155 research outputs found

    Developable B-spline surface generation from control rulings

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    An intuitive design method is proposed for generating developable ruled B-spline surfaces from a sequence of straight line segments indicating the surface shape. The first and last line segments are enforced to be the head and tail ruling lines of the resulting surface while the interior lines are required to approximate rulings on the resulting surface as much as possible. This manner of developable surface design is conceptually similar to the popular way of the freeform curve and surface design in the CAD community, observing that a developable ruled surface is a single parameter family of straight lines. This new design mode of the developable surface also provides more flexibility than the widely employed way of developable surface design from two boundary curves of the surface. The problem is treated by numerical optimization methods with which a particular level of distance error is allowed. We thus provide an effective tool for creating surfaces with a high degree of developability when the input control rulings do not lie in exact developable surfaces. We consider this ability as the superiority over analytical methods in that it can deal with arbitrary design inputs and find practically useful results.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figrue

    Bifurcation Analysis of Reaction Diffusion Systems on Arbitrary Surfaces

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    In this paper we present computational techniques to investigate the solutions of two-component, nonlinear reaction-diffusion (RD) systems on arbitrary surfaces. We build on standard techniques for linear and nonlinear analysis of RD systems, and extend them to operate on large-scale meshes for arbitrary surfaces. In particular, we use spectral techniques for a linear stability analysis to characterize and directly compose patterns emerging from homogeneities. We develop an implementation using surface finite element methods and a numerical eigenanalysis of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on surface meshes. In addition, we describe a technique to explore solutions of the nonlinear RD equations using numerical continuation. Here, we present a multiresolution approach that allows us to trace solution branches of the nonlinear equations efficiently even for large-scale meshes. Finally, we demonstrate the working of our framework for two RD systems with applications in biological pattern formation: a Brusselator model that has been used to model pattern development on growing plant tips, and a chemotactic model for the formation of skin pigmentation patterns. While these models have been used previously on simple geometries, our framework allows us to study the impact of arbitrary geometries on emerging patterns.Comment: This paper was submitted at the Journal of Mathematical Biology, Springer on 07th July 2015, in its current form (barring image references on the last page and cosmetic changes owning to rebuild for arXiv). The complete body of work presented here was included and defended as a part of my PhD thesis in Nov 2015 at the University of Ber

    Subdivision Shell Elements with Anisotropic Growth

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    A thin shell finite element approach based on Loop's subdivision surfaces is proposed, capable of dealing with large deformations and anisotropic growth. To this end, the Kirchhoff-Love theory of thin shells is derived and extended to allow for arbitrary in-plane growth. The simplicity and computational efficiency of the subdivision thin shell elements is outstanding, which is demonstrated on a few standard loading benchmarks. With this powerful tool at hand, we demonstrate the broad range of possible applications by numerical solution of several growth scenarios, ranging from the uniform growth of a sphere, to boundary instabilities induced by large anisotropic growth. Finally, it is shown that the problem of a slowly and uniformly growing sheet confined in a fixed hollow sphere is equivalent to the inverse process where a sheet of fixed size is slowly crumpled in a shrinking hollow sphere in the frictionless, quasi-static, elastic limit.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Interactive Design of Curved‐Crease‐Folding

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    A design tool for globally developable discrete architectural surfaces using Ricci flow

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    This paper presents an approach for the design of discrete architectural surfaces that are globally developable; that is, having zero Gaussian curvature at every interior node. This kind of architectural surface is particularly suitable for fast fabrication at a low cost, since their curved geometry can be developed into a plane. This highly non-linear design problem is broken down into two sub-problems: (1) find the member lengths of a triangular mesh that lead to zero Gaussian curvature, by employing the discrete surface Ricci flow developed in the field of discrete differential geometry; (2) realize the final geometry by solving an optimization problem, subject to the constraints on member lengths as well as the given boundary. It is demonstrated by the numerical examples that both of these two sub-problems can be solved with small computational costs and sufficient accuracy. In addition, the Ricci flow algorithm has an attractive feature-the final design is conformal to the initial one. Conformality could result in higher structural performance, because the shape of each panel is kept as close as possible to its initial design, suppressing possible distortion of the panels. This paper further presents an improved circle packing scheme implemented in the discrete surface Ricci flow to achieve better conformality, while keeping its simplicity in algorithm implementation as in the existing Thurston's scheme

