2,030 research outputs found

    Catchment Care - Developing an Auction Process for Biodiversity and Water Quality Gains. Volume 1 - Report

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    This report describes the design, development and trial of catchment care. Catchment Care is an auction-based system which aims to increase the cost effectiveness of funds for private on-ground natural resource management actions.Water;Australia;Natural Resource Management;Catchment Care; auction.

    Resource Management in Large-scale Systems

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    The focus of this thesis is resource management in large-scale systems. Our primary concerns are energy management and practical principles for self-organization and self-management. The main contributions of our work are: 1. Models. We proposed several models for different aspects of resource management, e.g., energy-aware load balancing and application scaling for the cloud ecosystem, hierarchical architecture model for self-organizing and self-manageable systems and a new cloud delivery model based on auction-driven self-organization approach. 2. Algorithms. We also proposed several different algorithms for the models described above. Algorithms such as coalition formation, combinatorial auctions and clustering algorithm for scale-free organizations of scale-free networks. 3. Evaluation. Eventually we conducted different evaluations for the proposed models and algorithms in order to verify them. All the simulations reported in this thesis had been carried out on different instances and services of Amazon Web Services (AWS). All of these modules will be discussed in detail in the following chapters respectively

    ARPA Whitepaper

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    We propose a secure computation solution for blockchain networks. The correctness of computation is verifiable even under malicious majority condition using information-theoretic Message Authentication Code (MAC), and the privacy is preserved using Secret-Sharing. With state-of-the-art multiparty computation protocol and a layer2 solution, our privacy-preserving computation guarantees data security on blockchain, cryptographically, while reducing the heavy-lifting computation job to a few nodes. This breakthrough has several implications on the future of decentralized networks. First, secure computation can be used to support Private Smart Contracts, where consensus is reached without exposing the information in the public contract. Second, it enables data to be shared and used in trustless network, without disclosing the raw data during data-at-use, where data ownership and data usage is safely separated. Last but not least, computation and verification processes are separated, which can be perceived as computational sharding, this effectively makes the transaction processing speed linear to the number of participating nodes. Our objective is to deploy our secure computation network as an layer2 solution to any blockchain system. Smart Contracts\cite{smartcontract} will be used as bridge to link the blockchain and computation networks. Additionally, they will be used as verifier to ensure that outsourced computation is completed correctly. In order to achieve this, we first develop a general MPC network with advanced features, such as: 1) Secure Computation, 2) Off-chain Computation, 3) Verifiable Computation, and 4)Support dApps' needs like privacy-preserving data exchange

    Trustworthy Federated Learning: A Survey

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    Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a significant advancement in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), enabling collaborative model training across distributed devices while maintaining data privacy. As the importance of FL increases, addressing trustworthiness issues in its various aspects becomes crucial. In this survey, we provide an extensive overview of the current state of Trustworthy FL, exploring existing solutions and well-defined pillars relevant to Trustworthy . Despite the growth in literature on trustworthy centralized Machine Learning (ML)/Deep Learning (DL), further efforts are necessary to identify trustworthiness pillars and evaluation metrics specific to FL models, as well as to develop solutions for computing trustworthiness levels. We propose a taxonomy that encompasses three main pillars: Interpretability, Fairness, and Security & Privacy. Each pillar represents a dimension of trust, further broken down into different notions. Our survey covers trustworthiness challenges at every level in FL settings. We present a comprehensive architecture of Trustworthy FL, addressing the fundamental principles underlying the concept, and offer an in-depth analysis of trust assessment mechanisms. In conclusion, we identify key research challenges related to every aspect of Trustworthy FL and suggest future research directions. This comprehensive survey serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working on the development and implementation of Trustworthy FL systems, contributing to a more secure and reliable AI landscape.Comment: 45 Pages, 8 Figures, 9 Table

    Security in Cloud Computing: Evaluation and Integration

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    Au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie, le paradigme du Cloud Computing a rĂ©volutionnĂ© la maniĂšre dont nous percevons les services de la Technologie de l’Information (TI). Celui-ci nous a donnĂ© l’opportunitĂ© de rĂ©pondre Ă  la demande constamment croissante liĂ©e aux besoins informatiques des usagers en introduisant la notion d’externalisation des services et des donnĂ©es. Les consommateurs du Cloud ont gĂ©nĂ©ralement accĂšs, sur demande, Ă  un large Ă©ventail bien rĂ©parti d’infrastructures de TI offrant une plĂ©thore de services. Ils sont Ă  mĂȘme de configurer dynamiquement les ressources du Cloud en fonction des exigences de leurs applications, sans toutefois devenir partie intĂ©grante de l’infrastructure du Cloud. Cela leur permet d’atteindre un degrĂ© optimal d’utilisation des ressources tout en rĂ©duisant leurs coĂ»ts d’investissement en TI. Toutefois, la migration des services au Cloud intensifie malgrĂ© elle les menaces existantes Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© des TI et en crĂ©e de nouvelles qui sont intrinsĂšques Ă  l’architecture du Cloud Computing. C’est pourquoi il existe un rĂ©el besoin d’évaluation des risques liĂ©s Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© du Cloud durant le procĂ©dĂ© de la sĂ©lection et du dĂ©ploiement des services. Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, l’impact d’une efficace gestion de la satisfaction des besoins en sĂ©curitĂ© des services a Ă©tĂ© pris avec un sĂ©rieux croissant de la part des fournisseurs et des consommateurs. Toutefois, l’intĂ©gration rĂ©ussie de l’élĂ©ment de sĂ©curitĂ© dans les opĂ©rations de la gestion des ressources du Cloud ne requiert pas seulement une recherche mĂ©thodique, mais aussi une modĂ©lisation mĂ©ticuleuse des exigences du Cloud en termes de sĂ©curitĂ©. C’est en considĂ©rant ces facteurs que nous adressons dans cette thĂšse les dĂ©fis liĂ©s Ă  l’évaluation de la sĂ©curitĂ© et Ă  son intĂ©gration dans les environnements indĂ©pendants et interconnectĂ©s du Cloud Computing. D’une part, nous sommes motivĂ©s Ă  offrir aux consommateurs du Cloud un ensemble de mĂ©thodes qui leur permettront d’optimiser la sĂ©curitĂ© de leurs services et, d’autre part, nous offrons aux fournisseurs un Ă©ventail de stratĂ©gies qui leur permettront de mieux sĂ©curiser leurs services d’hĂ©bergements du Cloud. L’originalitĂ© de cette thĂšse porte sur deux aspects : 1) la description innovatrice des exigences des applications du Cloud relativement Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© ; et 2) la conception de modĂšles mathĂ©matiques rigoureux qui intĂšgrent le facteur de sĂ©curitĂ© dans les problĂšmes traditionnels du dĂ©ploiement des applications, d’approvisionnement des ressources et de la gestion de la charge de travail au coeur des infrastructures actuelles du Cloud Computing. Le travail au sein de cette thĂšse est rĂ©alisĂ© en trois phases.----------ABSTRACT: Over the past decade, the Cloud Computing paradigm has revolutionized the way we envision IT services. It has provided an opportunity to respond to the ever increasing computing needs of the users by introducing the notion of service and data outsourcing. Cloud consumers usually have online and on-demand access to a large and distributed IT infrastructure providing a plethora of services. They can dynamically configure and scale the Cloud resources according to the requirements of their applications without becoming part of the Cloud infrastructure, which allows them to reduce their IT investment cost and achieve optimal resource utilization. However, the migration of services to the Cloud increases the vulnerability to existing IT security threats and creates new ones that are intrinsic to the Cloud Computing architecture, thus the need for a thorough assessment of Cloud security risks during the process of service selection and deployment. Recently, the impact of effective management of service security satisfaction has been taken with greater seriousness by the Cloud Service Providers (CSP) and stakeholders. Nevertheless, the successful integration of the security element into the Cloud resource management operations does not only require methodical research, but also necessitates the meticulous modeling of the Cloud security requirements. To this end, we address throughout this thesis the challenges to security evaluation and integration in independent and interconnected Cloud Computing environments. We are interested in providing the Cloud consumers with a set of methods that allow them to optimize the security of their services and the CSPs with a set of strategies that enable them to provide security-aware Cloud-based service hosting. The originality of this thesis lies within two aspects: 1) the innovative description of the Cloud applications’ security requirements, which paved the way for an effective quantification and evaluation of the security of Cloud infrastructures; and 2) the design of rigorous mathematical models that integrate the security factor into the traditional problems of application deployment, resource provisioning, and workload management within current Cloud Computing infrastructures. The work in this thesis is carried out in three phases

    Participation and Data Valuation in IoT Data Markets through Distributed Coalitions

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    This paper considers a market for trading Internet of Things (IoT) data that is used to train machine learning models. The data, either raw or processed, is supplied to the market platform through a network and the price of such data is controlled based on the value it brings to the machine learning model. We explore the correlation property of data in a game-theoretical setting to eventually derive a simplified distributed solution for a data trading mechanism that emphasizes the mutual benefit of devices and the market. The key proposal is an efficient algorithm for markets that jointly addresses the challenges of availability and heterogeneity in participation, as well as the transfer of trust and the economic value of data exchange in IoT networks. The proposed approach establishes the data market by reinforcing collaboration opportunities between device with correlated data to avoid information leakage. Therein, we develop a network-wide optimization problem that maximizes the social value of coalition among the IoT devices of similar data types; at the same time, it minimizes the cost due to network externalities, i.e., the impact of information leakage due to data correlation, as well as the opportunity costs. Finally, we reveal the structure of the formulated problem as a distributed coalition game and solve it following the simplified split-and-merge algorithm. Simulation results show the efficacy of our proposed mechanism design toward a trusted IoT data market, with up to 32.72% gain in the average payoff for each seller.Comment: 14 pages. Submitted for possible publicatio
