1,805 research outputs found

    Effects of Noninhibitory Serpin Maspin on the Actin Cytoskeleton: A Quantitative Image Modeling Approach

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    Recent developments in quantitative image analysis allow us to interrogate confocal microscopy images to answer biological questions. Clumped and layered cell nuclei and cytoplasm in confocal images challenges the ability to identify subcellular compartments. To date, there is no perfect image analysis method to identify cytoskeletal changes in confocal images. Here, we present a multidisciplinary study where an image analysis model was developed to allow quantitative measurements of changes in the cytoskeleton of cells with different maspin exposure. Maspin, a noninhibitory serpin influences cell migration, adhesion, invasion, proliferation, and apoptosis in ways that are consistent with its identification as a tumor metastasis suppressor. Using different cell types, we tested the hypothesis that reduction in cell migration by maspin would be reflected in the architecture of the actin cytoskeleton. A hybrid marker-controlled watershed segmentation technique was used to segment the nuclei, cytoplasm, and ruffling regions before measuring cytoskeletal changes. This was informed by immunohistochemical staining of cells transfected stably or transiently with maspin proteins, or with added bioactive peptides or protein. Image analysis results showed that the effects of maspin were mirrored by effects on cell architecture, in a way that could be described quantitatively

    Taking aim at moving targets in computational cell migration

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    Cell migration is central to the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Fundamental understanding of cell migration can, for example, direct novel therapeutic strategies to control invasive tumor cells. However, the study of cell migration yields an overabundance of experimental data that require demanding processing and analysis for results extraction. Computational methods and tools have therefore become essential in the quantification and modeling of cell migration data. We review computational approaches for the key tasks in the quantification of in vitro cell migration: image pre-processing, motion estimation and feature extraction. Moreover, we summarize the current state-of-the-art for in silico modeling of cell migration. Finally, we provide a list of available software tools for cell migration to assist researchers in choosing the most appropriate solution for their needs

    Extraction of protein profiles from primary neurons using active contour models and wavelets

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    AbstractThe function of complex networks in the nervous system relies on the proper formation of neuronal contacts and their remodeling. To decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes, it is essential to establish unbiased automated tools allowing the correlation of neurite morphology and the subcellular distribution of molecules by quantitative means.We developed NeuronAnalyzer2D, a plugin for ImageJ, which allows the extraction of neuronal cell morphologies from two dimensional high resolution images, and in particular their correlation with protein profiles determined by indirect immunostaining of primary neurons. The prominent feature of our approach is the ability to extract subcellular distributions of distinct biomolecules along neurites. To extract the complete areas of neurons, required for this analysis, we employ active contours with a new distance based energy. For locating the structural parts of neurons and various morphological parameters we adopt a wavelet based approach. The presented approach is able to extract distinctive profiles of several proteins and reports detailed morphology measurements on neurites.We compare the detected neurons from NeuronAnalyzer2D with those obtained by NeuriteTracer and Vaa3D-Neuron, two popular tools for automatic neurite tracing. The distinctive profiles extracted for several proteins, for example, of the mRNA binding protein ZBP1, and a comparative evaluation of the neuron segmentation results proves the high quality of the quantitative data and proves its practical utility for biomedical analyses

    Mechanical Coupling Coordinates the Co-elongation of Axial and Paraxial Tissues in Avian Embryos.

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    Tissues undergoing morphogenesis impose mechanical effects on one another. How developmental programs adapt to or take advantage of these effects remains poorly explored. Here, using a combination of live imaging, modeling, and microsurgical perturbations, we show that the axial and paraxial tissues in the forming avian embryonic body coordinate their rates of elongation through mechanical interactions. First, a cell motility gradient drives paraxial presomitic mesoderm (PSM) expansion, resulting in compression of the axial neural tube and notochord; second, elongation of axial tissues driven by PSM compression and polarized cell intercalation pushes the caudal progenitor domain posteriorly; finally, the axial push drives the lateral movement of midline PSM cells to maintain PSM growth and cell motility. These interactions form an engine-like positive feedback loop, which sustains a shared elongation rate for coupled tissues. Our results demonstrate a key role of inter-tissue forces in coordinating distinct body axis tissues during their co-elongation

    Learning to segment clustered amoeboid cells from brightfield microscopy via multi-task learning with adaptive weight selection

