15,501 research outputs found

    The role of retinoic acid related orphan receptor alpha in age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent cause of vision loss and irreversible blindness that affects more than 11 million Americans. AMD is a multifactorial disease with a number of genetic, demographic, and environmental risk factors. Currently the etiology of AMD is still unclear and there are no effective cure for this devastating disease, but recent studies have demonstrated that RORA is a candidate gene involved in AMD pathophysiology. RORA is a critical regulator of multiple biological processes and has been implicated in various physiological processes including circadian rhythm, lipid metabolism, photoreceptor development, autism, and inflammation. Our current study will explore in depth the role of RORA in AMD. We will look at the effects of RORA in the retina of mice. Localization studies of retinal tissues obtained from mice with a conditional knockout of RORA in epithelial cells showed little effect of RORA on structural cells of the retina. However, there was a decrease in VEGF and TGF-B proteins in RORA knockout. This is an interesting finding because VEGF and TGF-B has an important function in angiogenesis and neovascularization which are pathophysiological effects of AMD. In addition, we will try to identify gene targets of RORA that have also been linked with AMD. By identifying the targets of RORA and discovering how RORA regulates these targets, we hope to better understand the role of RORA in AMD pathophysiology. ChIP-seq and software analysis of the data was performed to identify all genomic targets of RORA linked with AMD. A number of promising genes were found in both RORA and AMD networks. The next step of this study is to perform quantitative analysis of these genes and how their expression is affected by RORA. Also, we will perform additional conditional RORA knockout models in cone cells and developing retinal cells to further understand the role of RORA in the retina and AMD pathogenesis

    Differential recruitment of coregulators to the RORA promoter adds another layer of complexity to gene (dys)regulation by sex hormones in autism

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    Background Our independent cohort studies have consistently shown the reduction of the nuclear receptor RORA (retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-alpha) in lymphoblasts as well as in brain tissues from individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Moreover, we have found that RORA regulates the gene for aromatase, which converts androgen to estrogen, and that male and female hormones regulate RORA in opposite directions, with androgen suppressing RORA, suggesting that the sexually dimorphic regulation of RORA may contribute to the male bias in ASD. However, the molecular mechanisms through which androgen and estrogen differentially regulate RORA are still unknown. Methods Here we use functional knockdown of hormone receptors and coregulators with small interfering RNA (siRNA) to investigate their involvement in sex hormone regulation of RORA in human neuronal cells. Luciferase assays using a vector containing various RORA promoter constructs were first performed to identify the promoter regions required for inverse regulation of RORA by male and female hormones. Sequential chromatin immunoprecipitation methods followed by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analyses of RORA expression in hormone-treated SH-SY5Y cells were then utilized to identify coregulators that associate with hormone receptors on the RORA promoter. siRNA-mediated knockdown of interacting coregulators was performed followed by qRT-PCR analyses to confirm the functional requirement of each coregulator in hormone-regulated RORA expression. Results Our studies demonstrate the direct involvement of androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor (ER) in the regulation of RORA by male and female hormones, respectively, and that the promoter region between ?10055 bp and ?2344 bp from the transcription start site of RORA is required for the inverse hormonal regulation. We further show that AR interacts with SUMO1, a reported suppressor of AR transcriptional activity, whereas ER? interacts with the coactivator NCOA5 on the RORA promoter. siRNA-mediated knockdown of SUMO1 and NCOA5 attenuate the sex hormone effects on RORA expression. Conclusions AR and SUMO1 are involved in the suppression RORA expression by androgen, while ER? and NCOA5 collaborate in the up-regulation of RORA by estrogen. While this study offers a better understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in sex hormone regulation of RORA, it also reveals another layer of complexity with regard to gene regulation in ASD. Inasmuch as coregulators are capable of interacting with a multitude of transcription factors, aberrant expression of coregulator proteins, as we have seen previously in lymphoblasts from individuals with ASD, may contribute to the polygenic nature of gene dysregulation in ASD