    DEFORM'06 - Proceedings of the Workshop on Image Registration in Deformable Environments

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    Preface These are the proceedings of DEFORM'06, the Workshop on Image Registration in Deformable Environments, associated to BMVC'06, the 17th British Machine Vision Conference, held in Edinburgh, UK, in September 2006. The goal of DEFORM'06 was to bring together people from different domains having interests in deformable image registration. In response to our Call for Papers, we received 17 submissions and selected 8 for oral presentation at the workshop. In addition to the regular papers, Andrew Fitzgibbon from Microsoft Research Cambridge gave an invited talk at the workshop. The conference website including online proceedings remains open, see http://comsee.univ-bpclermont.fr/events/DEFORM06. We would like to thank the BMVC'06 co-chairs, Mike Chantler, Manuel Trucco and especially Bob Fisher for is great help in the local arrangements, Andrew Fitzgibbon, and the Programme Committee members who provided insightful reviews of the submitted papers. Special thanks go to Marc Richetin, head of the CNRS Research Federation TIMS, which sponsored the workshop. August 2006 Adrien Bartoli Nassir Navab Vincent Lepeti

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Fabrication of curved shells plays an important role in modern design, industry, and science. Among their remarkable properties are, for example, aesthetics of organic shapes, ability to evenly distribute loads, or efficient flow separation. They find applications across vast length scales ranging from sky-scraper architecture to microscopic devices. But, at the same time, the design of curved shells and their manufacturing process pose a variety of challenges. In this thesis, they are addressed from several perspectives. In particular, this thesis presents approaches based on the transformation of initially flat sheets into the target curved surfaces. This involves problems of interactive design of shells with nontrivial mechanical constraints, inverse design of complex structural materials, and data-driven modeling of delicate and time-dependent physical properties. At the same time, two newly-developed self-morphing mechanisms targeting flat-to-curved transformation are presented. In architecture, doubly curved surfaces can be realized as cold bent glass panelizations. Originally flat glass panels are bent into frames and remain stressed. This is a cost-efficient fabrication approach compared to hot bending, when glass panels are shaped plastically. However such constructions are prone to breaking during bending, and it is highly nontrivial to navigate the design space, keeping the panels fabricable and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. We introduce an interactive design system for cold bent glass façades, while previously even offline optimization for such scenarios has not been sufficiently developed. Our method is based on a deep learning approach providing quick and high precision estimation of glass panel shape and stress while handling the shape multimodality. Fabrication of smaller objects of scales below 1 m, can also greatly benefit from shaping originally flat sheets. In this respect, we designed new self-morphing shell mechanisms transforming from an initial flat state to a doubly curved state with high precision and detail. Our so-called CurveUps demonstrate the encodement of the geometric information into the shell. Furthermore, we explored the frontiers of programmable materials and showed how temporal information can additionally be encoded into a flat shell. This allows prescribing deformation sequences for doubly curved surfaces and, thus, facilitates self-collision avoidance enabling complex shapes and functionalities otherwise impossible. Both of these methods include inverse design tools keeping the user in the design loop

    Discrete Differential Geometry of Thin Materials for Computational Mechanics

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    Instead of applying numerical methods directly to governing equations, another approach to computation is to discretize the geometric structure specific to the problem first, and then compute with the discrete geometry. This structure-respecting discrete-differential-geometric (DDG) approach often leads to new algorithms that more accurately track the physically behavior of the system with less computational effort. Thin objects, such as pieces of cloth, paper, sheet metal, freeform masonry, and steel-glass structures are particularly rich in geometric structure and so are well-suited for DDG. I show how understanding the geometry of time integration and contact leads to new algorithms, with strong correctness guarantees, for simulating thin elastic objects in contact; how the performance of these algorithms can be dramatically improved without harming the geometric structure, and thus the guarantees, of the original formulation; how the geometry of static equilibrium can be used to efficiently solve design problems related to masonry or glass buildings; and how discrete developable surfaces can be used to model thin sheets undergoing isometric deformation