62,787 research outputs found

    Approximate Euclidean shortest paths in polygonal domains

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    Given a set P\mathcal{P} of hh pairwise disjoint simple polygonal obstacles in R2\mathbb{R}^2 defined with nn vertices, we compute a sketch Ω\Omega of P\mathcal{P} whose size is independent of nn, depending only on hh and the input parameter ϵ\epsilon. We utilize Ω\Omega to compute a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate geodesic shortest path between the two given points in O(n+h((lgn)+(lgh)1+δ+(1ϵlghϵ)))O(n + h((\lg{n}) + (\lg{h})^{1+\delta} + (\frac{1}{\epsilon}\lg{\frac{h}{\epsilon}}))) time. Here, ϵ\epsilon is a user parameter, and δ\delta is a small positive constant (resulting from the time for triangulating the free space of P\cal P using the algorithm in \cite{journals/ijcga/Bar-YehudaC94}). Moreover, we devise a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm to answer two-point Euclidean distance queries for the case of convex polygonal obstacles.Comment: a few updates; accepted to ISAAC 201

    Cell-Probe Lower Bounds from Online Communication Complexity

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    In this work, we introduce an online model for communication complexity. Analogous to how online algorithms receive their input piece-by-piece, our model presents one of the players, Bob, his input piece-by-piece, and has the players Alice and Bob cooperate to compute a result each time before the next piece is revealed to Bob. This model has a closer and more natural correspondence to dynamic data structures than classic communication models do, and hence presents a new perspective on data structures. We first present a tight lower bound for the online set intersection problem in the online communication model, demonstrating a general approach for proving online communication lower bounds. The online communication model prevents a batching trick that classic communication complexity allows, and yields a stronger lower bound. We then apply the online communication model to prove data structure lower bounds for two dynamic data structure problems: the Group Range problem and the Dynamic Connectivity problem for forests. Both of the problems admit a worst case O(logn)O(\log n)-time data structure. Using online communication complexity, we prove a tight cell-probe lower bound for each: spending o(logn)o(\log n) (even amortized) time per operation results in at best an exp(δ2n)\exp(-\delta^2 n) probability of correctly answering a (1/2+δ)(1/2+\delta)-fraction of the nn queries

    Near Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic DFS in Undirected Graphs

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    Depth first search (DFS) tree is a fundamental data structure for solving graph problems. The classical algorithm [SiComp74] for building a DFS tree requires O(m+n)O(m+n) time for a given graph GG having nn vertices and mm edges. Recently, Baswana et al. [SODA16] presented a simple algorithm for updating DFS tree of an undirected graph after an edge/vertex update in O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) time. However, their algorithm is strictly sequential. We present an algorithm achieving similar bounds, that can be adopted easily to the parallel environment. In the parallel model, a DFS tree can be computed from scratch using mm processors in expected O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time [SiComp90] on an EREW PRAM, whereas the best deterministic algorithm takes O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) time [SiComp90,JAlg93] on a CRCW PRAM. Our algorithm can be used to develop optimal (upto polylog n factors deterministic algorithms for maintaining fully dynamic DFS and fault tolerant DFS, of an undirected graph. 1- Parallel Fully Dynamic DFS: Given an arbitrary online sequence of vertex/edge updates, we can maintain a DFS tree of an undirected graph in O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time per update using mm processors on an EREW PRAM. 2- Parallel Fault tolerant DFS: An undirected graph can be preprocessed to build a data structure of size O(m) such that for a set of kk updates (where kk is constant) in the graph, the updated DFS tree can be computed in O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time using nn processors on an EREW PRAM. Moreover, our fully dynamic DFS algorithm provides, in a seamless manner, nearly optimal (upto polylog n factors) algorithms for maintaining a DFS tree in semi-streaming model and a restricted distributed model. These are the first parallel, semi-streaming and distributed algorithms for maintaining a DFS tree in the dynamic setting.Comment: Accepted to appear in SPAA'17, 32 Pages, 5 Figure

