7 research outputs found

    Métodos de representação virtual e visualização para informação arquitetónica e contextual em sítios arqueológicos

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    This work seeks to outline some guidelines in order to improve the use of 3D visualization applied to archaeological data of diverse nature and at different scales. One difficulty found in this process is related to the still frequent two-dimensional representation of the three-dimensional archaeological reality. Aware that the existence of data of two-dimensional nature is fundamental in the archaeological process and that they result, on the one hand, from the manual archaeological recording processes and, on the other hand, from the intense analysis and interpretation activity of the archaeological investigation team, we seek to ensure an adequate 3D representation based on 3D acquisition methods mostly available to the archaeology teams. Archaeological visualization in three-dimensional support is an increasingly frequent and necessary practice, but it continues to show some difficulties. These are substantiated in the reduced number of visualization techniques used, the use of visualization tools that are not very customized for the archaeological needs and the privileged use of visual features of the models during the archaeological process phases. Thus, the main objective of this work is to design and evaluate appropriate methods for visualizing archaeological data. To determine which visualization methods are most used during the phases of the archaeological process, an online user-survey was carried out, which allowed consolidating the 3D representation methodologies used, as well as to propose a visualization model that also categorizes the appropriate visualization techniques which increase the visual perception and understanding of the archaeological elements. Three prototypes are defined according to the different 3D data acquisition methodologies presented and visualization methodologies are designed in order to, on the one hand, take into account the scale and diversity of the archaeological elements and, on the other hand, to account for the need to ensure visualization methods which are easily assimilated by archaeologists. Each prototype was evaluated by two archaeologists with different professional background. They were proposed, through a set of previously determined tasks, to assess the interaction with 3D models and with the visualization methods and the satisfaction of the visualization results regarding the archaeological needs. The evaluation of the prototypes allowed to conclude that the presented visualization methods increase the perception of 3D models which represent archaeological elements. In addition, it was also possible to produce new objects that reveal elements of archaeological interest. It is suggested to make these methodologies available on a web-based application and on mobile platforms.Este trabalho procura esboçar algumas diretrizes no sentido de melhorar a utilização da visualização 3D aplicada aos dados arqueológicos de natureza diversa e a escalas distintas. Uma dificuldade encontrada neste processo prende-se com a, ainda frequente, representação bidimensional da realidade arqueológica tridimensional. Ciente de que a existência de dados de natureza bidimensional são fundamentais no processo arqueológico e que resultam, por um lado, dos processos manuais de registo arqueológicos e, por outro, da intensa atividade de análise e interpretação da equipa de investigação arqueológica, procuramos assegurar uma representação 3D adequada, com base em metodologias de aquisição de dados 3D geralmente disponíveis às equipas de arqueologia. A visualização arqueológica em suporte tridimensional é uma prática cada vez mais frequente e necessária, mas que continua a evidenciar algumas dificuldades. Estas substanciam-se no reduzido número de técnicas de visualização usadas, na utilização de ferramentas de visualização pouco adaptadas às necessidades arqueológicas e na utilização preferencial de características visuais dos modelos durante as fases do processo arqueológico. Assim, o objetivo primordial deste trabalho é desenhar e avaliar métodos adequados à visualização de dados arqueológicos. Para determinar que métodos de visualização são mais utilizados durante as fases do processo arqueológico realizou-se um questionário online que permitiu consolidar as metodologias de representação 3D usadas, bem como propor um modelo de visualização que também categoriza as técnicas de visualização adequadas para aumentar a perceção e a compreensão visual dos elementos arqueológicos. Definem-se três protótipos de acordo com as distintas metodologias de aquisição de dados 3D apresentados e são desenhadas metodologias de visualização que, por um lado, têm em conta a escala e a diversidade dos elementos arqueológicos e, por outro, a necessidade de assegurar métodos de visualização facilmente assimilados pelos arqueólogos. Cada protótipo foi avaliado por dois arqueólogos com experiências profissionais distintas. O que lhes foi proposto, através de um conjunto de tarefas previamente estabelecidas, foi aferir da facilidade de interação com os modelos 3D e com os métodos de visualização e adequação dos resultados de visualização às necessidades dos arqueólogos. A avaliação dos protótipos permitiu concluir que os métodos de visualização apresentados aumentam a perceção dos modelos 3D que representam elementos arqueológicos. Para além disso foi possível produzir também novos objetos que revelam elementos com interesse arqueológico. É sugerida a disponibilização destas metodologias em ambiente web e plataformas móveis.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Archaeological 3D GIS

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    Archaeological 3D GIS provides archaeologists with a guide to explore and understand the unprecedented opportunities for collecting, visualising, and analysing archaeological datasets in three dimensions. With platforms allowing archaeologists to link, query, and analyse in a virtual, georeferenced space information collected by different specialists, the book highlights how it is possible to re-think aspects of theory and practice which relate to GIS. It explores which questions can be addressed in such a new environment and how they are going to impact the way we interpret the past. By using material from several international case studies such as Pompeii, Çatalhöyük, as well as prehistoric and protohistoric sites in Southern Scandinavia, this book discusses the use of the third dimension in support of archaeological practice. This book will be essential for researchers and scholars who focus on archaeology and spatial analysis, and is designed and structured to serve as a textbook for GIS and digital archaeology courses

    Archaeological 3D GIS

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    Archaeological 3D GIS provides archaeologists with a guide to explore and understand the unprecedented opportunities for collecting, visualising, and analysing archaeological datasets in three dimensions. With platforms allowing archaeologists to link, query, and analyse in a virtual, georeferenced space information collected by different specialists, the book highlights how it is possible to re-think aspects of theory and practice which relate to GIS. It explores which questions can be addressed in such a new environment and how they are going to impact the way we interpret the past. By using material from several international case studies such as Pompeii, Çatalhöyük, as well as prehistoric and protohistoric sites in Southern Scandinavia, this book discusses the use of the third dimension in support of archaeological practice. This book will be essential for researchers and scholars who focus on archaeology and spatial analysis, and is designed and structured to serve as a textbook for GIS and digital archaeology courses

    Archaeological 3D GIS

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    "Archaeological 3D GIS provides archaeologists with a guide to explore and understand the unprecedented opportunities for collecting, visualising, and analysing archaeological datasets in three dimensions. With platforms allowing archaeologists to link, query, and analyse in a virtual, georeferenced space information collected by different specialists, the book highlights how it is possible to re-think aspects of theory and practice which relate to GIS. It explores which questions can be addressed in such a new environment and how they are going to impact the way we interpret the past. By using material from several international case studies such as Pompeii, Çatalhöyük, as well as prehistoric and protohistoric sites in Southern Scandinavia, this book discusses the use of the third dimension in support of archaeological practice. This book will be essential for researchers and scholars who focus on archaeology and spatial analysis, and is designed and structured to serve as a textbook for GIS and digital archaeology courses.

    Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013

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    This volume presents a selection of the best papers presented at the forty-first annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. The theme for the conference was "Across Space and Time", and the papers explore a multitude of topics related to that concept, including databases, the semantic Web, geographical information systems, data collection and management, and more

    Across Space and Time Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013

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    The present volume includes 50 selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the 41st Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Across Space and Time (CAA2013) conference held in Perth (Western Australia) in March 2013 at the University Club of Western Australia and hosted by the recently established CAA Australia National Chapter. It also hosts a paper presented at the 40th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA2012) conference held in Southampton