10 research outputs found

    Using Relative Neighborhood Graphs for Reliable Database Synchronization in MANETs

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    International audienceAchieving reliable communication of critical data on mobile ad hoc networks is a must before MANETs can be considered practical for standard mobile and vehicular commu- nications. This paper thus focuses on schemes that complement existing ad hoc broadcast mechanisms (inherently unreliable), which can guarantee the full diffusion of critical messages, when necessary. An interesting approach in this domain is the use of an overlay network, over which critical messages are acknowledged peer to peer, in order to verify the actual dissemination. This paper elaborates on the problem of performance, related to the discovery and the maintenance of such an overlay network, in a mobile ad hoc context. We present an analysis of a novel algorithm, SLOT (Synchronized Link Overlay - Triangular), an overlay selected based on a Relative Neighborhood Graph (RNG) scheme, and we compare its performance with that of other existing algorithms, in the context of the industry-standard IP routing protocol OSPF, which uses alternative overlay algorithms to synchronize link state databases of routers. The results presented in this paper show that SLOT outperforms other existing overlays by necessitating drastically less control traffic in order to function, enabling OSPF to scale to larger mobile ad hoc topologies

    OSPF Over Multi-Hop AD HoC Wireless Communications

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    Optimal transmission radius for energy efficient broadcasting protocols in ad hoc and sensor networks

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    On the performance of probabilistic flooding in wireless mobile ad hoc networks

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    Broadcasting in MANET’s has traditionally been based on flooding, but this can induce broadcast storms that severely degrade network performance due to redundant retransmission, collision and contention. Probabilistic flooding, where a node rebroadcasts a newly arrived one-to-all packet with some probability, p, was an early suggestion to reduce the broadcast storm problem. The first part of this thesis investigates the effects on the performance of probabilistic flooding of a number of important MANET parameters, including node speed, traffic load and node density. It transpires that these parameters have a critical impact both on reachability and on the number of so-called “saved rebroadcast packets” achieved. For instance, across a range of rebroadcast probability values, as network density increases from 25 to 100 nodes, reachability achieved by probabilistic flooding increases from 85% to 100%. Moreover, as node speed increases from 2 to 20 m/sec, reachability increases from 90% to 100%. The second part of this thesis proposes two new probabilistic algorithms that dynamically adjust the rebroadcasting probability contingent on node distribution using only one-hop neighbourhood information, without requiring any assistance of distance measurements or location-determination devices. The performance of the new algorithm is assessed and compared to blind flooding as well as the fixed probabilistic approach. It is demonstrated that the new algorithms have superior performance characteristics in terms of both reachability and saved rebroadcasts. For instance, the suggested algorithms can improve saved rebroadcasts by up to 70% and 47% compared to blind and fixed probabilistic flooding, respectively, even under conditions of high node mobility and high network density without degrading reachability. The final part of the thesis assesses the impact of probabilistic flooding on the performance of routing protocols in MANETs. Our performance results indicate that using our new probabilistic flooding algorithms during route discovery enables AODV to achieve a higher delivery ratio of data packets while keeping a lower routing overhead compared to using blind and fixed probabilistic flooding. For instance, the packet delivery ratio using our algorithm is improved by up to 19% and 12% compared to using blind and fixed probabilistic flooding, respectively. This performance advantage is achieved with a routing overhead that is lower by up to 28% and 19% than in fixed probabilistic and blind flooding, respectively

    Encounter gossip: a high coverage broadcast protocol for MANET

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    PhD ThesisMobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) allow deployment of mobile wireless devices or nodes in a range of environments without any fixed infrastructure and hence at a minimal setup cost. Broadcast support that assures a high coverage (i.e., a large fraction of nodes receiving a broadcast) is essential for hosting user applications, and is also non-trivial to achieve due to the nature of devices and mobility. We propose Encounter Gossip, a novel broadcast protocol, which holds minimal state and is unaware of network topology. Coverage obtained can be made arbitrarily close to 1 at a moderate cost of extra message tra c, even in partition-prone networks. Under certain simplifying assumptions, it is shown that a high coverage is achieved by making a total of O(n ln n) broadcasts, where n is the number of nodes, and the time to propagate a message is O(ln n). The e ect of various network parameters on the protocol performance is examined. We then propose modifications to minimise the number of redundant transmissions without compromising the achieved coverage. Two approaches are pursued: timer based and history based. The e ectiveness of each of these approaches is assessed through an extensive set of simulation experiments in the context of two mobility models. Specifically, we introduce a new heuristic alpha policy which achieves significant reduction in redundancy with negligible reduction in coverage. A generalisation to multiple broadcasts proceeding in parallel is proposed and the protocol is refined to reduce problems that can occur due to the effects of high mobility when transmitting a large number of messages. Finally, we implement and validate Encounter Gossip in the context of a real-life mobile ad-hoc network. All these investigations suggest that the protocol, together with the proposed modifications and re nements, is suited to MANETs of varying degrees of node densities and speeds

    Actes de l'Ecole d'Eté Temps Réel 2005 - ETR'2005

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    Pdf des actes disponible à l'URL http://etr05.loria.fr/Le programme de l'Ecole d'été Temps Réel 2005 est construit autour d'exposés de synthèse donnés par des spécialistes du monde industriel et universitaire qui permettront aux participants de l'ETR, et notamment aux doctorants, de se forger une culture scientifique dans le domaine. Cette quatrième édition est centrée autour des grands thèmes d'importance dans la conception des systèmes temps réel : Langages et techniques de description d'architectures, Validation, test et preuve par des approches déterministes et stochastiques, Ordonnancement et systèmes d'exploitation temps réel, Répartition, réseaux temps réel et qualité de service