4,325 research outputs found

    The Semantic Web MIDI Tape: An Interface for Interlinking MIDI and Context Metadata

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    The Linked Data paradigm has been used to publish a large number of musical datasets and ontologies on the Semantic Web, such as MusicBrainz, AcousticBrainz, and the Music Ontology. Recently, the MIDI Linked Data Cloud has been added to these datasets, representing more than 300,000 pieces in MIDI format as Linked Data, opening up the possibility for linking fine-grained symbolic music representations to existing music metadata databases. Despite the dataset making MIDI resources available in Web data standard formats such as RDF and SPARQL, the important issue of finding meaningful links between these MIDI resources and relevant contextual metadata in other datasets remains. A fundamental barrier for the provision and generation of such links is the difficulty that users have at adding new MIDI performance data and metadata to the platform. In this paper, we propose the Semantic Web MIDI Tape, a set of tools and associated interface for interacting with the MIDI Linked Data Cloud by enabling users to record, enrich, and retrieve MIDI performance data and related metadata in native Web data standards. The goal of such interactions is to find meaningful links between published MIDI resources and their relevant contextual metadata. We evaluate the Semantic Web MIDI Tape in various use cases involving user-contributed content, MIDI similarity querying, and entity recognition methods, and discuss their potential for finding links between MIDI resources and metadata

    Greenstone as a music digital library toolkit

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    Greenstone is an open source digital library system that has developed and matured since its inception in 1995. Today it is used in over 60 countries, with a strong emphasis on humanitarian aid. The software is also used as a framework for research in other fields such has human computer interaction, text-mining, and ethnography. This article provides a summary of Greenstone's uses to date with music documents. First we discuss incorporating musical formats into the Greenstone system; then we describe provision for searching and browsing in a music collection

    Development of Use Cases, Part I

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    For determining requirements and constructs appropriate for a Web query language, or in fact any language, use cases are of essence. The W3C has published two sets of use cases for XML and RDF query languages. In this article, solutions for these use cases are presented using Xcerpt. a novel Web and Semantic Web query language that combines access to standard Web data such as XML documents with access to Semantic Web metadata such as RDF resource descriptions with reasoning abilities and rules familiar from logicprogramming. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first in depth study of how to solve use cases for accessing XML and RDF in a single language: Integrated access to data and metadata has been recognized by industry and academia as one of the key challenges in data processing for the next decade. This article is a contribution towards addressing this challenge by demonstrating along practical and recognized use cases the usefulness of reasoning abilities, rules, and semistructured query languages for accessing both data (XML) and metadata (RDF)

    Type-Constrained Representation Learning in Knowledge Graphs

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    Large knowledge graphs increasingly add value to various applications that require machines to recognize and understand queries and their semantics, as in search or question answering systems. Latent variable models have increasingly gained attention for the statistical modeling of knowledge graphs, showing promising results in tasks related to knowledge graph completion and cleaning. Besides storing facts about the world, schema-based knowledge graphs are backed by rich semantic descriptions of entities and relation-types that allow machines to understand the notion of things and their semantic relationships. In this work, we study how type-constraints can generally support the statistical modeling with latent variable models. More precisely, we integrated prior knowledge in form of type-constraints in various state of the art latent variable approaches. Our experimental results show that prior knowledge on relation-types significantly improves these models up to 77% in link-prediction tasks. The achieved improvements are especially prominent when a low model complexity is enforced, a crucial requirement when these models are applied to very large datasets. Unfortunately, type-constraints are neither always available nor always complete e.g., they can become fuzzy when entities lack proper typing. We show that in these cases, it can be beneficial to apply a local closed-world assumption that approximates the semantics of relation-types based on observations made in the data

    Dance-the-music : an educational platform for the modeling, recognition and audiovisual monitoring of dance steps using spatiotemporal motion templates

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    In this article, a computational platform is presented, entitled ā€œDance-the-Musicā€, that can be used in a dance educational context to explore and learn the basics of dance steps. By introducing a method based on spatiotemporal motion templates, the platform facilitates to train basic step models from sequentially repeated dance figures performed by a dance teacher. Movements are captured with an optical motion capture system. The teachersā€™ models can be visualized from a first-person perspective to instruct students how to perform the specific dance steps in the correct manner. Moreover, recognition algorithms-based on a template matching method can determine the quality of a studentā€™s performance in real time by means of multimodal monitoring techniques. The results of an evaluation study suggest that the Dance-the-Music is effective in helping dance students to master the basics of dance figures
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