For a few special classes of ordered paths, stars or matchings, we give asymptotically tight bounds on their ordered Ramsey numbers. For so-called monotone cycles we compute their ordered Ramsey numbers exactly. This result implies exact formulas for geometric Ramsey numbers of cycles introduced by K\'arolyi, Pach, T\'oth, and Valtr.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatoric