1,802 research outputs found

    Sculpting Quantum Speedups

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    Given a problem which is intractable for both quantum and classical algorithms, can we find a sub-problem for which quantum algorithms provide an exponential advantage? We refer to this problem as the "sculpting problem." In this work, we give a full characterization of sculptable functions in the query complexity setting. We show that a total function f can be restricted to a promise P such that Q(f|_P)=O(polylog(N)) and R(f|_P)=N^{Omega(1)}, if and only if f has a large number of inputs with large certificate complexity. The proof uses some interesting techniques: for one direction, we introduce new relationships between randomized and quantum query complexity in various settings, and for the other direction, we use a recent result from communication complexity due to Klartag and Regev. We also characterize sculpting for other query complexity measures, such as R(f) vs. R_0(f) and R_0(f) vs. D(f). Along the way, we prove some new relationships for quantum query complexity: for example, a nearly quadratic relationship between Q(f) and D(f) whenever the promise of f is small. This contrasts with the recent super-quadratic query complexity separations, showing that the maximum gap between classical and quantum query complexities is indeed quadratic in various settings - just not for total functions! Lastly, we investigate sculpting in the Turing machine model. We show that if there is any BPP-bi-immune language in BQP, then every language outside BPP can be restricted to a promise which places it in PromiseBQP but not in PromiseBPP. Under a weaker assumption, that some problem in BQP is hard on average for P/poly, we show that every paddable language outside BPP is sculptable in this way.Comment: 30 page

    The zero-error randomized query complexity of the pointer function

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    The pointer function of G{\"{o}}{\"{o}}s, Pitassi and Watson \cite{DBLP:journals/eccc/GoosP015a} and its variants have recently been used to prove separation results among various measures of complexity such as deterministic, randomized and quantum query complexities, exact and approximate polynomial degrees, etc. In particular, the widest possible (quadratic) separations between deterministic and zero-error randomized query complexity, as well as between bounded-error and zero-error randomized query complexity, have been obtained by considering {\em variants}~\cite{DBLP:journals/corr/AmbainisBBL15} of this pointer function. However, as was pointed out in \cite{DBLP:journals/corr/AmbainisBBL15}, the precise zero-error complexity of the original pointer function was not known. We show a lower bound of Ω~(n3/4)\widetilde{\Omega}(n^{3/4}) on the zero-error randomized query complexity of the pointer function on Θ(nlogn)\Theta(n \log n) bits; since an O~(n3/4)\widetilde{O}(n^{3/4}) upper bound is already known \cite{DBLP:conf/fsttcs/MukhopadhyayS15}, our lower bound is optimal up to a factor of \polylog\, n

    Quantum complexities of ordered searching, sorting, and element distinctness

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    We consider the quantum complexities of the following three problems: searching an ordered list, sorting an un-ordered list, and deciding whether the numbers in a list are all distinct. Letting N be the number of elements in the input list, we prove a lower bound of \frac{1}{\pi}(\ln(N)-1) accesses to the list elements for ordered searching, a lower bound of \Omega(N\log{N}) binary comparisons for sorting, and a lower bound of \Omega(\sqrt{N}\log{N}) binary comparisons for element distinctness. The previously best known lower bounds are {1/12}\log_2(N) - O(1) due to Ambainis, \Omega(N), and \Omega(\sqrt{N}), respectively. Our proofs are based on a weighted all-pairs inner product argument. In addition to our lower bound results, we give a quantum algorithm for ordered searching using roughly 0.631 \log_2(N) oracle accesses. Our algorithm uses a quantum routine for traversing through a binary search tree faster than classically, and it is of a nature very different from a faster algorithm due to Farhi, Goldstone, Gutmann, and Sipser.Comment: This new version contains new results. To appear at ICALP '01. Some of the results have previously been presented at QIP '01. This paper subsumes the papers quant-ph/0009091 and quant-ph/000903