1,787 research outputs found

    Gait Analysis of Horses for Lameness Detection with Radar Sensors

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    This paper presents the preliminary investigation of the use of radar signatures to detect and assess lameness of horses and its severity. Radar sensors in this context can provide attractive contactless sensing capabilities, as a complementary or alternative technology to the current techniques for lameness assessment using video-graphics and inertial sensors attached to the horses' body. The paper presents several examples of experimental data collected at the Weipers Centre Equine Hospital at the University of Glasgow, showing the micro- Doppler signatures of horses and preliminary results of their analysis

    SimHumalator: An Open Source End-to-End Radar Simulator For Human Activity Recognition

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    Radio-frequency based non-cooperative monitor ing of humans has numerous applications ranging from law enforcement to ubiquitous sensing applications such as ambient assisted living and bio-medical applications for non-intrusively monitoring patients. Large training datasets, almost unlimited memory capacity, and ever- increasing processing speeds of computers could drive forward the data- driven deep-learning focused research in the above applications. However, generating and labeling large volumes of high-quality, diverse radar datasets is an onerous task. Furthermore, unlike the fields of vision and image processing, the radar community has limited access to databases that contain large volumes of experimental data. Therefore, in this article, we present an open-source motion capture data-driven simulation tool, SimHumalator, that can generate large volumes of human micro-Doppler radar data in passive WiFi scenarios. The simulator integrates IEEE 802.11 WiFi standard(IEEE 802.11g, n, and ad) compliant transmissions with the human animation data to generate the micro-Doppler features that incorporate the diversity of human motion characteristics and the sensor parameters. The simulated signatures have been validated with experimental data gathered using an in-house-built hardware prototype. This article describes simulation methodology in detail and provides case studies on the feasibility of using simulated micro-Doppler spectrograms for data augmentation tasks

    Synthetic Micro-Doppler Signatures of Non-Stationary Channels for the Design of Human Activity Recognition Systems

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    The main aim of this dissertation is to generate synthetic micro-Doppler signatures and TV-MDSs to train the HACs. This is achieved by developing non-stationary fixed-tofixed (F2F) indoor channel models. Such models provide an in-depth understanding of the channel parameters that influence the micro-Doppler signatures and TV-MDSs. Hence, the proposed non-stationary channel models help to generate the micro-Doppler signatures and the TV-MDSs, which fit those of the collected measurement data. First, we start with a simple two-dimensional (2D) non-stationary F2F channel model with fixed and moving scatterers. Such a model assumes that the moving scatterers are moving in 2D geometry with simple time variant (TV) trajectories and they have the same height as the transmitter and the receiver antennas. The model of the Doppler shifts caused by the moving scatterers in 2D space is provided. The micro-Doppler signature of this model is explored by employing the spectrogram of which a closed-form expression is derived. Moreover, we demonstrate how the TV-MDSs can be computed from the spectrograms. The aforementioned model is extended to provide two three-dimensional (3D) nonstationary F2F channel models. Such models allow simulating the micro-Doppler signatures influenced by the 3D trajectories of human activities, such as walking and falling. Moreover, expressions of the trajectories of these human activities are also given. Approximate solutions of the spectrograms of these channels are provided by approximating the Doppler shifts caused by the human activities into linear piecewise functions of time. The impact of these activities on the micro-Doppler signatures and the TV-MDSs of the simulated channel models is explored. The work done in this dissertation is not limited to analyzing micro-Doppler signatures and the TV-MDSs of the simulated channel models, but also includes those of the measured channels. The channel-state-information (CSI) software tool installed on commercial-off-theshelf (COTS) devices is utilized to capture complex channel transfer function (CTF) data under the influence of human activities. To mitigate the TV phase distortions caused by the clock asynchronization between the transmitter and receiver stations, a back-to-back (B2B) connection is employed. Models of the measured CTF and its true phases are also shown. The true micro-Doppler signatures and TV-MDSs of the measured CTF are analyzed. The results showed that the CSI tool is reliable to validate the proposed channel models. This allows the micro-Doppler signatures and the TV-MDSs extracted from the data collected with this tool to be used to train the HACs.publishedVersio

