40 research outputs found

    Феноменология переживаний и успешность адаптации вынужденных мигрантов

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    The article focuses on the problem of migration. In the last few years the scale of this problem has caused a crisis in Europe. The number of migrants from North Africa, Middle East, and South Asia to Europe has grown to over half a million people this year. The authors analyze the problem of migration from the South-East of Ukraine to the Republic of Belarus, because of military operations in this region since 2014.The phenomenon of mass migration is new for the Republic of Belarus. Since the successful adaptation of migrants determines their socio-psychological well-being, as well as the welfare of the population of Belarus in whole, this problem requires a comprehensive study.The aim of the present study was to reveal (a) the features and nature of the experiences of forced migrants, factors determining the intensity, depth, and duration of these experiences, and (b) the success of their adaptation in the Republic of Belarus. The results of the study demonstrated that despite the similarity of Ukrainian and Belarusian cultures and absence of language barrier, the process of migrationwas the strongest stress factor for Ukrainians, since it was the unplanned and forced escape from a situation of war. The carried out analysis enabled the authors to argue that prolonged intense negative emotions were characteristic to a number of forced migrants from the South-East of Ukraine who arrived to the Republic of Belarus. Thesenegative emotions led to post-traumatic stress disorder, identity crisis, and the loss of meaning of life. The findings of the study can be successfully used for the development of an effective program of assistance to forced migrants in crisis situations.В статье рассматривается проблема миграции, масштабность которой в последние годы привела к кризису в Европе. Число мигрантов из стран Северной Африки, Ближнего Востока и Южной Азии в Европе в этом году составило более полумиллиона человек. Авторы в статье анализируют проблему миграции в Республику Беларусь с юго-востока Украины в связи с военными действиями, развернувшимися с 2014 года в этом регионе. Феномен такой массовой миграции для Беларуси является новым и требует комплексного изучения, т. к. успешность адаптации прибывших граждан определяет не только их социально-психологическое благополучие, но и, в целом, благополучие населения Беларуси. В связи с этим авторами было предпринято исследование, целью которого являлось выявление особенностей и характера переживаний вынужденных мигрантов, факторов, обуславливающих их интенсивность, глубину, продолжительность, а также успешность адаптации в Республике Беларусь. По результатам исследования авторы делают выводы, что, несмотря на сходство украинской и белорусской культур, отсутствие языкового барьера, процесс миграции для украинцев выступил сильнейшим фактором стресса, т. к. явился незапланированным, вынужденным, отягощенным бегством из ситуации войны. На основе проведенного анализа авторы утверждают, что для части вынужденных мигрантов, прибывших с юго-востока Украины в Республику Беларусь, характерны интенсивные негативные переживания долговременного характера, провоцирующие посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство, кризис идентичности, потерю смысла жизни. Полученные нами результаты исследования могут послужить основой для построения эффективной программы помощи вынужденным мигрантам, находящимся в кризисной ситуации

    Отношение студентов к мигрантам как фактор и показатель этноконфессиональных установок современной молодежи

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    The first part of the article reveals the concept of social attitudes and social stereotypes, which are described in the context of ethnic relations. This paper focuses on the role of the media in shaping the worldview of today’s youth. The second part of the article describes the study of social distance and ethnic and religious stereotypes conducted by I.V. Abakumova and A.V. Grishina. The last part of the article is devoted to the main findings and conclusions of the study.В первой части статьи раскрывается понятие социальной установки и социального стереотипа, которые описываются в контексте межэтнических отношений. В работе сделан акцент на роль средств массовой информации в формировании мировоззрения современной молодежи. Во второй части статьи описывается исследование социальной дистанции и этноконфессиональных стереотипов, проведенное авторами статьи. Далее приводятся основные результаты и выводы исследования

    Reconsidering Pre-Indictment Publicity: Racialized Crime News, Grand Juries and Tamir Rice

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    This Article examines pre-indictment publicity or, more accurately, grand jury subject-matter relevant media publicity. It examines the Rice shooting and Loehmann-Garmback grand jury process to determine, from a legal and policy perspective, what should be done to safeguard the integrity of the grand jury process in which police officers are investigatory targets for alleget use of lethal force, when the controversy is racially-charged, and where the media demonstrates pro-law enforcement and anti-minority bias

    News about Genetics and Smoking Priming, Family Smoking History, and News Story Believability on Inferences of Genetic Susceptibility to Tobacco Addiction

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    Print news stories about genetics convey information to the public. This study assesses the effects of priming a belief in genetic susceptibility to smoking addiction on smokers\u27 inferences about their own susceptibility to smoking addiction, their efficacy to quit smoking, and their intention to get a genetic test for addiction susceptibility. Respondents were 450 young adult smokers surveyed on the telephone in a randomized experiment embedded in a questionnaire about cigarette smoking practices. In the priming condition, respondents heard a news story about genes for smoking addiction. In the unprimed condition, respondents heard a news story concerning the gender of the offspring of smokers. Priming with the genetics news story did not affect respondents\u27 inferences about personal genetic susceptibility to smoking addiction. However, those finding the news story believable and having a strong family history of smoking were more likely to infer a greater personal genetic susceptibility

    ¿Retratando la realidad? Análisis de los estereotipos de los indígenas presentes en los programas de ficción de la televisión mexicana Portraying Reality? An Analysis of Indigenous Stereotypes in Fictional Programs on Mexican Television.

