128 research outputs found

    Ambient Data Collection with Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the most important applications for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is Data Collection, where sensing data arecollected at sensor nodes and forwarded to a central base station for further processing. Since using battery powers and wirelesscommunications, sensor nodes can be very small and easily attached at specified locations without disturbing surroundingenvironments. This makes WSN a competitive approach for data collection comparing with its wired counterpart. In this paper,we review recent advances in this research area. We first highlight the special features of data collection WSNs, by comparingwith wired data collection network and other WSN applications. With these features in mind, we then discuss issues and priorsolutions on the data gathering protocol design. Our discussion also covers different approaches for message dissemination, whichis a critical component for network control and management and greatly affects the overall performance of a data collectionWSNsystem

    Epistemic Protocols for Distributed Gossiping

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    Gossip protocols aim at arriving, by means of point-to-point or group communications, at a situation in which all the agents know each other's secrets. We consider distributed gossip protocols which are expressed by means of epistemic logic. We provide an operational semantics of such protocols and set up an appropriate framework to argue about their correctness. Then we analyze specific protocols for complete graphs and for directed rings.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2015, arXiv:1606.0729

    Hierarchical Spatial Gossip for Multiresolution Representations in Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we propose a lightweight algorithm for constructing multi-resolution data representations for sensor networks. At each sensor node u, we compute, O(logn) aggregates about exponentially enlarging neighborhoods centered at u. The ith aggregate is the aggregated data from nodes approximately within 2 i hops of u. We present a scheme, named the hierarchical spatial gossip algorithm, to extract and construct these aggregates, for all sensors simultaneously, with a total communication cost of O(npolylogn). The hierarchical gossip algorithm adopts atomic communication steps with each node choosing to exchange information with a node distance d away with probability ∼ 1/d 3. The attractiveness of the algorithm attributes to its simplicity, low communication cost, distributed nature and robustness to node failures and link failures. We show in addition that computing multi-resolution aggregates precisely (i.e., each aggregate uses all and only the nodes within 2 i hops) requires a communication cost of Ω(n √ n), which does not scale well with network size. An approximate range in aggregate computation like that introduced by the gossip mechanism is therefore necessary in a scalable efficient algorithm. Besides the natural applications of multi-resolution data summaries in data validation and information mining, we also demonstrate the application of the pre-computed multi-resolution data summaries in answering range queries efficiently

    Adaptive epidemic dissemination as a finite-horizon optimal stopping problem

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    Wireless ad hoc networks are characterized by their limited capabilities and their routine deployment in unfavorable environments. This creates the strong requirement to regulate energy expenditure. We present a scheme to regulate energy cost through optimized transmission scheduling in a noisy epidemic dissemination environment. Building on the intrinsically cross-layer nature of the adaptive epidemic dissemination process, we strive to deliver an optimized mechanism, where energy cost is regulated without compromising the network infection. Improvement of data freshness and applicability in routing are also investigated. Extensive simulations are used to support our proposal

    Brisa: combining efficiency and reliability in epidemic data dissemination

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    There is an increasing demand for efficient and robust systems able to cope with today's global needs for intensive data dissemination, e.g., media content or news feeds. Unfortunately, traditional approaches tend to focus on one end of the efficiency/robustness design spectrum, by either leveraging rigid structures such as trees to achieve efficient distribution, or using loosely-coupled epidemic protocols to obtain robustness. In this paper we present BRISA, a hybrid approach combining the robustness of epidemic-based dissemination with the effi- ciency of tree-based structured approaches. This is achieved by having dissemination structures such as trees implicitly emerge from an underlying epidemic substrate by a judicious selection of links. These links are chosen with local knowledge only and in such a way that the completeness of data dissemination is not compromised, i.e., the resulting structure covers all nodes. Failures are treated as an integral part of the system as the dissemination structures can be promptly compensated and repaired thanks to the underlying epidemic substrate. Besides presenting the protocol design, we conduct an extensive evaluation in a real environment, analyzing the effectiveness of the structure creation mechanism and its robustness under faults and churn. Results confirm BRISA as an efficient and robust approach to data dissemination in the large scale.This work was supported in part by the Swiss National Foundation under agreement number 200021-127271/1 and by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) grants SFRH/BD/62380/2009 and PTDC/EIA-CCO/115570/200

    Techniques for improving predictability and message efficiency of gossip protocols

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    Epidemic-Style Information Dissemination in Large-Scale Wireless Networks

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    Steen, M.R. van [Promotor

    Development of an efficient Ad Hoc broadcasting scheme for critical networking environments

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    Mobile ad hoc network has been widely deployed in support of the communications in hostile environment without conventional networking infrastructure, especially in the environments with critical conditions such as emergency rescue activities in burning building or earth quick evacuation. However, most of the existing ad hoc based broadcasting schemes either rely on GPS location or topology information or angle-of-arrival (AoA) calculation or combination of some or all to achieve high reachability. Therefore, these broadcasting schemes cannot be directly used in critical environments such as battlefield, sensor networks and natural disasters due to lack of node location and topology information in such critical environments. This research work first begins by analyzing the broadcast coverage problem and node displacement form ideal locations problem in ad hoc networks using theoretical analysis. Then, this research work proposes an efficient broadcast relaying scheme, called Random Directional Broadcasting Relay (RDBR), which greatly reduces the number of retransmitting nodes and end-to-end delay while achieving high reachability. This is done by selecting a subset of neighboring nodes to relay the packet using directional antennas without relying on node location, network topology and complex angle-of-arrival (AoA) calculations. To further improve the performance of the RDBR scheme in complex environments with high node density, high node mobility and high traffic rate, an improved RDBR scheme is proposed. The improved RDBR scheme utilizes the concept of gaps between neighboring sectors to minimize the overlap between selected relaying nodes in high density environments. The concept of gaps greatly reduces both contention and collision and at the same time achieves high reachability. The performance of the proposed RDBR schemes has been evaluated by comparing them against flooding and Distance-based schemes. Simulation results show that both proposed RDBR schemes achieve high reachability while reducing the number of retransmitting nodes and end-to-end delay especially in high density environments. Furthermore, the improved RDBR scheme achieves better performance than RDBR in high density and high traffic environment in terms of reachability, end-to-end delay and the number of retransmitting nodes