    Non-Contact Human Motion Sensing Using Radar Techniques

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    Human motion analysis has recently gained a lot of interest in the research community due to its widespread applications. A full understanding of normal motion from human limb joint trajectory tracking could be essential to develop and establish a scientific basis for correcting any abnormalities. Technology to analyze human motion has significantly advanced in the last few years. However, there is a need to develop a non-invasive, cost effective gait analysis system that can be functional indoors or outdoors 24/7 without hindering the normal daily activities for the subjects being monitored or invading their privacy. Out of the various methods for human gait analysis, radar technique is a non-invasive method, and can be carried out remotely. For one subject monitoring, single tone radars can be utilized for motion capturing of a single target, while ultra-wideband radars can be used for multi-subject tracking. But there are still some challenges that need to be overcome for utilizing radars for motion analysis, such as sophisticated signal processing requirements, sensitivity to noise, and hardware imperfections. The goal of this research is to overcome these challenges and realize a non-contact gait analysis system capable of extracting different organ trajectories (like the torso, hands and legs) from a complex human motion such as walking. The implemented system can be hugely beneficial for applications such as treating patients with joint problems, athlete performance analysis, motion classification, and so on

    Advanced Human Activity Recognition through Data Augmentation and Feature Concatenation of Micro-Doppler Signatures

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    Developing accurate classification models for radar-based Human Activity Recognition (HAR), capable of solving real-world problems, depends heavily on the amount of available data. In this paper, we propose a simple, effective, and generalizable data augmentation strategy along with preprocessing for micro-Doppler signatures to enhance recognition performance. By leveraging the decomposition properties of the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), new samples are generated with distinct characteristics that do not overlap with those of the original samples. The micro-Doppler signatures are projected onto the DWT space for the decomposition process using the Haar wavelet. The returned decomposition components are used in different configurations to generate new data. Three new samples are obtained from a single spectrogram, which increases the amount of training data without creating duplicates. Next, the augmented samples are processed using the Sobel filter. This step allows each sample to be expanded into three representations, including the gradient in the x-direction (Dx), y-direction (Dy), and both x- and y-directions (Dxy). These representations are used as input for training a three-input convolutional neural network-long short-term memory support vector machine (CNN-LSTM-SVM) model. We have assessed the feasibility of our solution by evaluating it on three datasets containing micro-Doppler signatures of human activities, including Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) 77 GHz, FMCW 24 GHz, and Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band (IR-UWB) 10 GHz datasets. Several experiments have been carried out to evaluate the model\u27s performance with the inclusion of additional samples. The model was trained from scratch only on the augmented samples and tested on the original samples. Our augmentation approach has been thoroughly evaluated using various metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The results demonstrate a substantial improvement in the recognition rate and effectively alleviate the overfitting effect. Accuracies of 96.47%, 94.27%, and 98.18% are obtained for the FMCW 77 GHz, FMCW 24 GHz, and IR- UWB 10 GHz datasets, respectively. The findings of the study demonstrate the utility of DWT to enrich micro-Doppler training samples to improve HAR performance. Furthermore, the processing step was found to be efficient in enhancing the classification accuracy, achieving 96.78%, 96.32%, and 100% for the FMCW 77 GHz, FMCW 24 GHz, and IR-UWB 10 GHz datasets, respectively

    Discrimination Between Child and Adult Forms Using Radar Frequency Signature Analysis

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    In this thesis we develop a method to discriminate between adult and child radar signatures. In particular, we examine radar data measured from behind a wall, which introduces radar signal attenuation and multipath effects. To investigate the child/adult discrimination problem in a through-wall, multipath scenario, a previously developed free-space human scattering model was expanded to incorporate multiple paths, and the effects of transmission through, and reflections from, walls and ground. The ground was modeled as a perfectly reflecting surface, while the walls were modeled as homogeneous concrete slabs. Twenty-five reflection paths were identified, involving the direct paths, as well as reflected paths between the ground and an adjacent wall. All paths included two-way transmission through an obstructing wall

    Magnetic and radar sensing for multimodal remote health monitoring

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    With the increased life expectancy and rise in health conditions related to aging, there is a need for new technologies that can routinely monitor vulnerable people, identify their daily pattern of activities and any anomaly or critical events such as falls. This paper aims to evaluate magnetic and radar sensors as suitable technologies for remote health monitoring purpose, both individually and fusing their information. After experiments and collecting data from 20 volunteers, numerical features has been extracted in both time and frequency domains. In order to analyse and verify the validation of fusion method for different classifiers, a Support Vector Machine with a quadratic kernel, and an Artificial Neural Network with one and multiple hidden layers have been implemented. Furthermore, for both classifiers, feature selection has been performed to obtain salient features. Using this technique along with fusion, both classifiers can detect 10 different activities with an accuracy rate of approximately 96%. In cases where the user is unknown to the classifier, an accuracy of approximately 92% is maintained
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