181 research outputs found

    Bearing/Incipient/Open Phase Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Multi-Phase Induction Motor Drives Equipped By GBDTI2HO Technique

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    In this paper, a hybrid system is performed with fault detection and diagnosis on multi-phase induction motor (IM). The proposed method is hybrid of integrated Harris Hawk optimization (IHHO) and gradient boosting decision trees (GBDT) thus called the GBDTI2HO method. Here, additional operators are included in this paper to improve HHO’s search behaviour namely crossover and mutation. Distorted waveforms are generated by different frequency patterns to indicate the time domain frequency as an assessment of failure. For this signal representation, the discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) is suggested. It extracts the characteristics and forwards them to IHHO technique to form the possible data sets. After the generation of the data set, GBDT classifies the ways of failure reached as winding of stator in multi-phase IM. The implementation of the proposed system is compared with existing systems, such as ANN, S-Transform and GBDT. The proposed method is executed on MATLAB/Simulink work platform to demonstrate the successfulness of proposed system, statistical measures are determined, as precision, sensitivity and specificity, mean median and standard deviation. For demonstrating the successfulness of proposed system, statistical measures are determined as precision, sensitivity, specificity, mean median as well as standard deviation. In 50 trails the proposed method, 0.98 for accuracy, 0.96 for specificity, 1.60 for recall as well as 0.97 for precision. In 100 trail the proposed method, 0.96 for accuracy, 0.93 for specificity, 0.87 for recall as well as 0.99 for precision

    Classification of bearing faults through time-frequency analysis and image processing

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    The present work proposes a new technique for bearing fault classification that combines time-frequency analysis with image processing. This technique uses vibration signals from bearing housings to detect bearing conditions and classify the faults. By means of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), each vibration signal is decomposed into Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is then performed on the matrix of the decomposed IMFs and the important principal components are chosen. The spectrogram is obtained for each component by means of the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) to obtain an image that represents the time-frequency relationship of the main components of the analyzed signal. Furthermore, Image Moments are extracted from the spectrogram images of principal components in order to obtain an array of features for each signal that can be handled by the classification algorithm. 8 images are selected for each signal and 17 moments for each image, so an array of 136 features is associated with every signal. Finally, the classification is performed using a standard machine learning technique, i.e. Support Vector Machine (SVM), in the proposed technique. The dataset used in this work include data collected for various rotating speeds and loads, in order to obtain a set of different operating conditions, by a Roller Bearing Faults Simulator. The results have shown that the developed technique provides classification effectively, with a single classifier, of bearing faults characterized by different rotating speeds and different loads

    Acoustic Diagnostics of Electrical Origin Fault Modes with Readily Available Consumer-Grade Sensors

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    Acoustic diagnostics, traditionally associated with mechanical fault modes, can potentially solve a wider range of monitoring applications. Typically, fault modes are induced purposefully by the researcher through physical component damage whilst the system is shutdown. This paper presents low-cost real-time fault diagnostics of a previously unreported acute electrical origin fault that manifests sporadically during system operation with no triggering intervention. A suitability study into acoustic measurements from readily available consumer-grade sensors for low-cost real-time diagnostics of audible faults, and a brief overview of the theory and configuration of the wavelet packet transform (including optimal wavelet selection methods) and empirical mode decomposition processing algorithms is also included. The example electrical origin fault studied here is an unpredictable current instability arising with the PWM-controller of a BrushLess DC motor. Experimental trials positively detect 99.9 % of the 1160 resultant high-bandwidth torque transients using acoustic measurements from a USB microphone and a smartphone. While the use of acoustic techniques for detecting emerging electrical origin faults remains largely unexplored, the techniques demonstrated here can be readily adopted for the prevention of catastrophic failure of drive and power electronic components

    Fault Diagnosis in the Slip Frequency Plane of Induction Machines Working in Time-Varying Conditions

