9 research outputs found

    Optimal quantum algorithm for polynomial interpolation

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    We consider the number of quantum queries required to determine the coefficients of a degree-d polynomial over GF(q). A lower bound shown independently by Kane and Kutin and by Meyer and Pommersheim shows that d/2+1/2 quantum queries are needed to solve this problem with bounded error, whereas an algorithm of Boneh and Zhandry shows that d quantum queries are sufficient. We show that the lower bound is achievable: d/2+1/2 quantum queries suffice to determine the polynomial with bounded error. Furthermore, we show that d/2+1 queries suffice to achieve probability approaching 1 for large q. These upper bounds improve results of Boneh and Zhandry on the insecurity of cryptographic protocols against quantum attacks. We also show that our algorithm's success probability as a function of the number of queries is precisely optimal. Furthermore, the algorithm can be implemented with gate complexity poly(log q) with negligible decrease in the success probability. We end with a conjecture about the quantum query complexity of multivariate polynomial interpolation.Comment: 17 pages, minor improvements, added conjecture about multivariate interpolatio

    A Survey of Quantum Property Testing

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    The area of property testing tries to design algorithms that can efficiently handle very large amounts of data: given a large object that either has a certain property or is somehow “far” from having that property, a tester should efficiently distinguish between these two cases. In this survey we describe recent results obtained for quantum property testing. This area naturally falls into three parts. First, we may consider quantum testers for properties of classical objects. We survey the main examples known where quantum testers can be much (sometimes exponentially) more efficient than classical testers. Second, we may consider classical testers of quantum objects. This is the situation that arises for instance when one is trying to determine if quantum states or operations do what they are supposed to do, based only on classical input-output behavior. Finally, we may also consider quantum testers for properties of quantum objects, such as states or operations. We survey known bounds on testing various natural properties, such as whether two states are equal, whether a state is separable, whether two operations commute, etc. We also highlight connections to other areas of quantum information theory and mention a number of open questions. Contents

    A survey of quantum property testing

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    The area of property testing tries to design algorithms that can efficiently handle very large amounts of data: given a large object that either has a certain property or is somehow "far" from having that property, a tester should efficiently distinguish between these two cases. In this survey we describe recent results obtained for quantum property testing. This area naturally falls into three parts. First, we may consider quantum testers for properties of classical objects. We survey the main examples known where quantum testers can be much (sometimes exponentially) more efficient than classical testers. Second, we may consider classical testers of quantum objects. This is the situation that arises for instance when one is trying to determine if quantum states or operations do what they are supposed to do, based only on classical input-output behavior. Finally, we may also consider quantum testers for properties of quantum objects, such as states or operations. We survey known bounds on te

    Applications and verification of quantum computers

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    Quantum computing devices can solve problems that are infeasible for classical computers. While rigorously proving speedups over existing classical algorithms demonstrates the usefulness of quantum computers, analyzing the limits on efficient processes for computational tasks allows us to better understand the power of quantum computation. Indeed, hard problems for quantum computers also enable useful cryptographic applications. In this dissertation, we aim to understand the limits on efficient quantum computation and base applications on hard problems for quantum computers. We consider models in which a classical machine can leverage the power of a quantum device, which may be affected by noise or behave adversarially. We present protocols and tools for detecting errors in a quantum machine and estimate how serious the deviation is. We construct a non-interactive protocol that enables a purely classical party to delegate any quantum computation to an untrusted quantum prover. In the setting of error-prone quantum hardware, we employ formal methods to construct a logical system for reasoning about the robustness of a quantum algorithm design. We also study the limits of ideal quantum computers for computational tasks and give asymptotically optimal algorithms. In particular, we give quantum algorithms which provide speedups for the polynomial interpolation problem and show their optimality. Finally, we study the performance of quantum algorithms that learn properties of a matrix using queries that return its action on an input vector. In particular, we show that for various linear algebra problems, there is no quantum speedup, while for some problems, exponential speedups can be achieved