198 research outputs found

    Quasi-Transitive and Suzumura Consistent Relations

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    We examine properties of binary relations that complement quasi-transitivity and Suzumura consistency in the sense that they, together with the original axiom(s), are equivalent to transitivity. In general, the conjunction of quasi-transitivity and Suzumura consistency is strictly weaker than transitivity but in the case of collective choice rules that satisfy further properties, the conjunction of quasi- transitivity and Suzumura consistency implies transitivity of the social relation. We prove this observation by characterizing the Pareto rule as the only collective choice rule such that collective preference relations are quasi-transitive and Suzumura consistent but not necessarily complete

    Decisive coalitions and coherence properties

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    In a seminal contribution, Hansson has demonstrated that the family of decisive coalitions associated with an Arrovian social welfare function forms an ultrafilter. If the population under consideration is infinite, his result implies the existence of nondictatorial social welfare functions. He goes on to show that if transitivity is weakened to quasi-transitivity as the coherence property imposed on a social relation, the set of decisive coalitions is a filter. We examine the structure of decisive coalitions and analogous concepts with alternative coherence properties, namely, acyclicity and Suzumura consistency, and without assuming that the social relation is complete.Infinite-Population Social Choice, Decisiveness, Suzumura Consistency

    External Norms and Rationality of Choice

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    Ever since Sen (1993) criticized the notion of internal consistency of choice, there exists a widespread perception that the standard rationalizability approach to the theory of choice has difficulties in coping with the existence of external norms. We introduce a concept of norm-conditional rationalizability and show that external norms can be made compatible with the methods underlying the rationalizability approach. This claim is substantiated by characterizing norm-conditional rationalizability by means of suitably modified revealed preference axioms in the theory of rational choice on general domains due to Richter (1966; 1971) and Hansson (1968).

    Maximal-Element Rationalizability

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    We examine the maximal-element rationalizability of choice functions with arbitrary domains. While rationality formulated in terms of the choice of greatest elements according to a rationalizing relation has been analyzed relatively thoroughly in the earlier literature, this is not the case for maximal-element rationalizability, except when it coincides with greatest-element rationalizability because of properties imposed on the rationalizing relation. We develop necessary and sufficient conditions for maximal-element rationalizability by itself, and for maximal-element rationalizability in conjunction with additional properties of a rationalizing relation such as reflexivity, completeness, P-acyclicity, quasitransitivity, consistency and transitivity.Choice Functions, Maximal-Element Rationalizability

    Choice-Consistent Resolutions of the Efficiency-Equity Trade-Off

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    In a standard framework of choice theory, we formulate two contrasting principles for social choice under the efficiency-equity trade-off. The equity-first principle states that we should select from equitable allocations if any, but if the equity criterion is not at all effective for selection either because all the available allocations are equitable or because no allocation is equitable, we should select from Pareto efficient allocations. The efficiency-first principle switches the roles of the equity criterion and the efficiency criterion above. We examine the choice-consistency properties, known as Path Independence (Arrow, 1963) and Contraction Consistency (Chernoff, 1954), of the social choice correspondences satisfying the equity-first or the efficiency-first principle. Several possibility and impossibility theorems are obtained, which indicate that possibility of consistent social decisions depends crucially on which principle we take as well as what is the precise notion of equity.equity, efficiency, lexicographic composition, choice-consistency, path-independence

    Decisive Coalitions and Coherence Properties

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    In a seminal contribution, Hansson has demonstrated that the family of decisive coalitions associated with an Arrovian social welfare function forms an ultrafilter. If the population under consideration is infinite, his result implies the existence of nondictatorial social welfare functions. He goes on to show that if transitivity is weakened to quasi-transitivity as the coherence property imposed on a social relation, the set of decisive coalitions is a filter. We examine the structure of decisive coalitions and analogous concepts with alternative coherence properties, namely, acyclicity and Suzumura consistency, and without assuming that the social relation is complete

    Rational choice by two sequential criteria

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    This paper contributes to the theory of rational choice under multiple criteria. We perform a preliminary study of the properties of decision made by the sequential application of rational choices. This is then used to obtain a characterization of set-valued choice functions that are rational by two sequential criteria, which follows the approach initiated by Manzini and Mariotti (Amer. Econ. Rev., 2007) for single-valued choice functions. Uniqueness is not guaranteed but our proof is constructive and an explicit solution is provided in terms of approximation choice functions.Choice function; rational choice; compound function.

    Product Filters, Acyclicity and Suzumura Consistency

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    In a seminal contribution, Hansson (1976) demonstrates that the collection of decisive coalitions associated with an Arrovian social welfare function forms an ultrafilter. He goes on to show that if transitivity is weakened to quasi-transitivity as the coherence property imposed on a social relation, the set of decisive coalitions is a filter. We examine the notion of decisiveness with acyclical or Suzumura consistent social preferences and without assuming that the social relation is complete. This leads to a new set-theoretic concept applied to product spaces