    Amortized Dynamic Cell-Probe Lower Bounds from Four-Party Communication

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    This paper develops a new technique for proving amortized, randomized cell-probe lower bounds on dynamic data structure problems. We introduce a new randomized nondeterministic four-party communication model that enables "accelerated", error-preserving simulations of dynamic data structures. We use this technique to prove an Ω(n(logn/loglogn)2)\Omega(n(\log n/\log\log n)^2) cell-probe lower bound for the dynamic 2D weighted orthogonal range counting problem (2D-ORC) with n/polylognn/\mathrm{poly}\log n updates and nn queries, that holds even for data structures with exp(Ω~(n))\exp(-\tilde{\Omega}(n)) success probability. This result not only proves the highest amortized lower bound to date, but is also tight in the strongest possible sense, as a matching upper bound can be obtained by a deterministic data structure with worst-case operational time. This is the first demonstration of a "sharp threshold" phenomenon for dynamic data structures. Our broader motivation is that cell-probe lower bounds for exponentially small success facilitate reductions from dynamic to static data structures. As a proof-of-concept, we show that a slightly strengthened version of our lower bound would imply an Ω((logn/loglogn)2)\Omega((\log n /\log\log n)^2) lower bound for the static 3D-ORC problem with O(nlogO(1)n)O(n\log^{O(1)}n) space. Such result would give a near quadratic improvement over the highest known static cell-probe lower bound, and break the long standing Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) barrier for static data structures

    Incremental View Maintenance For Collection Programming

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    In the context of incremental view maintenance (IVM), delta query derivation is an essential technique for speeding up the processing of large, dynamic datasets. The goal is to generate delta queries that, given a small change in the input, can update the materialized view more efficiently than via recomputation. In this work we propose the first solution for the efficient incrementalization of positive nested relational calculus (NRC+) on bags (with integer multiplicities). More precisely, we model the cost of NRC+ operators and classify queries as efficiently incrementalizable if their delta has a strictly lower cost than full re-evaluation. Then, we identify IncNRC+; a large fragment of NRC+ that is efficiently incrementalizable and we provide a semantics-preserving translation that takes any NRC+ query to a collection of IncNRC+ queries. Furthermore, we prove that incremental maintenance for NRC+ is within the complexity class NC0 and we showcase how recursive IVM, a technique that has provided significant speedups over traditional IVM in the case of flat queries [25], can also be applied to IncNRC+.Comment: 24 pages (12 pages plus appendix

    Shared Arrangements: practical inter-query sharing for streaming dataflows

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    Current systems for data-parallel, incremental processing and view maintenance over high-rate streams isolate the execution of independent queries. This creates unwanted redundancy and overhead in the presence of concurrent incrementally maintained queries: each query must independently maintain the same indexed state over the same input streams, and new queries must build this state from scratch before they can begin to emit their first results. This paper introduces shared arrangements: indexed views of maintained state that allow concurrent queries to reuse the same in-memory state without compromising data-parallel performance and scaling. We implement shared arrangements in a modern stream processor and show order-of-magnitude improvements in query response time and resource consumption for interactive queries against high-throughput streams, while also significantly improving performance in other domains including business analytics, graph processing, and program analysis

    Time lower bounds for nonadaptive turnstile streaming algorithms

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    We say a turnstile streaming algorithm is "non-adaptive" if, during updates, the memory cells written and read depend only on the index being updated and random coins tossed at the beginning of the stream (and not on the memory contents of the algorithm). Memory cells read during queries may be decided upon adaptively. All known turnstile streaming algorithms in the literature are non-adaptive. We prove the first non-trivial update time lower bounds for both randomized and deterministic turnstile streaming algorithms, which hold when the algorithms are non-adaptive. While there has been abundant success in proving space lower bounds, there have been no non-trivial update time lower bounds in the turnstile model. Our lower bounds hold against classically studied problems such as heavy hitters, point query, entropy estimation, and moment estimation. In some cases of deterministic algorithms, our lower bounds nearly match known upper bounds