14 research outputs found

    Optimum design for BB84 quantum key distribution in tree-type passive optical networks

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    We show that there is a tradeoff between the useful key distribution bit rate and the total length of deployed fiber in tree-type passive optical networks for BB84 quantum key distribution applications. A two stage splitting architecture where one splitting is carried in the central office and a second in the outside plant and figure of merit to account for the tradeoff are proposed. We find that there is an optimum solution for the splitting ratios of both stages in the case of Photon Number Splitting (PNS) attacks and Decoy State transmission. We then analyze the effects of the different relevant physical parameters of the PON on the optimum solution.Comment: Published in the Journal of the Optical Society of America

    Photon counting for quantum key distribution with Peltier cooled InGaAs/InP APD's

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    The performance of three types of InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes is investigated for photon counting at 1550 nm in the temperature range of thermoelectric cooling. The best one yields a dark count probability of 2.8105% 2.8\cdot 10^{-5} per gate (2.4 ns) at a detection efficiency of 10% and a temperature of -60C. The afterpulse probability and the timing jitter are also studied. The results obtained are compared with those of other papers and applied to the simulation of a quantum key distribution system. An error rate of 10% would be obtained after 54 kilometers.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Journal of Modern Optic

    Development of quantum networks and quantum cryptography in the world

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    The article reveals the basic concepts, principles of work, stages of development, and examples of the implementation of networks based on quantum phenomenaВ статье раскрываются основные понятия, принципы работы, этапы развития и примеры реализации сетей, основанных на квантовых явления

    Introduction to Quantum Information Processing

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    As a result of the capabilities of quantum information, the science of quantum information processing is now a prospering, interdisciplinary field focused on better understanding the possibilities and limitations of the underlying theory, on developing new applications of quantum information and on physically realizing controllable quantum devices. The purpose of this primer is to provide an elementary introduction to quantum information processing, and then to briefly explain how we hope to exploit the advantages of quantum information. These two sections can be read independently. For reference, we have included a glossary of the main terms of quantum information.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in LA Science. Hyperlinked PDF at http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~knill/qip/prhtml/prpdf.pdf, HTML at http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~knill/qip/prhtm

    Practical Quantum Key Distribution based on the BB84 protocol

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    [EN] This paper provides a review of the most important and widely used Quantum Key Distribution systems and then describes our recently proposed scheme based on Subcarrier Multiplexing that opens the possibility of parallel Quantum Key Distribution. We report the first-ever experimental implementation of parallel quantum key distribution using this technique showing a maximum multiplexing gain.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government through Quantum Optical Information Technology (QOIT), a CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Project and in part by the Generalitat Valenciana through the PROMETEO 2008/092 research excellency award.Ruiz Alba Gaya, A.; Calvo Díaz-Aldagalán, D.; García Muñoz, V.; Martínez García, A.; Amaya Ocampo, WA.; Rozo Chicue, JG.; Mora Almerich, J.... (2011). Practical Quantum Key Distribution based on the BB84 protocol. Waves. 1(3):4-14. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/53967S4141

    Secure quantum communication technologies and systems: From labs to markets

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    We provide a broad overview of current quantum communication by analyzing the recent discoveries on the topic and by identifying the potential bottlenecks requiring further investigation. The analysis follows an industrial perspective, first identifying the state or the art in terms of protocols, systems, and devices for quantum communication. Next, we classify the applicative fields where short- and medium-term impact is expected by emphasizing the potential and challenges of different approaches. The direction and the methodology with which the scientific community is proceeding are discussed. Finally, with reference to the European guidelines within the Quantum Flagship initiative, we suggest a roadmap to match the effort community-wise, with the objective of maximizing the impact that quantum communication may have on our society

    Quantum Cryptography

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    Quantum cryptography could well be the first application of quantum mechanics at the individual quanta level. The very fast progress in both theory and experiments over the recent years are reviewed, with emphasis on open questions and technological issues.Comment: 55 pages, 32 figures; to appear in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Sistemas de Distribución de Clave Cuántica Basados en Codificación en Frecuencia

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    Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la aplicabilidad que dos disciplinas, la fotónica de microondas (MWP) y las comunicaciones cuánticas, pueden aportar en el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de distribución de clave cuántica (QKD). El objetivo principal es el análisis y la validación experimental de sistemas QKD en la técnica de codificación en frecuencia (FC-QKD), por medio de distintas configuraciones de moduladores. Los sistemas FC-QKD permiten la incorporación de técnicas de multiplexación empleadas en MWP, por ello, se presenta un sistema basado en multiplexación de la subportadora (SCM) y multiplexación en longitud de onda (WDM) que permite la correcta distribución de claves mediante el protocolo BB84. Los sistemas SCM-QKD presentan algunas ventajas como su alta eficiencia espectral y la posibilidad de compartir una única fuente para todos los canales. Esto reduce considerablemente la complejidad del sistema y permite incorporar la técnica WDM aumentando el número de claves que se transmiten paralelamente y transmitiendo la informacióon de estas junto a canales clásicos sobre la misma fibra óptica. Para entender las funcionalidades de los sistemas FC-QKD se ha realizado un análisis teórico, que permite obtener expresiones para la tasa de error de bit (QBER) y la tasa de transmisión de clave, teniendo en cuenta los diferentes factores limitantes de los sistemas SCM-QKD, incluyendo la dispersión de la fibra y los efectos de intermodulación. Complementando este análisis teórica, se desarrolla diferentes esquemas experimentales en el laboratorio para evaluar la viabilidad experimental de este tipo de estructuras y tecnologías para su uso en sistemas QKD. Finalmente se presenta un sistema con cuatro canales independientes consiguiéndose una tasa de bit en crudo de 10 kb/s por canal, con un QBER por debajo del 2% y un enlace de 11 km. Estos resultados abren el camino para el uso de estos sistemas QKD en redes ópticas.Ruiz Alba Gaya, A. (2012). Sistemas de Distribución de Clave Cuántica Basados en Codificación en Frecuencia [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16699Palanci