18 research outputs found

    Mixed Linear Layouts of Planar Graphs

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    A kk-stack (respectively, kk-queue) layout of a graph consists of a total order of the vertices, and a partition of the edges into kk sets of non-crossing (non-nested) edges with respect to the vertex ordering. In 1992, Heath and Rosenberg conjectured that every planar graph admits a mixed 11-stack 11-queue layout in which every edge is assigned to a stack or to a queue that use a common vertex ordering. We disprove this conjecture by providing a planar graph that does not have such a mixed layout. In addition, we study mixed layouts of graph subdivisions, and show that every planar graph has a mixed subdivision with one division vertex per edge.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Kreisplanarität von Level-Graphen

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    In this dissertation we generalise the notion of level planar graphs in two directions: track planarity and radial planarity. Our main results are linear time algorithms both for the planarity test and for the computation of an embedding, and thus a drawing. Our algorithms use and generalise PQ-trees, which are a data structure for efficient planarity tests.In dieser Arbeit wird der Begriff Level-Planarität von Graphen auf zwei Arten erweitert: Spur-Planarität und radiale Level-Planarität. Die Hauptergebnisse sind Linearzeitalgorithmen zum Testen dieser Arten von Planarität und zur Erstellung einer entsprechenden Einbettung und somit einer Zeichnung. Die Algorithmen verwenden und generalisieren PQ-Bäume, eine bei effizienten Planaritätstests verwendete Datenstruktur

    Ordered Level Planarity, Geodesic Planarity and Bi-Monotonicity

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    We introduce and study the problem Ordered Level Planarity which asks for a planar drawing of a graph such that vertices are placed at prescribed positions in the plane and such that every edge is realized as a y-monotone curve. This can be interpreted as a variant of Level Planarity in which the vertices on each level appear in a prescribed total order. We establish a complexity dichotomy with respect to both the maximum degree and the level-width, that is, the maximum number of vertices that share a level. Our study of Ordered Level Planarity is motivated by connections to several other graph drawing problems. Geodesic Planarity asks for a planar drawing of a graph such that vertices are placed at prescribed positions in the plane and such that every edge is realized as a polygonal path composed of line segments with two adjacent directions from a given set SS of directions symmetric with respect to the origin. Our results on Ordered Level Planarity imply NPNP-hardness for any SS with S4|S|\ge 4 even if the given graph is a matching. Katz, Krug, Rutter and Wolff claimed that for matchings Manhattan Geodesic Planarity, the case where SS contains precisely the horizontal and vertical directions, can be solved in polynomial time [GD'09]. Our results imply that this is incorrect unless P=NPP=NP. Our reduction extends to settle the complexity of the Bi-Monotonicity problem, which was proposed by Fulek, Pelsmajer, Schaefer and \v{S}tefankovi\v{c}. Ordered Level Planarity turns out to be a special case of T-Level Planarity, Clustered Level Planarity and Constrained Level Planarity. Thus, our results strengthen previous hardness results. In particular, our reduction to Clustered Level Planarity generates instances with only two non-trivial clusters. This answers a question posed by Angelini, Da Lozzo, Di Battista, Frati and Roselli.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Strip Planarity Testing of Embedded Planar Graphs

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    In this paper we introduce and study the strip planarity testing problem, which takes as an input a planar graph G(V,E)G(V,E) and a function γ:V{1,2,,k}\gamma:V \rightarrow \{1,2,\dots,k\} and asks whether a planar drawing of GG exists such that each edge is monotone in the yy-direction and, for any u,vVu,v\in V with γ(u)<γ(v)\gamma(u)<\gamma(v), it holds y(u)<y(v)y(u)<y(v). The problem has strong relationships with some of the most deeply studied variants of the planarity testing problem, such as clustered planarity, upward planarity, and level planarity. We show that the problem is polynomial-time solvable if GG has a fixed planar embedding.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, extended version of 'Strip Planarity Testing' (21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 2013

    Radial level planarity with fixed embedding

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    We study level planarity testing of graphs with a fixed combinatorial embedding for three different notions of combinatorial embeddings, namely the level embedding, the upward embedding and the planar embedding. These notions allow for increasing degrees of freedom in their corresponding drawings. For the fixed level embedding there are known and easy to test level planarity criteria. We use these criteria to prove an "untangling" lemma that plays a key role in a simple level planarity test for the case where only the upward embedding is fixed. This test is then adapted to the case where only the planar embedding is fixed. Further, we characterize radial upward planar embeddings, which lets us extend our results to radial level planarity. No algorithms were previously known for these problems

    Hanani-Tutte for radial planarity

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    A drawing of a graph G is radial if the vertices of G are placed on concentric circles C 1 , . . . , C k with common center c , and edges are drawn radially : every edge intersects every circle centered at c at most once. G is radial planar if it has a radial embedding, that is, a crossing-free radial drawing. If the vertices of G are ordered or partitioned into ordered levels (as they are for leveled graphs), we require that the assignment of vertices to circles corresponds to the given ordering or leveling. We show that a graph G is radial planar if G has a radial drawing in which every two edges cross an even number of times; the radial embedding has the same leveling as the radial drawing. In other words, we establish the weak variant of the Hanani-Tutte theorem for radial planarity. This generalizes a result by Pach and Toth

    Multilevel Planarity

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    In this paper, we introduce and study multilevel planarity, a generalization of upward planarity and level planarity. Let G=(V,E)G = (V, E) be a directed graph and let :VP(Z)\ell: V \to \mathcal P(\mathbb Z) be a function that assigns a finite set of integers to each vertex. A multilevel-planar drawing of GG is a planar drawing of GG such that for each vertex vVv\in V its yy-coordinate y(v)y(v) is in (v)\ell(v), nd each edge is drawn as a strictly yy-monotone curve. We present linear-time algorithms for testing multilevel planarity of embedded graphs with a single source and of oriented cycles. Complementing these algorithmic results, we show that multilevel-planarity testing is NP-complete even in very restricted cases