4,854 research outputs found

    MRI image segmantation based on edge detection

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    Cílem této práce je představit základní segmentační techniky používáné v oblasti medicínského zpracování obrazových dat a pomocí 3D prohlížeče schopného zobrazit 3D obrazy implementovat segmentační modul založený na hranové detekci a vyhodnotit výsledky. Navrhovaný prohlížeč je sestavený v prostředi Matlab GUI a je schopen načíst objem 3D snímků představující lidskou hlavu. Navrhovaný segmentační modul je založen na použití hranových detektorů, zejména Cannyho detektoru.The aim of this thesis is to present the basic segmentation techniques uses in the field of medical image processing and by using a 3D viewer able to visualize 3D images, implement a segmentation module based on edges detection and evaluate the results. The proposed viewer is a 3D viewer build using matlab GUI and is able to load a volume of images representing the human head. The proposed segmentation module is based on the use of edge detectors particularly the Canny algorithm.

    Edge and Line Feature Extraction Based on Covariance Models

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    age segmentation based on contour extraction usually involves three stages of image operations: feature extraction, edge detection and edge linking. This paper is devoted to the first stage: a method to design feature extractors used to detect edges from noisy and/or blurred images. The method relies on a model that describes the existence of image discontinuities (e.g. edges) in terms of covariance functions. The feature extractor transforms the input image into a “log-likelihood ratio” image. Such an image is a good starting point of the edge detection stage since it represents a balanced trade-off between signal-to-noise ratio and the ability to resolve detailed structures. For 1-D signals, the performance of the edge detector based on this feature extractor is quantitatively assessed by the so called “average risk measure”. The results are compared with the performances of 1-D edge detectors known from literature. Generalizations to 2-D operators are given. Applications on real world images are presented showing the capability of the covariance model to build edge and line feature extractors. Finally it is shown that the covariance model can be coupled to a MRF-model of edge configurations so as to arrive at a maximum a posteriori estimate of the edges or lines in the image

    Biomimetic Design for Efficient Robotic Performance in Dynamic Aquatic Environments - Survey

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    This manuscript is a review over the published articles on edge detection. At first, it provides theoretical background, and then reviews wide range of methods of edge detection in different categorizes. The review also studies the relationship between categories, and presents evaluations regarding to their application, performance, and implementation. It was stated that the edge detection methods structurally are a combination of image smoothing and image differentiation plus a post-processing for edge labelling. The image smoothing involves filters that reduce the noise, regularize the numerical computation, and provide a parametric representation of the image that works as a mathematical microscope to analyze it in different scales and increase the accuracy and reliability of edge detection. The image differentiation provides information of intensity transition in the image that is necessary to represent the position and strength of the edges and their orientation. The edge labelling calls for post-processing to suppress the false edges, link the dispread ones, and produce a uniform contour of objects

    A new Edge Detector Based on Parametric Surface Model: Regression Surface Descriptor

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    In this paper we present a new methodology for edge detection in digital images. The first originality of the proposed method is to consider image content as a parametric surface. Then, an original parametric local model of this surface representing image content is proposed. The few parameters involved in the proposed model are shown to be very sensitive to discontinuities in surface which correspond to edges in image content. This naturally leads to the design of an efficient edge detector. Moreover, a thorough analysis of the proposed model also allows us to explain how these parameters can be used to obtain edge descriptors such as orientations and curvatures. In practice, the proposed methodology offers two main advantages. First, it has high customization possibilities in order to be adjusted to a wide range of different problems, from coarse to fine scale edge detection. Second, it is very robust to blurring process and additive noise. Numerical results are presented to emphasis these properties and to confirm efficiency of the proposed method through a comparative study with other edge detectors.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures and 2 table

    Filtering of image sequences: on line edge detection and motion reconstruction

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    L'argomento della Tesi riguarda líelaborazione di sequenze di immagini, relative ad una scena in cui uno o pi˘ oggetti (possibilmente deformabili) si muovono e acquisite da un opportuno strumento di misura. A causa del processo di misura, le immagini sono corrotte da un livello di degradazione. Si riporta la formalizzazione matematica dellíinsieme delle immagini considerate, dellíinsieme dei moti ammissibili e della degradazione introdotta dallo strumento di misura. Ogni immagine della sequenza acquisita ha una relazione con tutte le altre, stabilita dalla legge del moto della scena. Líidea proposta in questa Tesi Ë quella di sfruttare questa relazione tra le diverse immagini della sequenza per ricostruire grandezze di interesse che caratterizzano la scena. Nel caso in cui si conosce il moto, líinteresse Ë quello di ricostruire i contorni dellíimmagine iniziale (che poi possono essere propagati attraverso la stessa legge del moto, in modo da ricostruire i contorni della generica immagine appartenente alla sequenza in esame), stimando líampiezza e del salto del livello di grigio e la relativa localizzazione. Nel caso duale si suppone invece di conoscere la disposizione dei contorni nellíimmagine iniziale e di avere un modello stocastico che descriva il moto; líobiettivo Ë quindi stimare i parametri che caratterizzano tale modello. Infine, si presentano i risultati dellíapplicazione delle due metodologie succitate a dati reali ottenuti in ambito biomedicale da uno strumento denominato pupillometro. Tali risultati sono di elevato interesse nellíottica di utilizzare il suddetto strumento a fini diagnostici

    Multiscale Astronomical Image Processing Based on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

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    Astronomical applications of recent advances in the field of nonastronomical image processing are presented. These innovative methods, applied to multiscale astronomical images, increase signal-to-noise ratio, do not smear point sources or extended diffuse structures, and are thus a highly useful preliminary step for detection of different features including point sources, smoothing of clumpy data, and removal of contaminants from background maps. We show how the new methods, combined with other algorithms of image processing, unveil fine diffuse structures while at the same time enhance detection of localized objects, thus facilitating interactive morphology studies and paving the way for the automated recognition and classification of different features. We have also developed a new application framework for astronomical image processing that implements some recent advances made in computer vision and modern image processing, along with original algorithms based on nonlinear partial differential equations. The framework enables the user to easily set up and customize an image-processing pipeline interactively; it has various common and new visualization features and provides access to many astronomy data archives. Altogether, the results presented here demonstrate the first implementation of a novel synergistic approach based on integration of image processing, image visualization, and image quality assessment

    Interest Points as a Focus Measure in Multi-Spectral Imaging

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    A novel multi-spectral focus measure that is based on algorithms for interest point detection, particularly on the FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test), Fast Hessian and Harris-Laplace detector, is described in this paper. The proposed measure methods are compared with commonly used focus measure techniques like energy of image gradient, sum-modified Laplacian, Tenenbaum's algorithm or spatial frequency when testing their reliability and performance. The measures have been tested on a newly created database containing 420 images acquired in visible, near-infrared and thermal spectrum (7 objects in each spectrum). Algorithms based on the interest point detectors proved to be good focus measures satisfying all the requirements described in the paper, especially in thermal spectrum. It is shown that these algorithms outperformed all commonly used methods in thermal spectrum and therefore can serve as a new and more accurate focus measure

    Principled Design and Implementation of Steerable Detectors

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    We provide a complete pipeline for the detection of patterns of interest in an image. In our approach, the patterns are assumed to be adequately modeled by a known template, and are located at unknown position and orientation. We propose a continuous-domain additive image model, where the analyzed image is the sum of the template and an isotropic background signal with self-similar isotropic power-spectrum. The method is able to learn an optimal steerable filter fulfilling the SNR criterion based on one single template and background pair, that therefore strongly responds to the template, while optimally decoupling from the background model. The proposed filter then allows for a fast detection process, with the unknown orientation estimation through the use of steerability properties. In practice, the implementation requires to discretize the continuous-domain formulation on polar grids, which is performed using radial B-splines. We demonstrate the practical usefulness of our method on a variety of template approximation and pattern detection experiments

    Noise-Enhanced and Human Visual System-Driven Image Processing: Algorithms and Performance Limits

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    This dissertation investigates the problem of image processing based on stochastic resonance (SR) noise and human visual system (HVS) properties, where several novel frameworks and algorithms for object detection in images, image enhancement and image segmentation as well as the method to estimate the performance limit of image segmentation algorithms are developed. Object detection in images is a fundamental problem whose goal is to make a decision if the object of interest is present or absent in a given image. We develop a framework and algorithm to enhance the detection performance of suboptimal detectors using SR noise, where we add a suitable dose of noise into the original image data and obtain the performance improvement. Micro-calcification detection is employed in this dissertation as an illustrative example. The comparative experiments with a large number of images verify the efficiency of the presented approach. Image enhancement plays an important role and is widely used in various vision tasks. We develop two image enhancement approaches. One is based on SR noise, HVS-driven image quality evaluation metrics and the constrained multi-objective optimization (MOO) technique, which aims at refining the existing suboptimal image enhancement methods. Another is based on the selective enhancement framework, under which we develop several image enhancement algorithms. The two approaches are applied to many low quality images, and they outperform many existing enhancement algorithms. Image segmentation is critical to image analysis. We present two segmentation algorithms driven by HVS properties, where we incorporate the human visual perception factors into the segmentation procedure and encode the prior expectation on the segmentation results into the objective functions through Markov random fields (MRF). Our experimental results show that the presented algorithms achieve higher segmentation accuracy than many representative segmentation and clustering algorithms available in the literature. Performance limit, or performance bound, is very useful to evaluate different image segmentation algorithms and to analyze the segmentability of the given image content. We formulate image segmentation as a parameter estimation problem and derive a lower bound on the segmentation error, i.e., the mean square error (MSE) of the pixel labels considered in our work, using a modified Cramér-Rao bound (CRB). The derivation is based on the biased estimator assumption, whose reasonability is verified in this dissertation. Experimental results demonstrate the validity of the derived bound