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    Detecting and segmenting individual cells from microscopy images is critical to various life science applications. Traditional cell segmentation tools are often ill-suited for applications in brightfield microscopy due to poor contrast and intensity heterogeneity, and only a small subset are applicable to segment cells in a cluster. In this regard, we introduce a novel supervised technique for cell segmentation in a multi-task learning paradigm. A combination of a multi-task loss, based on the region and cell boundary detection, is employed for an improved prediction efficiency of the network. The learning problem is posed in a novel min-max framework which enables adaptive estimation of the hyper-parameters in an automatic fashion. The region and cell boundary predictions are combined via morphological operations and active contour model to segment individual cells. The proposed methodology is particularly suited to segment touching cells from brightfield microscopy images without manual interventions. Quantitatively, we observe an overall Dice score of 0.93 on the validation set, which is an improvement of over 15.9% on a recent unsupervised method, and outperforms the popular supervised U-net algorithm by at least 5.8%5.8\% on average

    Dynamics of Cell Shape and Forces on Micropatterned Substrates Predicted by a Cellular Potts Model

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    Micropatterned substrates are often used to standardize cell experiments and to quantitatively study the relation between cell shape and function. Moreover, they are increasingly used in combination with traction force microscopy on soft elastic substrates. To predict the dynamics and steady states of cell shape and forces without any a priori knowledge of how the cell will spread on a given micropattern, here we extend earlier formulations of the two-dimensional cellular Potts model. The third dimension is treated as an area reservoir for spreading. To account for local contour reinforcement by peripheral bundles, we augment the cellular Potts model by elements of the tension-elasticity model. We first parameterize our model and show that it accounts for momentum conservation. We then demonstrate that it is in good agreement with experimental data for shape, spreading dynamics, and traction force patterns of cells on micropatterned substrates. We finally predict shapes and forces for micropatterns that have not yet been experimentally studied.Comment: Revtex, 32 pages, 11 PDF figures, to appear in Biophysical Journa

    A Dynamical Systems Modelling Framework for Breast Cancer Cell Motility and Morphology Analysis

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    Cancer is a worldwide disease and, in the UK, breast cancer is the most common. Compared to healthy cells, cancer cells migrate abnormally, associated with alterations in cell motility and morphology. The development of biomedical imaging techniques result in the production of large amounts of data. The analysis of such large data, the variety of cancer cell shapes and the potential links between cell motility and morphology present a challenge for cell migration study: how to analyse cell motility and morphology simultaneously. This thesis proposes a computational framework to address integrated cancer cell migration analysis. Firstly, automated tracking of cell boundaries is undertaken by a DWNA kinematic model of cell boundaries, described by B-spline active contours. The tracked cell states intrinsically links cell morphology to motility features. As a result, cell centroid and boundary dynamics are successfully tracked, followed by quantitative motility analysis. A module to quantitatively analyse cell morphology is proposed after tracking. Cell shapes are described by a 2D descriptor. Accordingly, cell morphodynamics are modelled as a hidden Markov process, along with three shape states: round, elongated and teardrop. In order to explore the potential interactions between cell shapes and motility, cell centroid motility characteristics are associated to the identified shape states. When the analysis was applied to breast cancer control cells, the identified shape states showed distinct motility characteristics. Finally, the proposed framework is adapted to the comparison of MDA-MB-231 cell behaviours with regulating migration-associated proteins: i) Blebbistatin and Y-27632, which are chemical inhibitors of two different proteins working on the same pathway, showed identical, but different degrees of effects on the motility and morphology characteristics of MDA-MB-231 cells. ii) The absence of FA-associated genes, including FAK, RhoE and beta-PIX, respectively showed distinct effects on cell migrations

    Of Cell Shapes and Motion: The Physical Basis of Animal Cell Migration.

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    Motile cells have developed a variety of migration modes relying on diverse traction-force-generation mechanisms. Before the behavior of intracellular components could be easily imaged, cell movements were mostly classified by different types of cellular shape dynamics. Indeed, even though some types of cells move without any significant change in shape, most cell propulsion mechanisms rely on global or local deformations of the cell surface. In this review, focusing mostly on metazoan cells, we discuss how different types of local and global shape changes underlie distinct migration modes. We then discuss mechanical differences between force-generation mechanisms and finish by speculating on how they may have evolved