241 research outputs found

    Differential transformation method for solving sixth-order boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations

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    In this study, sixth-order boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear differential equations have been solved by using Differential Transformation Method (DTM). The numerical solutions are given in several examples. For each example, the solution given by DTM is compared with the exact solution. Absolute relative error (ARE) for each iteration can be computed. Therefore, the maximum absolute relative error (MARE) of the DTM can be obtained. To show that the solution given by the DTM has higher level of accuracy, the absolute relative error of the DTM has been compared with the other methods such as Adomian decomposition method with Green’s function, modified decomposition method (MDM), homotopy perturbation method (HPM), Variational Iteration Method (VIM) and Quintic B-Spline Collocation Method. Comparison graphs are given at the end of this paper. The obtained result shows that the proposed method is able to provide better approximation in term of accuracy

    Numerical Solutions of Sixth Order Linear and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

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    The aim of paper is to find the numerical solutions of sixth order linear and nonlinear differential equations with two point boundary conditions. The well known Galerkin method with Bernstein and modified Legendre polynomials as basis functions is exploited. In this method, the basis functions are transformed into a new set of basis functions, which satisfy the homogeneous form of Dirichlet boundary conditions. A rigorous matrix formulation is derived for solving the sixth order BVPs. Several numerical examples are considered to verify the efficiency and implementation of the proposed method. The numerical results are compared with both the exact solutions and the results of the other methods available in the literature. The comparison shows that the performance of the present method is more efficient and yields better results

    Quintic spline collocation method for fractional boundary value problems

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    AbstractThe spline collocation method is a competent and highly effective mathematical tool for constructing the approximate solutions of boundary value problems arising in science, engineering and mathematical physics. In this paper, a quintic polynomial spline collocation method is employed for a class of fractional boundary value problems (FBVPs). The FBVPs are expressed in terms of Caputo’s fractional derivative in this approach. The consistency relations are derived in order to compute the approximate solutions of FBVPs. Finally, numerical results are given, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the numerical scheme

    Multiderivative methods for linear second order boundary value prob1ems

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    Second, fourth and sixth order methods are developed and analysed for the numerical solution of linear second order boundary value problems. The methods are developed by replacing the exponential terms in a three—point recurrence relation by Padé approximants. The methods are tested on a problem from the literatur

    Differential Transformation Method for Solving Sixth-Order Boundary Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equations

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    In this study, sixth-order boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear differential equations have been solved by using Differential Transformation Method (DTM). The numerical solutions are given in several examples. For each example, the solution given by DTM is compared with the exact solution. Absolute relative error (ARE) for each iteration can be computed. Therefore, the maximum absolute relative error (MARE) of the DTM can be obtained. To show that the solution given by the DTM has higher level of accuracy, the absolute relative error of the DTM has been compared with the other methods such as Adomian decomposition method with Green’s function, modified decomposition method (MDM), homotopy perturbation method (HPM), Variational Iteration Method (VIM) and Quintic B-Spline Collocation Method. Comparison graphs are given at the end of this paper. The obtained result shows that the proposed method is able to provide better approximation in term of accuracy

    An Accurate and Robust Numerical Scheme for Transport Equations

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    En esta tesis se presenta una nueva técnica de discretización para ecuaciones de transporte en problemas de convección-difusión para el rango completo de números de Péclet. La discretización emplea el flujo exacto de una ecuación de transporte unidimensional en estado estacionario para deducir una ecuación discreta de tres puntos en problemas unidimensionales y cinco puntos en problemas bidimensionales. Con "flujo exacto" se entiende que se puede obtener la solución exacta en función de integrales de algunos parámetros del fluido y flujo, incluso si estos parámetros son vari- ables en un volumen de control. Las cuadraturas de alto orden se utilizan para lograr resultados numéricos cercanos a la precisión de la máquina, incluso con mallas bastas.Como la discretización es esencialmente unidimensional, no está garantizada una solución con precisión de máquina para problemas multidimensionales, incluso en los casos en que las integrales a lo largo de cada coordenada cartesiana tienen una primitiva. En este sentido, la contribución principal de esta tesis consiste en una forma simple y elegante de obtener soluciones en problemas multidimensionales sin dejar de utilizar la formulación unidimensional. Además, si el problema es tal que la solución tiene precisión de máquina en el problema unidimensional a lo largo de las líneas coordenadas, también la tendrá para el dominio multidimensional.In this thesis, we present a novel discretization technique for transport equations in convection-diffusion problems across the whole range of Péclet numbers. The discretization employs the exact flux of a steady-state one-dimensional transport equation to derive a discrete equation with a three-point stencil in one-dimensional problems and a five-point stencil in two-dimensional ones. With "exact flux" it is meant that the exact solution can be obtained as a function of integrals of some fluid and flow parameters, even if these parameters are variable across a control volume. High-order quadratures are used to achieve numerical results close to machine- accuracy even with coarse grids. As the discretization is essentially one-dimensional, getting the machine- accurate solution of multidimensional problems is not guaranteed even in cases where the integrals along each Cartesian coordinate have a primitive. In this regard, the main contribution of this thesis consists in a simple and elegant way of getting solutions in multidimensional problems while still using the one-dimensional formulation. Moreover, if the problem is such that the solution is machine-accurate in the one-dimensional problem along coordinate lines, it will also be for the multidimensional domain.<br /