    Mapping Rora expression in resting and activated CD4+ T cells

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    The transcription factor Rora has been shown to be important for the development of ILC2 and the regulation of ILC3, macrophages and Treg cells. Here we investigate the role of Rora across CD4+ T cells in general, but with an emphasis on Th2 cells, both in vitro as well as in the context of several in vivo type 2 infection models. We dissect the function of Rora using overexpression and a CD4-conditional Rora-knockout mouse, as well as a RORA-reporter mouse. We establish the importance of Rora in CD4+ T cells for controlling lung inflammation induced by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection, and have measured the effect on downstream genes using RNA-seq. Using a systematic stimulation screen of CD4+ T cells, coupled with RNA-seq, we identify upstream regulators of Rora, most importantly IL-33 and CCL7. Our data suggest that Rora is a negative regulator of the immune system, possibly through several downstream pathways, and is under control of the local microenvironment


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    Endochondral bone formation is regulated by transcription factors and signaling molecules. The retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor alpha, RORa, is involved in tissue differentiation. RORa gene expression is upregulated during chondrocyte hypertrophy. Cholesterol, a RORa ligand, promotes chondrocyte hypertrophy and stimulates expression of lipid metabolism genes. My objective was to examine the role of RORa during chondrocyte differentiation and in the regulation of lipid metabolism genes. Treatment of organ cultures with T0901317, a RORa inverse agonist, resulted in growth impairment, decreased hypertrophic zone length and delayed chondrocyte cell cycle exit. In micromass culture T0901317 treatment reduced chondrocyte differentiation and expression of hypertrophic differentiation markers. Lpl, a putative target of RORa, showed decreased expression upon T0901317 treatment in vitro. RORa overexpression in ATDC5 cells decreased Lpl expression. Overall, T0901317 treatment affects chondrocyte hypertrophy. This suggests that RORa is important for chondrocyte hypertrophy, potentially through control of lipid metabolism genes

    Mapping Rora expression in resting and activated CD4+ T cells.

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    The transcription factor Rora has been shown to be important for the development of ILC2 and the regulation of ILC3, macrophages and Treg cells. Here we investigate the role of Rora across CD4+ T cells in general, but with an emphasis on Th2 cells, both in vitro as well as in the context of several in vivo type 2 infection models. We dissect the function of Rora using overexpression and a CD4-conditional Rora-knockout mouse, as well as a RORA-reporter mouse. We establish the importance of Rora in CD4+ T cells for controlling lung inflammation induced by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection, and have measured the effect on downstream genes using RNA-seq. Using a systematic stimulation screen of CD4+ T cells, coupled with RNA-seq, we identify upstream regulators of Rora, most importantly IL-33 and CCL7. Our data suggest that Rora is a negative regulator of the immune system, possibly through several downstream pathways, and is under control of the local microenvironment

    Neuroprotective role for RORA in Parkinson’s disease revealed by analysis of post-mortem brain and a dopaminergic cell line

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is almost twice as prevalent in men, which has largely been attributed to neuroprotective effect of oestradiol in women. RORA (retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor alpha) regulates the transcription of central aromatase, the enzyme responsible for local oestradiol synthesis, simultaneously, RORA expression is regulated by sex hormones. Moreover, RORA protects neurones against oxidative stress, a key mechanism contributing to the loss of dopaminergic neurones in PD. Therefore, we hypothesized that there would be sex differences in RORA expression in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), which could contribute to sex differences observed in PD prevalence and pathogenesis. In a case control study, qPCR and western blot analyses were used to quantify gene and protein expression in the SNpc of post-mortem brains (n = 14 late-stage PD and 11 age and sex matched controls). The neuroprotective properties of a RORA agonist were then investigated directly using a cell culture toxin-based model of PD coupled with measures of viability, mitochondrial function and apoptosis. RORA was expressed at significantly higher levels in the SNpc from control females' brains compared to males. In PD, we found a significant increase in SNpc RORA expression in male PD compared to female PD. Treatment with a RORA agonist showed a significant neuroprotection in our cell culture model of PD and revealed significant effects on intracellular factors involved in neuronal survival and demise. This study is the first to demonstrate a sex specific pattern of RORA protein and gene expression in the SNpc of controls post-mortem human brains, and to show that this is differentially altered in male and female PD subjects, thus supporting a role for RORA in sex-specific aspects of PD. Furthermore, our in vitro PD model indicates mechanisms whereby a RORA agonist exerts its neuroprotective effect, thereby highlighting the translational potential for RORA ligands in PD

    The effect of RORa expression on the development of biological malignancy of urinary bladder cancer

