20 research outputs found

    A Time-Aware Approach to Improving Ad-hoc Information Retrieval from Microblogs

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    There is an immense number of short-text documents produced as the result of microblogging. The content produced is growing as the number of microbloggers grows, and as active microbloggers continue to post millions of updates. The range of topics discussed is so vast, that microblogs provide an abundance of useful information. In this work, the problem of retrieving the most relevant information in microblogs is addressed. Interesting temporal patterns were found in the initial analysis of the study. Therefore the focus of the current work is to first exploit a temporal variable in order to see how effectively it can be used to predict the relevance of the tweets and, then, to include it in a retrieval weighting model along with other tweet-specific features. Generalized Linear Mixed-effect Models (GLMMs) are used to analyze the features and to propose two re-ranking models. These two models were developed through an exploratory process on a training set and then were evaluated on a test set

    Sentiment analysis on twitter through topicbased lexicon expansion

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    Abstract. Supervised learning approaches are domain-dependent and it is costly to obtain labeled training data from different domains. Lexiconbased approaches enjoy stable performance across domains, but often cannot capture domain-dependent features. It is also hard for lexiconbased classifiers to identify the polarities of abbreviations and misspellings, which are common in short informal social text but usually not found in general sentiment lexicons. We propose to overcome this limitation by expanding a general lexicon with domain-dependent opinion words as well as abbreviations and informal opinion expressions. The expanded terms are automatically selected based on their mutual information with emoticons. As there is an abundant amount of emoticon-bearing tweets on Twitter, our approach provides a way to do domain-dependent sentiment analysis without the cost of data annotation. We show that our technique leads to statistically significant improvements in classification accuracies across 56 topics with a state-of-the-art lexicon-based classifier. We also present the expanded terms, and show the most representative opinion expressions obtained from co-occurrence with emoticons

    Tweet-biased summarization

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    We examined whether the microblog comments given by people after reading a web document could be exploited to improve the accuracy of a web document summarization system. We examined the effect of social information (i.e., tweets) on the accuracy of the generated summaries by comparing the user preference for TBS (tweet-biased summary) with GS (generic summary). The result of crowdsourcing-based evaluation shows that the user preference for TBS was significantly higher than GS. We also took random samples of the documents to see the performance of summaries in a traditional evaluation using ROUGE, which, in general, TBS was also shown to be better than GS. We further analyzed the influence of the number of tweets pointed to a web document on summarization accuracy, finding a positive moderate correlation between the number of tweets pointed to a web document and the performance of generated TBS as measured by user preference. The results show that incorporating social information into the summary generation process can improve the accuracy of summary. The reason for people choosing one summary over another in a crowdsourcing-based evaluation is also presented in this article

    Cross-Platform Question Answering in Social Networking Services

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    The last two decades have made the Internet a major source for knowledge seeking. Several platforms have been developed to find answers to one's questions such as search engines and online encyclopedias. The wide adoption of social networking services has pushed the possibilities even further by giving people the opportunity to stimulate the generation of answers that are not already present on the Internet. Some of these social media services are primarily community question answering (CQA) sites, while the others have a more general audience but can also be used to ask and answer questions. The choice of a particular platform (e.g., a CQA site, a microblogging service, or a search engine) by some user depends on several factors such as awareness of available resources and expectations from different platforms, and thus will sometimes be suboptimal. Hence, we introduce \emph{cross-platform question answering}, a framework that aims to improve our ability to satisfy complex information needs by returning answers from different platforms, including those where the question has not been originally asked. We propose to build this core capability by defining a general architecture for designing and implementing real-time services for answering naturally occurring questions. This architecture consists of four key components: (1) real-time detection of questions, (2) a set of platforms from which answers can be returned, (3) question processing by the selected answering systems, which optionally involves question transformation when questions are answered by services that enforce differing conventions from the original source, and (4) answer presentation, including ranking, merging, and deciding whether to return the answer. We demonstrate the feasibility of this general architecture by instantiating a restricted development version in which we collect the questions from one CQA website, one microblogging service or directly from the asker, and find answers from among some subset of those CQA and microblogging services. To enable the integration of new answering platforms in our architecture, we introduce a framework for automatic evaluation of their effectiveness

