994 research outputs found

    Wi-Fi Sensing: Applications and Challenges

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    Wi-Fi technology has strong potentials in indoor and outdoor sensing applications, it has several important features which makes it an appealing option compared to other sensing technologies. This paper presents a survey on different applications of Wi-Fi based sensing systems such as elderly people monitoring, activity classification, gesture recognition, people counting, through the wall sensing, behind the corner sensing, and many other applications. The challenges and interesting future directions are also highlighted

    3D Tracking via Body Radio Reflections

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    This paper introduces WiTrack, a system that tracks the 3D motion of a user from the radio signals reflected off her body. It works even if the person is occluded from the WiTrack device or in a different room. WiTrack does not require the user to carry any wireless device, yet its accuracy exceeds current RF localization systems, which require the user to hold a transceiver. Empirical measurements with a WiTrack prototype show that, on average, it localizes the center of a human body to within 10 to 13 cm in the x and y dimensions, and 21 cm in the z dimension. It also provides coarse tracking of body parts, identifying the direction of a pointing hand with a median of 11.2 degrees. WiTrack bridges a gap between RF-based localization systems which locate a user through walls and occlusions, and human-computer interaction systems like WiTrack, which can track a user without instrumenting her body, but require the user to stay within the direct line of sight of the device

    Intelligent Sensing and Learning for Advanced MIMO Communication Systems

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    Wi-Fi Sensing: Applications and Challenges

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    Wi-Fi technology has strong potentials in indoor and outdoor sensing applications, it has several important features which makes it an appealing option compared to other sensing technologies. This paper presents a survey on different applications of Wi-Fi-based sensing systems such as elderly people monitoring, activity classification, gesture recognition, people counting, through the wall sensing, behind the corner sensing, and many other applications. The challenges and interesting future directions are also highlighted

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationLow-cost wireless embedded systems can make radio channel measurements for the purposes of radio localization, synchronization, and breathing monitoring. Most of those systems measure the radio channel via the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), which is widely available on inexpensive radio transceivers. However, the use of standard RSSI imposes multiple limitations on the accuracy and reliability of such systems; moreover, higher accuracy is only accessible with very high-cost systems, both in bandwidth and device costs. On the other hand, wireless devices also rely on synchronized notion of time to coordinate tasks (transmit, receive, sleep, etc.), especially in time-based localization systems. Existing solutions use multiple message exchanges to estimate time offset and clock skew, which further increases channel utilization. In this dissertation, the design of the systems that use RSSI for device-free localization, device-based localization, and breathing monitoring applications are evaluated. Next, the design and evaluation of novel wireless embedded systems are introduced to enable more fine-grained radio signal measurements to the application. I design and study the effect of increasing the resolution of RSSI beyond the typical 1 dB step size, which is the current standard, with a couple of example applications: breathing monitoring and gesture recognition. Lastly, the Stitch architecture is then proposed to allow the frequency and time synchronization of multiple nodes' clocks. The prototype platform, Chronos, implements radio frequency synchronization (RFS), which accesses complex baseband samples from a low-power low-cost narrowband radio, estimates the carrier frequency offset, and iteratively drives the difference between two nodes' main local oscillators (LO) to less than 3 parts per billion (ppb). An optimized time synchronization and ranging protocols (EffToF) is designed and implemented to achieve the same timing accuracy as the state-of-the-art but with 59% less utilization of the UWB channel. Based on this dissertation, I could foresee Stitch and RFS further improving the robustness of communications infrastructure to GPS jamming, allow exploration of applications such as distributed beamforming and MIMO, and enable new highly-synchronous wireless sensing and actuation systems

    Langattomien anturiverkkojen sotilas-, agroteknologia- ja energiatutkimussovelluksia