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    Background: Morbidity and mortality relating to urinary bladder cancer have remained largely unchanged for many years. Similarly, the five-year survival rate in this disease has not improved considerably. New developments in individualized therapy necessitate the search for novel factors that could predict the development of malignancy in UBC. In this study, we provide the first evidence that the expression of ROR alpha transcription factor influences the development of malignancy in UBC. Materials and methods: 105 patients with stage pT1-pT4 urothelial bladder carcinoma who underwent cystectomy were included in the study. 4 μm tissue samples were stained immunohistochemically with a polyclonal anti-RORa antibody. The expression of RORa by the tumor cells (TCs) was assessed by counting TCs with a cytoplasmic and/or nuclear staining for RORa per 1000 TCs. The association between the extent of RORa expression and non-classic differentiation, tumor advancement (pT), grade (G) and regional lymph node spread was analyzed. Results: The cytoplasmic expression of RORa was detected in near all analyzed tumor samples (104/105). The extent of RORa expression was significantly higher in tumors which were more malignant with more propensity for non-classic differentiation and lymph node metastasis. We noted a lower percentage of TCs expressing RORa in poorly differentiated tumors (G3), compared to tumors moderately and higher differentiated (G1/G2). Conclusions: Our results suggest that RORa may play a significant role in the progression of urinary bladder cancer. RORa has a broad spectrum of regulatory activity relating to cell and tissue differentiation the mechanism of which is not fully understood. This study represents another step in the process of understanding the mechanisms of RORa regulation and highlights its potential role as a therapeutic target in urothelial bladder cancer

    Pengaruh Rasio Camel Dan Corporate Governance Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba Di Bank Syariah

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    Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Rasio CAMEL dan Corporate governance terhadap manajemen laba di Bank Syariah. Rasio CAMEL diukur menggunakan Rasio CAR, RORA, ROA, NPM dan LDR, sedangkan corporate governance diukur dengan komposisi dewan komisaris, ukuran dewan komisaris, keberadaan komite audit dan dewan pengawas syariah. Data yang digunakan adalah data dari annual report yang dipublikasi di website masing-masing sampel bank syariah dari tahun 2010-2011. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dengan uji regresi berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada model regresi diketahui bahwa variabel LDR dan KKA yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap DAit (manajemen laba). 34,9% (uji dengan variabel RORA) dan 35% (uji dengan variabel ROA) artinya bahwa keragaman dari variabel dependen mampu diterangkan sebesar prosentase tersebut dan sisanya sebesar 65,1% (uji dengan variabel RORA) dan 65% (uji dengan variabel ROA) dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain di luar model. Sedangkan variabel CAR, RORA, ROA, NPM, KDK, UDK dan DPS tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap DAit (manajemen laba)

    RORA and Posttraumatic Stress Trajectories: Main Effects and Interactions with Childhood Physical Abuse History.

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    BACKGROUND: Longitudinal studies of posttraumatic stress (PTS) have documented environmental factors as predictors of trajectories of higher, versus lower, symptoms, among them experiences of childhood physical abuse. Although it is now well-accepted that genes and environments jointly shape the risk of PTS, no published studies have investigated genes, or gene-by-environment interactions (GxEs), as predictors of PTS trajectories. The purpose of this study was to fill this gap. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We examined associations between variants of the retinoid-related orphan receptor alpha (RORA) gene and trajectory membership among a sample of predominantly non-Hispanic Black urban adults (N = 473). The RORA gene was selected based on its association with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the first PTSD genome wide association study. Additionally, we explored GxEs between RORA variants and childhood physical abuse history. RESULTS: We found that the minor allele of the RORA SNP rs893290 was a significant predictor of membership in a trajectory of consistently high PTS, relatively to a trajectory of consistently low PTS. Additionally, the GxE of rs893290 with childhood physical abuse was significant. Decomposition of the interaction showed that minor allele frequency was more strongly associated with membership in consistently high or decreasing PTS trajectories, relative to a consistently low PTS trajectory, among participants with higher levels of childhood physical abuse. CONCLUSION: The results of the study provide preliminary evidence that variation in the RORA gene is associated with membership in trajectories of higher PTS and that these associations are stronger among persons exposed to childhood physical abuse. Replication and analysis of functional data are needed to further our understanding of how RORA relates to PTS trajectories