4 research outputs found

    Factor Varieties

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    The universal algebraic literature is rife with generalisations of discriminator varieties, whereby several investigators have tried to preserve in more general settings as much as possible of their structure theory. Here, we modify the definition of discriminator algebra by having the switching function project onto its third coordinate in case the ordered pair of its first two coordinates belongs to a designated relation (not necessarily the diagonal relation). We call these algebras factor algebras and the varieties they generate factor varieties. Among other things, we provide an equational description of these varieties and match equational conditions involving the factor term with properties of the associated factor relation. Factor varieties include, apart from discriminator varieties, several varieties of algebras from quantum and fuzzy logics

    Boolean like algebras

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    Using Vaggione’s concept of central element in a double pointed algebra, we introduce the notion of Boolean like variety as a generalization of Boolean algebras to an arbitrary similarity type. Appropriately relaxing the requirement that every element be central in any member of the variety, we obtain the more general class of semi-Boolean like varieties, which still retain many of the pleasing properties of Boolean algebras. We prove that a double pointed variety is discriminator i↵ it is semi-Boolean like, idempotent, and 0-regular. This theorem yields a new Maltsev-style characterization of double pointed discriminator varieties. Moreover, we show that every idempotent semi-Boolean-like variety is term equivalent to a variety of noncommutative Boolean algebras with additional regular operations

    Factor Varieties

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    The universal algebraic literature is rife with generalisations of discriminator varieties, whereby several investigators have tried to preserve in more general settings as much as possible of their structure theory. Here, we modify the definition of discriminator algebra by having the switching function project onto its third coordinate in case the ordered pair of its first two coordinates belongs to a designated relation (not necessarily the diagonal relation). We call these algebras factor algebras and the varieties they generate factor varieties. Among other things, we provide an equational description of these varieties and match equational conditions involving the factor term with properties of the associated factor relation. Factor varieties include, apart from discriminator varieties, several varieties of algebras from quantum and fuzzy logics

    Quasi-discriminator varieties

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    We generalize the notion of discriminator variety in such a way as to capture several varieties of algebras arising mainly from fuzzy logic. After investigating the extent to which this more general concept retains the basic properties of discriminator varieties, we give both an equational and a purely algebraic characterization of quasi-discriminator varieties. Finally, we completely describe the lattice of subvarieties of the pure pointed quasi-discriminator variety, providing an explicit equational base for each of its members