428 research outputs found

    Quantum trade-off coding for bosonic communication

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    The trade-off capacity region of a quantum channel characterizes the optimal net rates at which a sender can communicate classical, quantum, and entangled bits to a receiver by exploiting many independent uses of the channel, along with the help of the same resources. Similarly, one can consider a trade-off capacity region when the noiseless resources are public, private, and secret key bits. In [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 140501 (2012)], we identified these trade-off rate regions for the pure-loss bosonic channel and proved that they are optimal provided that a longstanding minimum output entropy conjecture is true. Additionally, we showed that the performance gains of a trade-off coding strategy when compared to a time-sharing strategy can be quite significant. In the present paper, we provide detailed derivations of the results announced there, and we extend the application of these ideas to thermalizing and amplifying bosonic channels. We also derive a "rule of thumb" for trade-off coding, which determines how to allocate photons in a coding strategy if a large mean photon number is available at the channel input. Our results on the amplifying bosonic channel also apply to the "Unruh channel" considered in the context of relativistic quantum information theory.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, v2 has a new figure and a proof that the regions are optimal for the lossy bosonic channel if the entropy photon-number inequality is true; v3, submission to Physical Review A (see related work at http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.140501); v4, final version accepted into Physical Review

    Information trade-offs for optical quantum communication

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    Recent work has precisely characterized the achievable trade-offs between three key information processing tasks---classical communication (generation or consumption), quantum communication (generation or consumption), and shared entanglement (distribution or consumption), measured in bits, qubits, and ebits per channel use, respectively. Slices and corner points of this three-dimensional region reduce to well-known protocols for quantum channels. A trade-off coding technique can attain any point in the region and can outperform time-sharing between the best-known protocols for accomplishing each information processing task by itself. Previously, the benefits of trade-off coding that had been found were too small to be of practical value (viz., for the dephasing and the universal cloning machine channels). In this letter, we demonstrate that the associated performance gains are in fact remarkably high for several physically relevant bosonic channels that model free-space / fiber-optic links, thermal-noise channels, and amplifiers. We show that significant performance gains from trade-off coding also apply when trading photon-number resources between transmitting public and private classical information simultaneously over secret-key-assisted bosonic channels.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, see related, longer article at arXiv:1105.011

    Capacities of Quantum Amplifier Channels

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    Quantum amplifier channels are at the core of several physical processes. Not only do they model the optical process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion, but the transformation corresponding to an amplifier channel also describes the physics of the dynamical Casimir effect in superconducting circuits, the Unruh effect, and Hawking radiation. Here we study the communication capabilities of quantum amplifier channels. Invoking a recently established minimum output-entropy theorem for single-mode phase-insensitive Gaussian channels, we determine capacities of quantum-limited amplifier channels in three different scenarios. First, we establish the capacities of quantum-limited amplifier channels for one of the most general communication tasks, characterized by the trade-off between classical communication, quantum communication, and entanglement generation or consumption. Second, we establish capacities of quantum-limited amplifier channels for the trade-off between public classical communication, private classical communication, and secret key generation. Third, we determine the capacity region for a broadcast channel induced by the quantum-limited amplifier channel, and we also show that a fully quantum strategy outperforms those achieved by classical coherent detection strategies. In all three scenarios, we find that the capacities significantly outperform communication rates achieved with a naive time-sharing strategy.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Strong converse for the classical capacity of the pure-loss bosonic channel

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    This paper strengthens the interpretation and understanding of the classical capacity of the pure-loss bosonic channel, first established in [Giovannetti et al., Physical Review Letters 92, 027902 (2004), arXiv:quant-ph/0308012]. In particular, we first prove that there exists a trade-off between communication rate and error probability if one imposes only a mean-photon number constraint on the channel inputs. That is, if we demand that the mean number of photons at the channel input cannot be any larger than some positive number N_S, then it is possible to respect this constraint with a code that operates at a rate g(\eta N_S / (1-p)) where p is the code's error probability, \eta\ is the channel transmissivity, and g(x) is the entropy of a bosonic thermal state with mean photon number x. We then prove that a strong converse theorem holds for the classical capacity of this channel (that such a rate-error trade-off cannot occur) if one instead demands for a maximum photon number constraint, in such a way that mostly all of the "shadow" of the average density operator for a given code is required to be on a subspace with photon number no larger than n N_S, so that the shadow outside this subspace vanishes as the number n of channel uses becomes large. Finally, we prove that a small modification of the well-known coherent-state coding scheme meets this more demanding constraint.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure; accepted for publication in Problems of Information Transmissio

    New lower bounds to the output entropy of multi-mode quantum Gaussian channels

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    We prove that quantum thermal Gaussian input states minimize the output entropy of the multi-mode quantum Gaussian attenuators and amplifiers that are entanglement breaking and of the multi-mode quantum Gaussian phase contravariant channels among all the input states with a given entropy. This is the first time that this property is proven for a multi-mode channel without restrictions on the input states. A striking consequence of this result is a new lower bound on the output entropy of all the multi-mode quantum Gaussian attenuators and amplifiers in terms of the input entropy. We apply this bound to determine new upper bounds to the communication rates in two different scenarios. The first is classical communication to two receivers with the quantum degraded Gaussian broadcast channel. The second is the simultaneous classical communication, quantum communication and entanglement generation or the simultaneous public classical communication, private classical communication and quantum key distribution with the Gaussian quantum-limited attenuator

    Strong converse rates for classical communication over thermal and additive noise bosonic channels

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    We prove that several known upper bounds on the classical capacity of thermal and additive noise bosonic channels are actually strong converse rates. Our results strengthen the interpretation of these upper bounds, in the sense that we now know that the probability of correctly decoding a classical message rapidly converges to zero in the limit of many channel uses if the communication rate exceeds these upper bounds. In order for these theorems to hold, we need to impose a maximum photon number constraint on the states input to the channel (the strong converse property need not hold if there is only a mean photon number constraint). Our first theorem demonstrates that Koenig and Smith's upper bound on the classical capacity of the thermal bosonic channel is a strong converse rate, and we prove this result by utilizing the structural decomposition of a thermal channel into a pure-loss channel followed by an amplifier channel. Our second theorem demonstrates that Giovannetti et al.'s upper bound on the classical capacity of a thermal bosonic channel corresponds to a strong converse rate, and we prove this result by relating success probability to rate, the effective dimension of the output space, and the purity of the channel as measured by the Renyi collision entropy. Finally, we use similar techniques to prove that similar previously known upper bounds on the classical capacity of an additive noise bosonic channel correspond to strong converse rates.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review A; minor changes in the text and few reference

    Strong converse for the classical capacity of optical quantum communication channels

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    We establish the classical capacity of optical quantum channels as a sharp transition between two regimes---one which is an error-free regime for communication rates below the capacity, and the other in which the probability of correctly decoding a classical message converges exponentially fast to zero if the communication rate exceeds the classical capacity. This result is obtained by proving a strong converse theorem for the classical capacity of all phase-insensitive bosonic Gaussian channels, a well-established model of optical quantum communication channels, such as lossy optical fibers, amplifier and free-space communication. The theorem holds under a particular photon-number occupation constraint, which we describe in detail in the paper. Our result bolsters the understanding of the classical capacity of these channels and opens the path to applications, such as proving the security of noisy quantum storage models of cryptography with optical links.Comment: 15 pages, final version accepted into IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.328
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