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    [EN] Motor current signature analysis (MCSA) is a fault diagnosis method for induction machines (IMs) that has attracted wide industrial interest in recent years. It is based on the detection of the characteristic fault signatures that arise in the current spectrum of a faulty induction machine. Unfortunately, the MCSA method in its basic formulation can only be applied in steady state functioning. Nevertheless, every day increases the importance of inductions machines in applications such as wind generation, electric vehicles, or automated processes in which the machine works most of time under transient conditions. For these cases, new diagnostic methodologies have been proposed, based on the use of advanced time-frequency transforms-as, for example, the continuous wavelet transform, the Wigner Ville distribution, or the analytic function based on the Hilbert transform-which enables to track the fault components evolution along time. All these transforms have high computational costs and, furthermore, generate as results complex spectrograms, which require to be interpreted for qualified technical staff. This paper introduces a new methodology for the diagnosis of faults of IM working in transient conditions, which, unlike the methods developed up to today, analyzes the current signal in the slip-instantaneous frequency plane (s-IF), instead of the time-frequency (t-f) plane. It is shown that, in the s-IF plane, the fault components follow patterns that that are simple and unique for each type of fault, and thus does not depend on the way in which load and speed vary during the transient functioning; this characteristic makes the diagnostic task easier and more reliable. This work introduces a general scheme for the IMs diagnostic under transient conditions, through the analysis of the stator current in the s-IF plane. Another contribution of this paper is the introduction of the specific s-IF patterns associated with three different types of faults (rotor asymmetry fault, mixed eccentricity fault, and single-point bearing defects) that are theoretically justified and experimentally tested. As the calculation of the IF of the fault component is a key issue of the proposed diagnostic method, this paper also includes a comparative analysis of three different mathematical tools for calculating the IF, which are compared not only theoretically but also experimentally, comparing their performance when are applied to the tested diagnostic signals.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MCIU)", the "Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI)" and the "Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)" in the framework of the "Proyectos I+D+i -Retos Investigacion 2018", project reference RTI2018-102175-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE).Puche-Panadero, R.; Martinez-Roman, J.; Sapena-Bano, A.; Burriel-Valencia, J.; Riera-Guasp, M. (2020). Fault Diagnosis in the Slip Frequency Plane of Induction Machines Working in Time-Varying Conditions. Sensors. 20(12):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20123398S126201

    MATLAB Applications in Engineering

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    The book presents a comprehensive overview of MATLAB and Simulink programming. Chapters discuss MATLAB programming for practical usages in mesosphere–stratosphere–troposphere (MST) radars, geometric segmentation, Bluetooth applications, and control of electric drives. The published examples highlight the capabilities of MATLAB programming in the fields of mathematical modeling, algorithmic development, data acquisition, time simulation, and testing

    The 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems

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    Computational engineering, artificial intelligence and smart systems constitute a hot multidisciplinary topic contrasting computer science, engineering and applied mathematics that created a variety of fascinating intelligent systems. Computational engineering encloses fundamental engineering and science blended with the advanced knowledge of mathematics, algorithms and computer languages. It is concerned with the modeling and simulation of complex systems and data processing methods. Computing and artificial intelligence lead to smart systems that are advanced machines designed to fulfill certain specifications. This proceedings book is a collection of papers presented at the first International Conference on Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems (ICCEIS2021), held online in the period December 10-12, 2021. The collection offers a wide scope of engineering topics, including smart grids, intelligent control, artificial intelligence, optimization, microelectronics and telecommunication systems. The contributions included in this book are of high quality, present details concerning the topics in a succinct way, and can be used as excellent reference and support for readers regarding the field of computational engineering, artificial intelligence and smart system

    Activity Report 1996-97

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    The HR-Calculus: Enabling Information Processing with Quaternion Algebra