    Crowdsourcing Relevance: Two Studies on Assessment

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    Crowdsourcing has become an alternative approach to collect relevance judgments at large scale. In this thesis, we focus on some specific aspects related to time, scale, and agreement. First, we address the issue of the time factor in gathering relevance label: we study how much time the judges need to assess documents. We conduct a series of four experiments which unexpectedly reveal us how introducing time limitations leads to benefits in terms of the quality of the results. Furthermore, we discuss strategies aimed to determine the right amount of time to make available to the workers for the relevance assessment, in order to both guarantee the high quality of the gathered results and the saving of the valuable resources of time and money. Then we explore the application of magnitude estimation, a psychophysical scaling technique for the measurement of sensation, for relevance assessment. We conduct a large-scale user study across 18 TREC topics, collecting more than 50,000 magnitude estimation judgments, which result to be overall rank-aligned with ordinal judgments made by expert relevance assessors. We discuss the benefits, the reliability of the judgements collected, and the competitiveness in terms of assessor cost. We also report some preliminary results on the agreement among judges. Often, the results of crowdsourcing experiments are affected by noise, that can be ascribed to lack of agreement among workers. This aspect should be considered as it can affect the reliability of the gathered relevance labels, as well as the overall repeatability of the experiments.openDottorato di ricerca in Informatica e scienze matematiche e fisicheopenMaddalena, Edd

    Managing tail latency in large scale information retrieval systems

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    As both the availability of internet access and the prominence of smart devices continue to increase, data is being generated at a rate faster than ever before. This massive increase in data production comes with many challenges, including efficiency concerns for the storage and retrieval of such large-scale data. However, users have grown to expect the sub-second response times that are common in most modern search engines, creating a problem - how can such large amounts of data continue to be served efficiently enough to satisfy end users? This dissertation investigates several issues regarding tail latency in large-scale information retrieval systems. Tail latency corresponds to the high percentile latency that is observed from a system - in the case of search, this latency typically corresponds to how long it takes for a query to be processed. In particular, keeping tail latency as low as possible translates to a good experience for all users, as tail latency is directly related to the worst-case latency and hence, the worst possible user experience. The key idea in targeting tail latency is to move from questions such as "what is the median latency of our search engine?" to questions which more accurately capture user experience such as "how many queries take more than 200ms to return answers?" or "what is the worst case latency that a user may be subject to, and how often might it occur?" While various strategies exist for efficiently processing queries over large textual corpora, prior research has focused almost entirely on improvements to the average processing time or cost of search systems. As a first contribution, we examine some state-of-the-art retrieval algorithms for two popular index organizations, and discuss the trade-offs between them, paying special attention to the notion of tail latency. This research uncovers a number of observations that are subsequently leveraged for improved search efficiency and effectiveness. We then propose and solve a new problem, which involves processing a number of related queries together, known as multi-queries, to yield higher quality search results. We experiment with a number of algorithmic approaches to efficiently process these multi-queries, and report on the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness trade-offs present with each. Ultimately, we find that some solutions yield a low tail latency, and are hence suitable for use in real-time search environments. Finally, we examine how predictive models can be used to improve the tail latency and end-to-end cost of a commonly used multi-stage retrieval architecture without impacting result effectiveness. By combining ideas from numerous areas of information retrieval, we propose a prediction framework which can be used for training and evaluating several efficiency/effectiveness trade-off parameters, resulting in improved trade-offs between cost, result quality, and tail latency

