9 research outputs found

    Ramsey properties and extending partial automorphisms for classes of finite structures

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    We show that every free amalgamation class of finite structures with relations and (set-valued) functions is a Ramsey class when enriched by a free linear ordering of vertices. This is a common strengthening of the Neˇsetˇril-R¨odl Theorem and the second and third authors’ Ramsey theorem for finite models (that is, structures with both relations and functions). We also find subclasses with the ordering property. For languages with relational symbols and unary functions we also show the extension property for partial automorphisms (EPPA) of free amalgamation classes. These general results solve several conjectures and provide an easy Ramseyness test for many classes of structures

    Supersaturation Problem for the Bowtie

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    The Tur\'an function ex(n,F)ex(n,F) denotes the maximal number of edges in an FF-free graph on nn vertices. We consider the function hF(n,q)h_F(n,q), the minimal number of copies of FF in a graph on nn vertices with ex(n,F)+qex(n,F)+q edges. The value of hF(n,q)h_F(n,q) has been extensively studied when FF is bipartite or colour-critical. In this paper we investigate the simplest remaining graph FF, namely, two triangles sharing a vertex, and establish the asymptotic value of hF(n,q)h_F(n,q) for q=o(n2)q=o(n^2).Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Dual Ramsey properties for classes of algebras

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    Almost any reasonable class of finite relational structures has the Ramsey property or a precompact Ramsey expansion. In contrast to that, the list of classes of finite algebras with the precompact Ramsey expansion is surprisingly short. In this paper we show that any nontrivial variety (that is, equationally defined class of algebras) enjoys various \emph{dual} Ramsey properties. We develop a completely new set of strategies that rely on the fact that left adjoints preserve the dual Ramsey property, and then treat classes of algebras as Eilenberg-Moore categories for a monad. We show that finite algebras in any nontrivial variety have finite dual small Ramsey degrees, and that every finite algebra has finite dual big Ramsey degree in the free algebra on countably many free generators. As usual, these come as consequences of ordered versions of the statements

    Semigroup-valued metric spaces

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    The structural Ramsey theory is a field on the boundary of combinatorics and model theory with deep connections to topological dynamics. Most of the known Ramsey classes in finite binary symmetric relational language can be shown to be Ramsey by utilizing a variant of the shortest path completion (e.g. Sauer's SS-metric spaces, Conant's generalised metric spaces, Braunfeld's Λ\Lambda-ultrametric spaces or Cherlin's metrically homogeneous graphs). In this thesis we explore the limits of the shortest path completion. We offer a unifying framework --- semigroup-valued metric spaces --- for all the aforementioned Ramsey classes and study their Ramsey expansions and EPPA (the extension property for partial automorphisms). Our results can be seen as evidence for the importance of studying the completion problem for amalgamation classes and have some further applications (such as the stationary independence relation). As a corollary of our general theorems, we reprove results of Hubi\v{c}ka and Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il on Sauer's SS-metric spaces, results of Hub\v{c}ka, Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and the author on Conant's generalised metric spaces, Braunfeld's results on Λ\Lambda-ultrametric spaces and the results of Aranda et al. on Cherlin's primitive 3-constrained metrically homogeneous graphs. We also solve several open problems such as EPPA for Λ\Lambda-ultrametric spaces, SS-metric spaces or Conant's generalised metric spaces. Our framework seems to be universal enough that we conjecture that every primitive strong amalgamation class of complete edge-labelled graphs with finitely many labels is in fact a class of semigroup-valued metric spaces.Comment: Master thesis, defended in June 201