9 research outputs found

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation Without Maps: Attacks and Fixes for Noisy Linear FE

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    Candidates of Indistinguishability Obfuscation (iO) can be categorized as ``direct\u27\u27 or ``bootstrapping based\u27\u27. Direct constructions rely on high degree multilinear maps [GGH13,GGHRSW13] and provide heuristic guarantees, while bootstrapping based constructions [LV16,Lin17,LT17,AJLMS19,Agr19,JLMS19] rely, in the best case, on bilinear maps as well as new variants of the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption and pseudorandom generators. Recent times have seen exciting progress in the construction of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) from bilinear maps (along with other assumptions) [LT17,AJLMS19,JLMS19,Agr19]. As a notable exception, a recent work by Agrawal [Agr19] provided a construction for iO without using any maps. This work identified a new primitive, called Noisy Linear Functional Encryption (NLinFE) that provably suffices for iO and gave a direct construction of NLinFE from new assumptions on lattices. While a preliminary cryptanalysis for the new assumptions was provided in the original work, the author admitted the necessity of performing significantly more cryptanalysis before faith could be placed in the security of the scheme. Moreover, the author did not suggest concrete parameters for the construction. In this work, we fill this gap by undertaking the task of thorough cryptanalytic study of NLinFE. We design two attacks that let the adversary completely break the security of the scheme. To achieve this, we develop new cryptanalytic techniques which (we hope) will inform future designs of the primitive of NLinFE. From the knowledge gained by our cryptanalytic study, we suggest modifications to the scheme. We provide a new scheme which overcomes the vulnerabilities identified before. We also provide a thorough analysis of all the security aspects of this scheme and argue why plausible attacks do not work. We additionally provide concrete parameters with which the scheme may be instantiated. We believe the security of NLinFE stands on significantly firmer footing as a result of this work

    Return of GGH15: Provable Security Against Zeroizing Attacks

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    The GGH15 multilinear maps have served as the foundation for a number of cutting-edge cryptographic proposals. Unfortunately, many schemes built on GGH15 have been explicitly broken by so-called ``zeroizing attacks,\u27\u27 which exploit leakage from honest zero-test queries. The precise settings in which zeroizing attacks are possible have remained unclear. Most notably, none of the current indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) candidates from GGH15 have any formal security guarantees against zeroizing attacks. In this work, we demonstrate that all known zeroizing attacks on GGH15 implicitly construct algebraic relations between the results of zero-testing and the encoded plaintext elements. We then propose a ``GGH15 zeroizing model as a new general framework which greatly generalizes known attacks. Our second contribution is to describe a new GGH15 variant, which we formally analyze in our GGH15 zeroizing model. We then construct a new iO candidate using our multilinear map, which we prove secure in the GGH15 zeroizing model. This implies resistance to all known zeroizing strategies. The proof relies on the Branching Program Un-Annihilatability (BPUA) Assumption of Garg et al. [TCC 16-B] (which is implied by PRFs in NC^1 secure against P/Poly) and the complexity-theoretic p-Bounded Speedup Hypothesis of Miles et al. [ePrint 14] (a strengthening of the Exponential Time Hypothesis)

    Matrix PRFs: Constructions, Attacks, and Applications to Obfuscation

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    We initiate a systematic study of pseudorandom functions (PRFs) that are computable by simple matrix branching programs; we refer to these objects as “matrix PRFs”. Matrix PRFs are attractive due to their simplicity, strong connections to complexity theory and group theory, and recent applications in program obfuscation. Our main results are: * We present constructions of matrix PRFs based on the conjectured hardness of some simple computational problems pertaining to matrix products. * We show that any matrix PRF that is computable by a read-c, width w branching program can be broken in time poly(w^c); this means that any matrix PRF based on constant-width matrices must read each input bit omega(log lambda) times. Along the way, we simplify the “tensor switching lemmas” introduced in previous IO attacks. * We show that a subclass of the candidate local-PRG proposed by Barak et al. [Eurocrypt 2018] can be broken using simple matrix algebra. * We show that augmenting the CVW18 IO candidate with a matrix PRF provably immunizes the candidate against all known algebraic and statistical zeroizing attacks, as captured by a new and simple adversarial model

    The MMap Strikes Back: Obfuscation and New Multilinear Maps Immune to CLT13 Zeroizing Attacks

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    All known multilinear map candidates have suffered from a class of attacks known as ``zeroizing\u27\u27 attacks, which render them unusable for many applications. We provide a new construction of polynomial-degree multilinear maps and show that our scheme is provably immune to zeroizing attacks under a strengthening of the Branching Program Un-Annihilatability Assumption (Garg et al., TCC 2016-B). Concretely, we build our scheme on top of the CLT13 multilinear maps (Coron et al., CRYPTO 2013). In order to justify the security of our new scheme, we devise a weak multilinear map model for CLT13 that captures zeroizing attacks and generalizations, reflecting all known classical polynomial-time attacks on CLT13. In our model, we show that our new multilinear map scheme achieves ideal security, meaning no known attacks apply to our scheme. Using our scheme, we give a new multiparty key agreement protocol that is several orders of magnitude more efficient that what was previously possible. We also demonstrate the general applicability of our model by showing that several existing obfuscation and order-revealing encryption schemes, when instantiated with the CLT13 maps, are secure against known attacks. These are schemes that are actually being implemented for experimentation, but until our work had no rigorous justification for security

    A Novel Power-Sum PRG with Applications to Lattice-Based zkSNARKs

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    zkSNARK is a cryptographic primitive that allows a prover to prove to a resource constrained verifier, that it has indeed performed a specified non-deterministic computation correctly, while hiding private witnesses. In this work we focus on lattice based zkSNARK, as this serves two important design goals. Firstly, we get post-quantum zkSNARK schemes with O(\log (\mbox{Circuit size})) sized proofs (without random oracles) and secondly, the easy verifier circuit allows further bootstrapping by arbitrary (zk)SNARK schemes that offer additional or complementary properties. However, this goal comes with considerable challenges. The only known lattice-based bilinear maps are obtained using multi-linear maps of Garg, Gentry, and Halevi 2013 (GGH13), which have undergone considerable cryptanalytic attacks, in particular annihilation attacks. In this work, we propose a (level-2) GGH13-encoding based zkSNARK which we show to be secure in the weak-multilinear map model of Miles-Sahai-Zhandry assuming a novel pseudo-random generator (PRG). We argue that the new PRG assumption is plausible based on the well-studied Newton\u27s identity on power-sum polynomials, as well as an analysis of hardness of computing Grobner bases for these polynomials. The particular PRG is designed for efficient implementation of the zkSNARK. Technically, we leverage the 2-linear instantiation of the GGH13 graded encoding scheme to provide us with an analogue of bilinear maps and adapt the Groth16 (Groth, Eurocrypt 2016) protocol, although with considerable technical advances in design and proof. The protocol is non-interactive in the CRS model

    New Methods for Indistinguishability Obfuscation: Bootstrapping and Instantiation

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    Constructing indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) [BGI+01] is a central open question in cryptography. We provide new methods to make progress towards this goal. Our contributions may be summarized as follows: 1. {\textbf Bootstrapping}. In a recent work, Lin and Tessaro [LT17] (LT) show that iO may be constructed using i) Functional Encryption (FE) for polynomials of degree LL , ii) Pseudorandom Generators (PRG) with blockwise locality LL and polynomial expansion, and iii) Learning With Errors (LWE). Since there exist constructions of FE for quadratic polynomials from standard assumptions on bilinear maps [Lin17, BCFG17], the ideal scenario would be to set L=2L = 2, yielding iO from widely believed assumptions. Unfortunately, it was shown soon after [LV17,BBKK17] that PRG with block locality 22 and the expansion factor required by the LT construction, concretely Ω(n⋅2b(3+Ï”))\Omega(n\cdot 2^{b(3+\epsilon)}), where nn is the input length and bb is the block length, do not exist. In the worst case, these lower bounds rule out 2-block local PRG with stretch Ω(n⋅2b(2+Ï”))\Omega(n \cdot 2^{b(2+\epsilon)}). While [LV17,BBKK17] provided strong negative evidence for constructing iO based on bilinear maps, they could not rule out the possibility completely; a tantalizing gap has remained. Given the current state of lower bounds, the existence of 2 block local PRG with expansion factor Ω(n⋅2b(1+Ï”))\Omega(n\cdot 2^{b(1+\epsilon)}) remains open, although this stretch does not suffice for the LT bootstrapping, and is hence unclear to be relevant for iO. In this work, we improve the state of affairs as follows. (a) Weakening requirements on PRGs: In this work, we show that the narrow window of expansion factors left open by lower bounds do suffice for iO. We show a new method to construct FE for NC1NC_1 from i) FE for degree L polynomials, ii) PRGs of block locality LL and expansion factor Ω(n⋅2b(2+Ï”))\Omega(n\cdot2^{b(2+\epsilon)}), and iii) LWE (or RLWE). Our method of bootstrapping is completely different from all known methods and does not go via randomizing polynomials. This re-opens the possibility of realizing iO from 22 block local PRG, SXDH on Bilinear maps and LWE. (b) Broadening class of sufficient PRGs: Our bootstrapping theorem may be instantiated with a broader class of pseudorandom generators than hitherto considered for iO, and may circumvent lower bounds known for the arithmetic degree of iO -sufficient PRGs [LV17,BBKK17]; in particular, these may admit instantiations with arithmetic degree 22, yielding iO with the additional assumptions of SXDH on Bilinear maps and LWE. In more detail, we may use the following two classes of PRG: i) Non-Boolean PRGs: We may use pseudorandom generators whose inputs and outputs need not be Boolean but may be integers restricted to a small (polynomial) range. Additionally, the outputs are not required to be pseudorandom but must only satisfy a milder indistinguishability property. We tentatively propose initializing these PRGs using the multivariate quadratic assumption (MQ) which has been widely studied in the literature [MI88,Wol05,DY09] and against the general case of which, no efficient attacks are known. We note that our notion of non Boolean PRGs is qualitatively equivalent to the notion of Δ\Delta RGs defined in the concurrent work of Ananth, Jain, Khurana and Sahai [AJKS18] except that Δ\Delta RG are weaker, in that they allow the adversary to win the game with 1/poly1/poly probability whereas we require that the adversary only wins with standard negligible probability. By relying on the security amplification theorem of [AJKS18] in a black box way, our construction can also make do with the weaker notion of security considered by [AJKS18]. ii) Correlated Noise Generators: We introduce an even weaker class of pseudorandom generators, which we call correlated noise generators (CNG) which may not only be non-Boolean but are required to satisfy an even milder (seeming) indistinguishability property. (c) Assumptions and Efficiency. Our bootstrapping theorems can be based on the hardness of the Learning With Errors problem (LWE) or its ring variant (RLWE) and can compile FE for degree LL polynomials directly to FE for NC1NC_1. Previous work compiles FE for degree LL polynomials to FE for NC0NC_0 to FE for NC1NC_1 to iO [LV16,Lin17,AS17,GGHRSW13]. 2. Instantiating Primitives. In this work, we provide the first direct candidate of FE for constant degree polynomials from new assumptions on lattices. Our construction is new and does not go via multilinear maps or graded encoding schemes as all previous constructions. In more detail, let F\mathcal{F} be the class of circuits with depth dd and output length ℓ\ell. Then, for any f∈Ff \in \mathcal{F}, our scheme achieves Time(keygen)=O(poly(Îș,∣f∣)){\sf Time({keygen})} = O\big(poly(\kappa, |f|)\big), and {\sf Time({encrypt})} =O(|\vecx|\cdot 2^d \cdot \poly(\kappa)) where Îș\kappa is the security parameter. This suffices to instantiate the bootstrapping step above. Our construction is based on the ring learning with errors assumption (RLWE) as well as new untested assumptions on NTRU rings. We provide a detailed security analysis and discuss why previously known attacks in the context of multilinear maps, especially zeroizing attacks and annihilation attacks, do not appear to apply to our setting. We caution that the assumptions underlying our construction must be subject to rigorous cryptanalysis before any confidence can be gained in their security. However, their significant departure from known multilinear map based constructions make them, we feel, a potentially fruitful new direction to explore. Additionally, being based entirely on lattices, we believe that security against classical attacks will likely imply security against quantum attacks. Note that this feature is not enjoyed by instantiations that make any use of bilinear maps even if secure instances of weak PRGs, as defined by the present work, the follow-up by Lin and Matt [LM18] and the independent work by Ananth, Jain, Khurana and Sahai [AJKS18] are found