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    Resumen: Los estudios sobre la representación de las minorías en los medios han mostrado que los grupos minoritarios son normalmente infrarrepresentados y estereotipados en la televisión, con papeles menores y ocupaciones de bajo estatus. Son escasos los estudios cuantitativos mexicanos sobre la representación mediática de los grupos minoritarios, como el indígena. Para conocer la imagen televisiva de la población indígena, se realizó un análisis de contenido de los programas de ficción emitidos por las televisoras nacionales durante 2010. Los resultados muestran una baja presencia de personajes indígenas, normalmente en papeles secundarios o de reparto. Se detectaron los rasgos físicos, de apariencia y actitudinales que determinan sus estereotipos. Se discute el posible impacto de esta representación en la imaginería social del colectivo. Abstract Studies on the representation of minorities in the media show minority groups generally are underrepresented and stereotyped on television through minor roles and low-status occupations. There are very few quantitative Mexican studies on media representation of minority groups, such as indigenous peoples. A content analysis of fiction programs broadcast on national television in 2010 was conducted to understand the television image of the indigenous population. The results show a reduced presence of indigenous characters, usually cast in secondary or supporting roles. The physical traits, appearance and attitudes that determine their stereotypes were detected. The possible impact of this representation on the social imaginary of the collective is discussed

    Screens to see the world. Television stereotypes of the mexican indigenous population and the generation of prejudice

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    Abstract Introduction. Stereotypes are socially-structured beliefs about a particular social group, which can be derived from direct or indirect contact with members of that group. In this regard, it has been pointed out that media representations can generate and reinforce stereotypes that lead to the development of more or less prejudiced attitudes. Objectives. This study seeks to examine whether this process occurs with respect to the Mexican indigenous population, in the context of the metropolitan area of Monterrey. Methods. The study combined two methods: the first one consisted of the content analysis of fiction TV programmes in order to identify possible stereotypes about Mexico’s indigenous population; the second instrument was a survey applied to high school students of the metropolitan area of Monterrey in order to investigate the relationship between their beliefs and prejudiced attitudes towards indigenous people. Conclusions. Results confirmed the impact of the consumption of media stereotypes on the level of prejudice towards indigenous people, but not on the stereotyping of this sector of the population

    Activating and Suppressing Hostile and Benevolent Racism: Evidence for Comparative Media Stereotyping

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    This research examines the role of media literacy training and counter-stereotypical news stories in prejudice reduction. Research participants read either stereotypical or counter-stereotypical news stories after exposure to a media literacy video or a control video. After this, they completed a paper-and-pencil questionnaire that included Likert-type scales and feeling-thermometer ratings about their feelings toward African Americans, Asian-Indians, and Caucasian-Americans. The findings reveal that hostile prejudice is more likely to be expressed toward African-Americans and benevolent prejudice is more likely to be expressed toward Asian-Indians. As predicted, counter-stereotypical news stories as compared to stereotypical news stories decrease prejudice toward Asian-Indians. Contrary to expectations, the media literacy video seems to prime prejudices rather than suppress them. Interestingly, news stories about Asian-Indians increase hostility toward African-Americans. These comparative stereotyping are explained using modern racist beliefs and model minority stereotypes

    Pantallas para ver el mundo. Estereotipación televisiva de la población indígena mexicana y generación de prejuicio.

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    Introducción. Los estereotipos son creencias estructuradas socialmente sobre un grupo social concreto, que pueden derivar del contacto directo o indirecto con miembros de ese grupo. En este sentido, se ha planteado que los medios de comunicación pueden generar un proceso de estereotipa-ción que conlleva la activación de estereotipos que impactan en actitudes más o menos prejuiciosas

    Pantallas para ver el mundo: estereotipación televisiva de la población indígena mexicana y generación de prejuicio = Screens to see the world: television stereotypes of the mexican indigenous population and the generation of prejudice

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    Resumen. Los estereotipos son creencias estructuradas socialmente sobre un grupo social concreto, que pueden derivar del contacto directo o indirecto con miembros de ese grupo. En este sentido, se ha planteado que los medios de comunicación pueden generar un proceso de estereotipación que conlleva la activación de estereotipos que impactan en actitudes más o menos prejuiciosas. Objetivos. El estudio busca estudiar si este proceso se produce con respecto a la población indígena mexicana, en el contexto de la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio en dos fases: en la primera se analizó mediante un análisis de contenido los estereotipos mediáticos de los indígenas en los programas de ficción de la televisión; en la segunda se evaluó mediante una encuesta la relación entre las creencias y la actitud prejuiciosa demostrada hacia la población indígena por los estudiantes de bachillerato de la zona metropolitana de Monterrey. Conclusiones. Los resultados reflejan el impacto del consumo y de los estereotipos sobre el nivel de prejuicio mantenido, pero no así un proceso de estereotipación