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    The physical quantities nowadays are widely measured by using electronic sensors. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are low-cost, low-power electronic devices capable of collecting data using their onboard sensors. Some wireless sensor nodes are equipped with actuators, providing the possibility to change the state of the physical world. The ability to change the state of a physical system means that WSNs can be used in control and automation applications. This research focuses on appropriate system design for four different wireless measurement and control cases. The first case provides a hardware and software solution for camera integration to a wireless sensor node. The images are captured and processed inside the sensor node using low power computational techniques. In the second application, two different wireless sensor networks function in cooperation to overcome seeding problems in agricultural machinery. The third case focuses on indoor deployment of the wireless sensor nodes into an area of urban crisis, where the nodes supply localization information to friendly assets such as soldiers, firefighters and medical personnel. The last application focuses on a feasibility study for energy harvesting from asphalt surfaces in the form of heat.Fysikaaliset suureet mitataan nykyisin elektronisten anturien avulla. Langattomat anturiverkot ovat kustannustasoltaan edullisia, matalan tehonkulutuksen elektronisia laitteita, jotka kykenevät suorittamaan mittauksia niissä olevilla antureilla. Langattomat anturinoodit voidaan myös liittää toimilaitteisiin, jolloin ne voivat vaikuttaa fyysiseen ympäristöönsä. Koska langattomilla anturi- ja toimilaiteverkoilla voidaan vaikuttaa niiden fysikaalisen ympäristön tilaan, niiden avulla voidaan toteuttaa säätö- ja automaatiosovelluksia. Tässä väitöskirjaty össä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan neljä erilaista langattomien anturi- ja toimilaiteverkkojen automaatiosovellusta. Ensimmäisenä tapauksena toteutetaan elektroniikka- ja ohjelmistosovellus, jolla integroidaan kamera langattomaan anturinoodiin. Kuvat tallennetaan ja prosessoidaan anturinoodissa vähän energiaa kuluttavia laskentamenetelmiä käyttäen. Toisessa sovelluksessa kahdesta erilaisesta langattomasta anturiverkosta koostuvalla järjestelmällä valvotaan siementen syöttöä kylvökoneessa. Kolmannessa sovelluksessa levitetään kaupunkiympäristössä kriisitilanteessa rakennuksen sisätiloihin langaton anturiverkko. Sen anturinoodit välittävät paikkatietoa rakennuksessa operoiville omille joukoille, jotka voivat tilanteesta riippuen olla esimerkiksi sotilaita, palomiehiä tai lääkintähenkilökuntaa. Neljännessä sovelluksessa toteutetaan langaton anturiverkko, jonka keräämää mittausdataa käytetään arvioitaessa lämpöenergian keräämismahdollisuuksia asfalttipinnoilta.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    HF Skywave Radar Performance in the Tsunami Detection and Measurement Role

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    Indoor localization utilizing existing infrastructure in smart homes : a thesis by publications presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Electronics Engineering, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Listed in 2019 Dean's List of Exceptional ThesesIndoor positioning system (IPS) have received significant interest from the research community over the past decade. However, this has not eventuated into widespread adoption of IPS and few commercial solutions exist. Integration into Smart Homes could allow for secondary services including location-based services, targeted user experiences and intrusion detection, to be enabled using the existing underlying infrastructure. Since New Zealand has an aging population, we must ensure that the elderly are well looked after. An IPS solution could detect whether a person has been immobile for an extended period and alert medical personnel. A major shortcoming of existing IPS is their reliance on end-users to undertake a significant infrastructure investment to facilitate the localization tasks. An IPS that does not require extensive installation and calibration procedures, could potentially see significant uptake from end users. In order to expedite the widespread adoption of IPS technology, this thesis focuses on four major areas of improvement, namely: infrastructure reuse, reduced node density, algorithm improvement and reduced end user calibration requirements. The work presented demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing existing wireless and lighting infrastructure for positioning and implements novel spring-relaxation and potential fields-based localization approaches that allow for robust target tracking, with minimal calibration requirements. The developed novel localization algorithms are benchmarked against the existing state of the art and show superior performance