17,075 research outputs found

    Subdivision Shell Elements with Anisotropic Growth

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    A thin shell finite element approach based on Loop's subdivision surfaces is proposed, capable of dealing with large deformations and anisotropic growth. To this end, the Kirchhoff-Love theory of thin shells is derived and extended to allow for arbitrary in-plane growth. The simplicity and computational efficiency of the subdivision thin shell elements is outstanding, which is demonstrated on a few standard loading benchmarks. With this powerful tool at hand, we demonstrate the broad range of possible applications by numerical solution of several growth scenarios, ranging from the uniform growth of a sphere, to boundary instabilities induced by large anisotropic growth. Finally, it is shown that the problem of a slowly and uniformly growing sheet confined in a fixed hollow sphere is equivalent to the inverse process where a sheet of fixed size is slowly crumpled in a shrinking hollow sphere in the frictionless, quasi-static, elastic limit.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Compression for Smooth Shape Analysis

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    Most 3D shape analysis methods use triangular meshes to discretize both the shape and functions on it as piecewise linear functions. With this representation, shape analysis requires fine meshes to represent smooth shapes and geometric operators like normals, curvatures, or Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions at large computational and memory costs. We avoid this bottleneck with a compression technique that represents a smooth shape as subdivision surfaces and exploits the subdivision scheme to parametrize smooth functions on that shape with a few control parameters. This compression does not affect the accuracy of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and its eigenfunctions and allow us to compute shape descriptors and shape matchings at an accuracy comparable to triangular meshes but a fraction of the computational cost. Our framework can also compress surfaces represented by point clouds to do shape analysis of 3D scanning data

    High-Order AFEM for the Laplace-Beltrami Operator: Convergence Rates

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    We present a new AFEM for the Laplace-Beltrami operator with arbitrary polynomial degree on parametric surfaces, which are globally W∞1W^1_\infty and piecewise in a suitable Besov class embedded in C1,αC^{1,\alpha} with α∈(0,1]\alpha \in (0,1]. The idea is to have the surface sufficiently well resolved in W∞1W^1_\infty relative to the current resolution of the PDE in H1H^1. This gives rise to a conditional contraction property of the PDE module. We present a suitable approximation class and discuss its relation to Besov regularity of the surface, solution, and forcing. We prove optimal convergence rates for AFEM which are dictated by the worst decay rate of the surface error in W∞1W^1_\infty and PDE error in H1H^1.Comment: 51 pages, the published version contains an additional glossar

    Constructing IGA-suitable planar parameterization from complex CAD boundary by domain partition and global/local optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a general framework for constructing IGA-suitable planar B-spline parameterizations from given complex CAD boundaries consisting of a set of B-spline curves. Instead of forming the computational domain by a simple boundary, planar domains with high genus and more complex boundary curves are considered. Firstly, some pre-processing operations including B\'ezier extraction and subdivision are performed on each boundary curve in order to generate a high-quality planar parameterization; then a robust planar domain partition framework is proposed to construct high-quality patch-meshing results with few singularities from the discrete boundary formed by connecting the end points of the resulting boundary segments. After the topology information generation of quadrilateral decomposition, the optimal placement of interior B\'ezier curves corresponding to the interior edges of the quadrangulation is constructed by a global optimization method to achieve a patch-partition with high quality. Finally, after the imposition of C1=G1-continuity constraints on the interface of neighboring B\'ezier patches with respect to each quad in the quadrangulation, the high-quality B\'ezier patch parameterization is obtained by a C1-constrained local optimization method to achieve uniform and orthogonal iso-parametric structures while keeping the continuity conditions between patches. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed method are demonstrated by several examples which are compared to results obtained by the skeleton-based parameterization approach
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