    Improving single document summarization in a multi-document environment

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    Most automatic document summarization tools produce summaries from single or multiple document environments. Recent works have shown that there are possibilities to combine both systems: when summarising a single document, its related documents can be found. These documents might have similar knowledge and contain beneficial information in regard to the topic of the single document. Therefore, the summary produced will have sentences extracted from the local (single) document and make use of the additional knowledge from its surrounding (multi-) documents. This thesis will discuss the methodology and experiments to build a generic and extractive summary for a single document that includes information from its neighbourhood documents. We also examine the evaluation and configuration of such systems. There are three contributions of our work. First, we explore the robustness of the Affinity Graph algorithm to generate a summary for a local document. This experiment focused on two main tasks: using different means to identify the related documents, and to summarize the local document by including the information from the related documents. We showed that our findings supported the previous work on document summarization using the Affinity Graph. However, contrary to past suggestions that one configuration of settings was best, we found no particular settings gave better improvements over another. Second, we applied the Affinity Graph algorithm in a social media environment. Recent work in social media suggests that information from blogs and tweets contain parts of the web document that are considered interesting to the user. We assumed that this information could be used to select important sentences from the web document, and hypothesized that the information would improve the summary of a single document. Third, we compare the summaries generated using the Affinity Graph algorithm in two types of evaluation. The first evaluation is by using ROUGE, a commonly used evaluation tools that measure the number of overlapping words between automated summaries and human-generated summaries. In the second evaluation, we studied the judgement of human users using a crowdsourcing platform. Here, we asked people to choose their judgement and explained their reasons to prefer one summary to another. The results from the ROUGE evaluation did not give significant results due to the small tweet-document dataset used in our experiments. However, our findings on the human judgement evaluation showed that the users are more likely to choose the summaries generated using the expanded tweets compared to summaries generated from the local documents only. We conclude the thesis with a study of the user comments, and discussion on the use of Affinity Graph to improve single document summarization. We also include the discussion of the lessons learnt from the user preference evaluation using crowdsourcing platform

    Spoken conversational search: audio-only interactive information retrieval

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    Speech-based web search where no keyboard or screens are available to present search engine results is becoming ubiquitous, mainly through the use of mobile devices and intelligent assistants such as Apple's HomePod, Google Home, or Amazon Alexa. Currently, these intelligent assistants do not maintain a lengthy information exchange. They do not track context or present information suitable for an audio-only channel, and do not interact with the user in a multi-turn conversation. Understanding how users would interact with such an audio-only interaction system in multi-turn information seeking dialogues, and what users expect from these new systems, are unexplored in search settings. In particular, the knowledge on how to present search results over an audio-only channel and which interactions take place in this new search paradigm is crucial to incorporate while producing usable systems. Thus, constructing insight into the conversational structure of information seeking processes provides researchers and developers opportunities to build better systems while creating a research agenda and directions for future advancements in Spoken Conversational Search (SCS). Such insight has been identified as crucial in the growing SCS area. At the moment, limited understanding has been acquired for SCS, for example how the components interact, how information should be presented, or how task complexity impacts the interactivity or discourse behaviours. We aim to address these knowledge gaps. This thesis outlines the breadth of SCS and forms a manifesto advancing this highly interactive search paradigm with new research directions including prescriptive notions for implementing identified challenges. We investigate SCS through quantitative and qualitative designs: (i) log and crowdsourcing experiments investigating different interaction and results presentation styles, and (ii) the creation and analysis of the first SCS dataset and annotation schema through designing and conducting an observational study of information seeking dialogues. We propose new research directions and design recommendations based on the triangulation of three different datasets and methods: the log analysis to identify practical challenges and limitations of existing systems while informing our future observational study; the crowdsourcing experiment to validate a new experimental setup for future search engine results presentation investigations; and the observational study to establish the SCS dataset (SCSdata), form the first Spoken Conversational Search Annotation Schema (SCoSAS), and study interaction behaviours for different task complexities. Our principle contributions are based on our observational study for which we developed a novel methodology utilising a qualitative design. We show that existing information seeking models may be insufficient for the new SCS search paradigm because they inadequately capture meta-discourse functions and the system's role as an active agent. Thus, the results indicate that SCS systems have to support the user through discourse functions and be actively involved in the users' search process. This suggests that interactivity between the user and system is necessary to overcome the increased complexity which has been imposed upon the user and system by the constraints of the audio-only communication channel. We then present the first schematic model for SCS which is derived from the SCoSAS through the qualitative analysis of the SCSdata. In addition, we demonstrate the applicability of our dataset by investigating the effect of task complexity on interaction and discourse behaviour. Lastly, we present SCS design recommendations and outline new research directions for SCS. The implications of our work are practical, conceptual, and methodological. The practical implications include the development of the SCSdata, the SCoSAS, and SCS design recommendations. The conceptual implications include the development of a schematic SCS model which identifies the need for increased interactivity and pro-activity to overcome the audio-imposed complexity in SCS. The methodological implications include the development of the crowdsourcing framework, and techniques for developing and analysing SCS datasets. In summary, we believe that our findings can guide researchers and developers to help improve existing interactive systems which are less constrained, such as mobile search, as well as more constrained systems such as SCS systems