22 research outputs found

    Computational Dynamic Features Extraction from Anonymized Medical Images

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    Images depict clearer meaning than written words and this is reason they are used in a variety of human endeavors, including but not limited to medicine. Medical image datasets are used in medical environment to diagnose and confirm medical disorders for which physical examination may not be sufficient. However, the medical profession's ethics of patient confidentiality policy creates barrier to availability of medical datasets for research; thus, this research work was able to solve the above stated barrier through anonymization of sensitive identity information. Furthermore, the Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using texture as the content was developed to overcome the challenge of information overloading associated with data retrieval systems. Images acquired from various imaging modalities and placed into Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) formats were obtained from several hospitals in Nigeria. The database of these images was created and consequently anonymized, then a new anonymized database was created. On anonymized images, feature extraction was done using textures as content and the content was considered for the implementation of retrieval system. The anonymized images were tested in DICOM view to see if all files were successfully anonymized; the result obtained was 100%. A texture retrieval test was performed, and the number of precisely returned search images using the Similarity Distance Measure formulae resulted in a significant reduction in image overload. Thus, this research work solved the problem of non-availability of datasets for researchers in medical imaging field by providing datasets that can be used without violating law of patient confidentiality by the interested parties. It also solves the problem of hackers obtaining useful information about patients’ datasets. The CBIR using texture as content also enhances and solves the problem of information overloading

    Algorithms of Clustering and Classifying Batik Images Based on Color, Contrast and Motif

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    An interactive system could be provided for batik customers with the aim of helping them in selecting the right batiks. The system should manage a collection of batik images along with other information such as fashion color type, the contrast degree, and motif. This research aims to find methods of clustering and classifying batik images based on fashion color, contrast and motif. A color clustering algorithm using HSV color system is proposed. Two algorithms for contrast clustering, both utilize wavelet, are proposed. Six algorithms for clustering and classifying batik images based on group of motifs, employing shape- and texture-based techniques, are explored and proposed. Wavelet is used in image pre-processing, Canny detector is used to detect image edges. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. The result of experiments shows that fashion color and contrast clustering algorithms perform quite well. Three of motif based clustering and classification algorithms perform fairly well, further work is needed to increase the accuracy and to refine the classification into detailed motif

    Algorithms of Clustering and Classifying Batik Images Based on Color, Contrast and Motif

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    An interactive system could be provided for batik customers with the aim of helping them in selecting the right batiks. The system should manage a collection of batik images along with other information such as fashion color type, the contrast degree, and motif. This research aims to find methods of clustering and classifying batik images based on fashion color, contrast and motif. A color clustering algorithm using HSV color system is proposed. Two algorithms for contrast clustering, both utilize wavelet, are proposed. Six algorithms for clustering and classifying batik images based on group of motifs, employing shape- and texture-based techniques, are explored and proposed. Wavelet is used in image pre-processing, Canny detector is used to detect image edges. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. The result of experiments shows that fashion color and contrast clustering algorithms perform quite well. Three of motif based clustering and classification algorithms perform fairly well, further work is needed to increase the accuracy and to refine the classification into detailed motif

    A New Method to Store and Retrieve Images

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    In this paper, we present a method to accelerate the speed of querying and retrieving images in database. First we change the storing method: pixels of an image are saved in Hilbert order instead of Row-wise order using in traditional method. Then after studying the property of Hilbert curve, we give a new algorithm which greatly reduce the data segment number on the disk. Although we have to retrieve more data than necessary, because the speed of sequential reading is much faster than random reading, we have about 10% improvement on the total query time which is showed in our simulation experiments

    Shape based image retrieval and classification

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    Content based retrieval and recognition of objects represented in images is a challenging problem making it an active research topic. Shape analysis is one of the main approaches to the problem. In this paper we propose the use of a reduced set of features to describe 2D shapes in images. The design of the proposed technique aims to result in a short and simple to extract shape description. We conducted several experiments for both retrieval and recognition tasks and the results obtained demonstrate usefulness and competiveness against existing descriptors. For the retrieval experiment the achieved bulls eye performance is about 60%. Recognition was tested with three different classifiers: decision trees (DT), k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and support vector machines (SVM). Estimated mean accuracies range from 69% to 86% (using 10-fold cross validation). The SVM classifier presents the best performance, followed by the simple kNN classifier

    Scene Consistency Verification Based on PatchNet

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    In the real world, the object does not exist in isolation, and it always appears in a certain scene. Usually the object is fixed in a particular scene and even in special spatial location. In this paper, we propose a method for judging scene consistency effectively. Scene semantics and geometry relation play a key role. In this paper, we use PatchNet to deal with these high-level scene structures. We construct a consistent scene database, using semantic information of PatchNet to determine whether the scene is consistent. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by a lot of experiments

    Enhancing Automatic Annotation for Optimal Image Retrieval

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    Image search and retrieval based on content is very cumbersome task particularly when the image database is large. The accuracy of the retrieval as well as the processing speed are two important measures used for assessing and comparing the effectiveness of various systems. Text retrieval is more mature and advanced than image content retrieval. In this dissertation, the focus is on converting image content into text tags that can be easily searched using standard search engines where the size and speed issues of the database have been already dealt with. Therefore, image tagging becomes an essential tool for image retrieval from large image databases. Automation of image tagging has received considerable attention by many researchers in recent years. The optimal goal of image description is to automatically annotate images with tags that semantically represent the image content. The speed and accuracy of Image retrieval from large databases are few of the important domains that can benefit from automatic tagging. In this work, several state of the art image classification and image tagging techniques are reviewed. We propose a new self-learning multilayered tagging framework that can address the limitations of current approaches and provide mutual accuracy improvement between the recognition layer and the annotation layer. Our results indicate that the proposed framework can improve the overall accuracy of information retrieval in a variety of image databases

    Image-Based Query by Example Using MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors

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    This project presents the design and implementation of a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system where queries are formulated by visual examples through a graphical interface. Visual descriptors and similarity measures implemented in this work followed mainly those defined in the MPEG-7 standard although, when necessary, extensions are proposed. Despite the fact that this is an image-based system, all the proposed descriptors have been implemented for both image and region queries, allowing the future system upgrade to support region-based queries. This way, even a contour shape descriptor has been developed, which has no sense for the whole image. The system has been assessed on different benchmark databases; namely, MPEG-7 Common Color Dataset, and Corel Dataset. The evaluation has been performed for isolated descriptors as well as for combinations of them. The strategy studied in this work to gather the information obtained from the whole set of computed descriptors is weighting the rank list for each isolated descriptor