    Candidate Obfuscation via Oblivious LWE Sampling

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    We present a new, simple candidate construction of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). Our scheme is inspired by lattices and learning-with-errors (LWE) techniques, but we are unable to prove security under a standard assumption. Instead, we formulate a new falsifiable assumption under which the scheme is secure. Furthermore, the scheme plausibly achieves post-quantum security. Our construction is based on the recent split FHE framework of Brakerski, Döttling, Garg, and Malavolta (EUROCRYPT \u2720), and we provide a new instantiation of this framework. As a first step, we construct an iO scheme that is provably secure assuming that LWE holds \emph{and} that it is possible to obliviously generate LWE samples without knowing the corresponding secrets. We define a precise notion of oblivious LWE sampling that suffices for the construction. It is known how to obliviously sample from any distribution (in a very strong sense) using iO, and our result provides a converse, showing that the ability to obliviously sample from the specific LWE distribution (in a much weaker sense) already also implies iO. As a second step, we give a heuristic contraction of oblivious LWE sampling. On a very high level, we do this by homomorphically generating pseudoradnom LWE samples using an encrypted pseudorandom function

    Quantum Attacks against Indistinguishablility Obfuscators Proved Secure in the Weak Multilinear Map Model

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    International audienceWe present a quantum polynomial time attack against the GMMSSZ branching program obfuscator of Garg et al. (TCC'16), when instantiated with the GGH13 multilinear map of Garg et al. (EURO-CRYPT'13). This candidate obfuscator was proved secure in the weak multilinear map model introduced by Miles et al. (CRYPTO'16). Our attack uses the short principal ideal solver of Cramer et al. (EURO-CRYPT'16), to recover a secret element of the GGH13 multilinear map in quantum polynomial time. We then use this secret element to mount a (classical) polynomial time mixed-input attack against the GMMSSZ obfuscator. The main result of this article can hence be seen as a classical reduction from the security of the GMMSSZ obfuscator to the short principal ideal problem (the quantum setting is then only used to solve this problem in polynomial time). As an additional contribution, we explain how the same ideas can be adapted to mount a quantum polynomial time attack against the DGGMM obfuscator of Döttling et al. (ePrint 2016), which was also proved secure in the weak multilinear map model