73 research outputs found

    Developments from enquiries into the learnability of the pattern languages from positive data

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    AbstractThe pattern languages are languages that are generated from patterns, and were first proposed by Angluin as a non-trivial class that is inferable from positive data [D. Angluin, Finding patterns common to a set of strings, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 21 (1980) 46–62; D. Angluin, Inductive inference of formal languages from positive data, Information and Control 45 (1980) 117–135]. In this paper we chronologize some results that developed from the investigations on the inferability of the pattern languages from positive data

    42nd Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry

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    Abstracts from the 42nd annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, co-sponsored by the Colorado Section of the American Chemical Society and the Rocky Mountain Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Held in Broomfield, Colorado, July 30 - August 3, 2000

    More than a memoir

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    This autobiography was written originally as a test of memory, as a means of diminishing piles of stored papers and file folders, and in an effort to record events as they actually happened. It had been my experience as a child, hearing oral histories presented by adult family members, that there was great variance in their perceptions. Perhaps I could set down the "facts" of a life and leave interpretations up to any readers. Each of the chapters was distributed to my four children, Kenneth, Marcia, James and David. Inasmuch as they read the sporadic mailings, I incorporated their corrections and tried to answer any questions they raised. I relied upon friends to check specific chapters against their memories and upon Peggy Phelps to offer penetrating criticism where she discerned opinion masquerading as fact. Diane Orona deciphered my handwriting sufficiently to produce a handsome, typed manuscript, and I thank her for her patience and her aim at perfection. Who will read such a manuscript? Who among the grandchildren or children has the time for it? With the completion of the story, can I hope that others may find it of interest? The very personal nature may decide against that. The diverse nature of the subject matter would guide toward selective readings: organic chemistry with some biochemistry and plant physiology; music, but mainly singing; bi-continental living and romance; family; travel; universities; extraneous material about foundations, research support, national and international organizations, even some talks (in the appendix). However, there is a whole to it -- the story of a sample life in the twentieth century and a bit into the twenty-first. I have found life's journey exciting and rewarding. I have been fantastically lucky. NJ

    Annual Report of the University, 1994-1995, Volumes 1-4

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    DEMONSTRATING THE STRENGTH OF DIVERSITY A walk around the UNM campus as students change classes demonstrates UNM\\u27s commitment to diversity. Students and professors from a variety of ethnic backgrounds crowd the sidewalks and fill classrooms. Over the past year UNM moved forward with existing and new programs to interest more minority students, faculty and staff in the University and to aid in their success while here. Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education recently recognized the University\\u27s endeavors, ranking UNM as one of the best colleges in the nation at graduating Hispanic students. Provost Mary Sue Coleman says diversity contributes to a stimulating environment where faculty and students have different points of view and experiences. The campus becomes a more intellectually alive place, she says. The efforts to build a diverse campus go hand in hand with the University\\u27s goals of achieving academic excellence and attracting the best and brightest. MINORITY ENROLLMENT In the fall of 1994 a total of 32 percent of the student body came from underrepresented groups. The UNM School of Law had the largest number of Native Americans enrolled in any law school in the country

    A right hemisphere advantage for processing blurred faces

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    Annual Report of the University, 1992-1993, Volumes 1-4

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    SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS Preparation, approval by President Peck, delivery to NMCHE of UNM\u27s response to House Memorials 38 and 25 (on minorities and women). Development and packaging of a presentation on minorities at UNM to Hispanic community people and organizations. Renewal of faculty instructional workload report and other information for use by President Peck and others in the President\u27s Council in testimony to the legislature on accountability by faculty. Significant workload and contributions to WICHE\u27s Diversity Project: - responses to long questionnaire - projected demographics - substitution for O. Forbes on planning for diversity Reprogramming of obsolete computer program of the University of Southern California\u27s Faculty Planning Model. Work remains incomplete. Support and staff work for University Planning Council, Faculty Senate Long Range Planning Committee, Senate President, Senate Budget Committee, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee, Admissions and Registration Committee, Staff Council; Graduate Petition and grade Review Subcommittee Service to NMCHE\u27s Outcomes Assessment Advisory Group; NMCHE\u27s review group on diversity plans Service on Albuquerque Business/Education Compact Conducted several special data analyses to provide user outcome information for the Center for Academic Program Support (CAPS). Wrote reports to summarize analyses. Served in an advisory capacity to VP Zuniga Forbes for the two surveys (Campus Climate for Diversity, ACT Student Opinion Survey) and helped to draw the sample for the ACT survey. Conducted secondary analyses and prepared report of all analyses of the Freshman Survey (CIRP) for VP Zuniga Forbes. Gave presentation of CIRP findings to the Regents Subcommittee on Student Affairs. Conducted secondary analyses and prepared report of all analyses of the Campus Climate for Diversity Survey for VP Zuniga Forbes

    A gravel-sand bifurcation:a simple model and the stability of the equilibrium states

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    A river bifurcation, can be found in, for instance, a river delta, in braided or anabranching reaches, and in manmade side channels in restored river reaches. Depending on the partitioning of water and sediment over the bifurcating branches, the bifurcation develops toward (a) a stable state with two downstream branches or (b) a state in which the water discharge in one of the branches continues to increase at the expense of the other branch (Wang et al., 1995). This may lead to excessive deposition in the latter branch that eventually silts up. For navigation, flood safety, and river restoration purposes, it is important to assess and develop tools to predict such long-term behavior of the bifurcation. A first and highly schematized one-dimensional model describing (the development towards) the equilibrium states of two bifurcating branches was developed by Wang et al (1995). The use of a one-dimensional model implies the need for a nodal point relation that describes the partitioning of sediment over the bifurcating branches. Wang et al (1995) introduce a nodal point relation as a function of the partitioning of the water discharge. They simplify their nodal point relation to the following form: s*=q*k , where s* denotes the ratio of the sediment discharges per unit width in the bifurcating branches, q* denotes the ratio of the water discharges per unit width in the bifurcating branches, and k is a constant. The Wang et al. (1995) model is limited to conditions with unisize sediment and application of the Engelund & Hansen (1967) sediment transport relation. They assume the same constant base level for the two bifurcating branches, and constant water and sediment discharges in the upstream channel. A mathematical stability analysis is conducted to predict the stability of the equilibrium states. Depending on the exponent k they find a stable equilibrium state with two downstream branches or a stable state with one branch only (i.e. the other branch has silted up). Here we extend the Wang et al. (1995) model to conditions with gravel and sand and study the stability of the equilibrium states
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