8 research outputs found

    Rainbow matchings and transversals

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    On rainbow tetrahedra in Cayley graphs

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    Let Γn\Gamma_n be the complete undirected Cayley graph of the odd cyclic group ZnZ_n. Connected graphs whose vertices are rainbow tetrahedra in Γn\Gamma_n are studied, with any two such vertices adjacent if and only if they share (as tetrahedra) precisely two distinct triangles. This yields graphs GG of largest degree 6, asymptotic diameter ∣V(G)∣1/3|V(G)|^{1/3} and almost all vertices with degree: {\bf(a)} 6 in GG; {\bf(b)} 4 in exactly six connected subgraphs of the (3,6,3,6)(3,6,3,6)-semi-regular tessellation; and {\bf(c)} 3 in exactly four connected subgraphs of the {6,3}\{6,3\}-regular hexagonal tessellation. These vertices have as closed neighborhoods the union (in a fixed way) of closed neighborhoods in the ten respective resulting tessellations. Generalizing asymptotic results are discussed as well.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Transversals in generalized Latin squares

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    We are seeking a sufficient condition that forces a transversal in a generalized Latin square. A generalized Latin square of order nn is equivalent to a proper edge-coloring of Kn,nK_{n,n}. A transversal corresponds to a multicolored perfect matching. Akbari and Alipour defined l(n)l(n) as the least integer such that every properly edge-colored Kn,nK_{n,n}, which contains at least l(n)l(n) different colors, admits a multicolored perfect matching. They conjectured that l(n)≤n2/2l(n)\leq n^2/2 if nn is large enough. In this note we prove that l(n)l(n) is bounded from above by 0.75n20.75n^2 if n>1n>1. We point out a connection to anti-Ramsey problems. We propose a conjecture related to a well-known result by Woolbright and Fu, that every proper edge-coloring of K2nK_{2n} admits a multicolored 11-factor

    Bounded degree graphs and hypergraphs with no full rainbow matchings

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    Given a multi-hypergraph GG that is edge-colored into color classes E1,…,EnE_1, \ldots, E_n, a full rainbow matching is a matching of GG that contains exactly one edge from each color class EiE_i. One way to guarantee the existence of a full rainbow matching is to have the size of each color class EiE_i be sufficiently large compared to the maximum degree of GG. In this paper, we apply a simple iterative method to construct edge-colored multi-hypergraphs with a given maximum degree, large color classes, and no full rainbow matchings. First, for every r≥1r \ge 1 and Δ≥2\Delta \ge 2, we construct edge-colored rr-uniform multi-hypergraphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta such that each color class has size ∣Ei∣≥rΔ−1|E_i| \ge r\Delta - 1 and there is no full rainbow matching, which demonstrates that a theorem of Aharoni, Berger, and Meshulam (2005) is best possible. Second, we construct properly edge-colored multigraphs with no full rainbow matchings which disprove conjectures of Delcourt and Postle (2022). Finally, we apply results on full rainbow matchings to list edge-colorings and prove that a color degree generalization of Galvin's theorem (1995) does not hold