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    From their inception, quaternions and their division algebra have proven to be advantageous in modelling rotation/orientation in three-dimensional spaces and have seen use from the initial formulation of electromagnetic filed theory through to forming the basis of quantum filed theory. Despite their impressive versatility in modelling real-world phenomena, adaptive information processing techniques specifically designed for quaternion-valued signals have only recently come to the attention of the machine learning, signal processing, and control communities. The most important development in this direction is introduction of the HR-calculus, which provides the required mathematical foundation for deriving adaptive information processing techniques directly in the quaternion domain. In this article, the foundations of the HR-calculus are revised and the required tools for deriving adaptive learning techniques suitable for dealing with quaternion-valued signals, such as the gradient operator, chain and product derivative rules, and Taylor series expansion are presented. This serves to establish the most important applications of adaptive information processing in the quaternion domain for both single-node and multi-node formulations. The article is supported by Supplementary Material, which will be referred to as SM

    Acoustic Condition Monitoring & Fault Diagnostics for Industrial Systems

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    Condition monitoring and fault diagnostics for industrial systems is required for cost reduction, maintenance scheduling, and reducing system failures. Catastrophic failure usually causes significant damage and may cause injury or fatality, making early and accurate fault diagnostics of paramount importance. Existing diagnostics can be improved by augmenting or replacing with acoustic measurements, which have proven advantages over more traditional vibration measurements including, earlier detection of emerging faults, increased diagnostic accuracy, remote sensors and easier setup and operation. However, industry adoption of acoustics remains in relative infancy due to vested confidence and reliance on existing measurement and, perceived difficulties with noise contamination and diagnostic accuracy. Researched acoustic monitoring examples typically employ specialist surface-mount transducers, signal amplification, and complex feature extraction and machine learning algorithms, focusing on noise rejection and fault classification. Usually, techniques are fine-tuned to maximise diagnostic performance for the given problem. The majority investigate mechanical fault modes, particularly Roller Element Bearings (REBs), owing to the mechanical impacts producing detectable acoustic waves. The first contribution of this project is a suitability study into the use of low-cost consumer-grade acoustic sensors for fault diagnostics of six different REB health conditions, comparing against vibration measurements. Experimental results demonstrate superior acoustic performance throughout but particularly at lower rotational speed and axial load. Additionally, inaccuracies caused by dynamic operational parameters (speed in this case), are minimised by novel multi-Support Vector Machine training. The project then expands on existing work to encompass diagnostics for a previously unreported electrical fault mode present on a Brush-Less Direct Current motor drive system. Commonly studied electrical faults, such as a broken rotor bar or squirrel cage, result from mechanical component damage artificially seeded and not spontaneous. Here, electrical fault modes are differentiated as faults caused by issues with the power supply, control system or software (not requiring mechanical damage or triggering intervention). An example studied here is a transient current instability, generated by non-linear interaction of the motor electrical parameters, parasitic components and digital controller realisation. Experimental trials successfully demonstrate real-time feature extraction and further validate consumer-grade sensors for industrial system diagnostics. Moreover, this marks the first known diagnosis of an electrically-seeded fault mode as defined in this work. Finally, approaching an industry-ready diagnostic system, the newly released PYNQ-Z2 Field Programmable Gate Array is used to implement the first known instance of multiple feature extraction algorithms that operate concurrently in continuous real-time. A proposed deep-learning algorithm can analyse the features to determine the optimum feature extraction combination for ongoing continuous monitoring. The proposed black-box, all-in-one solution, is capable of accurate unsupervised diagnostics on almost any application, maintaining excellent diagnostic performance. This marks a major leap forward from fine-tuned feature extraction performed offline for artificially seeded mechanical defects to multiple real-time feature extraction demonstrated on a spontaneous electrical fault mode with a versatile and adaptable system that is low-cost, readily available, with simple setup and operation. The presented concept represents an industry-ready all-in-one acoustic diagnostic solution, that is hoped to increase adoption of acoustic methods, greatly improving diagnostics and minimising catastrophic failures
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