4 research outputs found

    Methodologies, tools and languages for building ontologies. Where is their meeting point?

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    In this paper we review and compare the main methodologies, tools and languages for building ontologies that have been reported in the literature, as well as the main relationships among them. Ontology technology is nowadays mature enough: many methodologies, tools and languages are already available. The future work in this field should be driven towards the creation of a common integrated workbench for ontology developers to facilitate ontology development, exchange, evaluation, evolution and management, to provide methodological support for these tasks, and translations to and from different ontology languages. This workbench should not be created from scratch, but instead integrating the technology components that are currently available

    Flexible virtual learning environments: a schema-driven approach using sematic web concepts

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    Flexible e-Iearning refers to an intelligent educational mechanism that focuses on simulating and improving traditional education as far as possible on the Web by integrating various electronic approaches, technologies, and equipment. This mechanism aims to promote the personalized development and management of e-learning Web services and applications. The main value of this method is that it provides high-powered individualization in pedagogy for students and staff.Here, the thesis mainly studied three problems in meeting the practical requirements of users in education. The first question is how a range of teaching styles (e.g. command and guided discovery) can be supported. The second one is how varieties of instructional processes can be authored. The third question is how these processes can be controlled by learners and educators in terms of their personalized needs during the execution of instruction.In this research, through investigating the existing e-Iearning approaches and technologies, the main technical problems of current virtual learning environments (VLEs) were analyzed. Next, by using the Semantic Web concepts as well as relevant standards, a schema-driven approach was created. This method can support users' individualized operations in the Web-based education. Then, a flexible e-learning system based on the approach was designed and implemented to map a range of extensive didactic paradigms. Finally, a case study was completed to evaluate the research results. The main findings of the assessment were that the flexible VLE implemented a range of teaching styles and the personalized creation and control of educational processes

    Querying relational databases through XSLT

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    XML is becoming standard for information representing and data interchange. A question has arisen if it would be possible to combine simplicity and user friendliness of XML and its querying languages together with performance of relational databases, has arisen. There are several proposals how to carry this connection out. The aim of this thesis is to inspect one of these proposals, eventually modify it and then implement it. The inspected proposal stores XML data into relational database based on knowledge of XML DTD and subsequently queries them using XSLT. XSLT queries will be transformed to SQL queries using DTD of XML data stored in database and a way to transform data back to XML will be suggested

    Querying relational databases through XSLT

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    XML is becoming standard for information representing and data interchange. A question has arisen if it would be possible to combine simplicity and user friendliness of XML and its querying languages together with performance of relational databases, has arisen. There are several proposals how to carry this connection out. The aim of this thesis is to inspect one of these proposals, eventually modify it and then implement it. The inspected proposal stores XML data into relational database based on knowledge of XML DTD and subsequently queries them using XSLT. XSLT queries will be transformed to SQL queries using DTD of XML data stored in database and a way to transform data back to XML will be suggested.Jazyk XML se stává standardem pro reprezentaci a výměnu informací. Vyvstala otázka, zda by nebylo možné spojit jednoduchost a uživatelskou přívetivost XML a dotazovacích jazyků nad ním pracujících s výkonností relačních databází. Existuje několik návrhů jakým způsobem toto propojení realizovat. Cílem diplomové práce je prozkoumání, případná úprava a následná implementace jednoho z navržených rešení, které ukládá XML data do relační databáze na základě znalosti DTD zdrojového XML a následně data dotazuje prostřednictvím XSLT. XSLT dotazy budou za použití DTD transformovány na SQL dotazy a bude navržen způsob, jakým získaná data transformovat zpět do XML.Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic