13 research outputs found

    Quantifying Homology Classes

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    We develop a method for measuring homology classes. This involves three problems. First, we define the size of a homology class, using ideas from relative homology. Second, we define an optimal basis of a homology group to be the basis whose elements' size have the minimal sum. We provide a greedy algorithm to compute the optimal basis and measure classes in it. The algorithm runs in O(β4n3log2n)O(\beta^4 n^3 \log^2 n) time, where nn is the size of the simplicial complex and β\beta is the Betti number of the homology group. Third, we discuss different ways of localizing homology classes and prove some hardness results

    Approximating Loops in a Shortest Homology Basis from Point Data

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    Inference of topological and geometric attributes of a hidden manifold from its point data is a fundamental problem arising in many scientific studies and engineering applications. In this paper we present an algorithm to compute a set of loops from a point data that presumably sample a smooth manifold MRdM\subset \mathbb{R}^d. These loops approximate a {\em shortest} basis of the one dimensional homology group H1(M)H_1(M) over coefficients in finite field Z2\mathbb{Z}_2. Previous results addressed the issue of computing the rank of the homology groups from point data, but there is no result on approximating the shortest basis of a manifold from its point sample. In arriving our result, we also present a polynomial time algorithm for computing a shortest basis of H1(K)H_1(K) for any finite {\em simplicial complex} KK whose edges have non-negative weights

    Lexicographic Optimal Homologous Chains and Applications to Point Cloud Triangulations

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    This paper considers a particular case of the Optimal Homologous Chain Problem (OHCP) for integer modulo 2 coefficients, where optimality is meant as a minimal lexicographic order on chains induced by a total order on simplices. The matrix reduction algorithm used for persistent homology is used to derive polynomial algorithms solving this problem instance, whereas OHCP is NP-hard in the general case. The complexity is further improved to a quasilinear algorithm by leveraging a dual graph minimum cut formulation when the simplicial complex is a pseudomanifold. We then show how this particular instance of the problem is relevant, by providing an application in the context of point cloud triangulation

    Lexicographic optimal homologous chains and applications to point cloud triangulations

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    This paper considers a particular case of the Optimal Homologous Chain Problem (OHCP), where optimality is meant as a minimal lexicographic order on chains induced by a total order on simplices. The matrix reduction algorithm used for persistent homology is used to derive polynomial algorithms solving this problem instance, whereas OHCP is NP-hard in the general case. The complexity is further improved to a quasilinear algorithm by leveraging a dual graph minimum cut formulation when the simplicial complex is a strongly connected pseudomanifold. We then show how this particular instance of the problem is relevant, by providing an application in the context of point cloud triangulation

    Computational Topology and the Unique Games Conjecture

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    Covering spaces of graphs have long been useful for studying expanders (as "graph lifts") and unique games (as the "label-extended graph"). In this paper we advocate for the thesis that there is a much deeper relationship between computational topology and the Unique Games Conjecture. Our starting point is Linial\u27s 2005 observation that the only known problems whose inapproximability is equivalent to the Unique Games Conjecture - Unique Games and Max-2Lin - are instances of Maximum Section of a Covering Space on graphs. We then observe that the reduction between these two problems (Khot-Kindler-Mossel-O\u27Donnell, FOCS \u2704; SICOMP \u2707) gives a well-defined map of covering spaces. We further prove that inapproximability for Maximum Section of a Covering Space on (cell decompositions of) closed 2-manifolds is also equivalent to the Unique Games Conjecture. This gives the first new "Unique Games-complete" problem in over a decade. Our results partially settle an open question of Chen and Freedman (SODA, 2010; Disc. Comput. Geom., 2011) from computational topology, by showing that their question is almost equivalent to the Unique Games Conjecture. (The main difference is that they ask for inapproximability over Z_2, and we show Unique Games-completeness over Z_k for large k.) This equivalence comes from the fact that when the structure group G of the covering space is Abelian - or more generally for principal G-bundles - Maximum Section of a G-Covering Space is the same as the well-studied problem of 1-Homology Localization. Although our most technically demanding result is an application of Unique Games to computational topology, we hope that our observations on the topological nature of the Unique Games Conjecture will lead to applications of algebraic topology to the Unique Games Conjecture in the future

    Distributed Coverage Verification in Sensor Networks Without Location Information

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    In this paper, we present three distributed algorithms for coverage verification in sensor networks with no location information. We demonstrate how, in the absence of localization devices, simplicial complexes and tools from algebraic topology can be used in providing valuable information about the properties of the cover. Our approach is based on computation of homologies of the Rips complex corresponding to the sensor network. First, we present a decentralized scheme based on Laplacian flows to compute a generator of the first homology, which represents coverage holes. Then, we formulate the problem of localizing coverage holes as an optimization problem for computing a sparse generator of the first homology. Furthermore, we show that one can detect redundancies in the sensor network by finding a sparse generator of the second homology of the cover relative to its boundary. We demonstrate how subgradient methods can be used in solving these optimization problems in a distributed manner. Finally, we provide simulations that illustrate the performance of our algorithms