22,521 research outputs found

    From truth to computability II

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    Computability logic is a formal theory of computational tasks and resources. Formulas in it represent interactive computational problems, and "truth" is understood as algorithmic solvability. Interactive computational problems, in turn, are defined as a certain sort games between a machine and its environment, with logical operators standing for operations on such games. Within the ambitious program of finding axiomatizations for incrementally rich fragments of this semantically introduced logic, the earlier article "From truth to computability I" proved soundness and completeness for system CL3, whose language has the so called parallel connectives (including negation), choice connectives, choice quantifiers, and blind quantifiers. The present paper extends that result to the significantly more expressive system CL4 with the same collection of logical operators. What makes CL4 expressive is the presence of two sorts of atoms in its language: elementary atoms, representing elementary computational problems (i.e. predicates, i.e. problems of zero degree of interactivity), and general atoms, representing arbitrary computational problems. CL4 conservatively extends CL3, with the latter being nothing but the general-atom-free fragment of the former. Removing the blind (classical) group of quantifiers from the language of CL4 is shown to yield a decidable logic despite the fact that the latter is still first-order. A comprehensive online source on computability logic can be found at http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.htm

    Hyperlogic: A System for Talking about Logics

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    Sentences about logic are often used to show that certain embedding expressions, including attitude verbs, conditionals, and epistemic modals, are hyperintensional. Yet it not clear how to regiment “logic talk” in the object language so that it can be compositionally embedded under such expressions. This paper does two things. First, it argues against a standard account of logic talk, viz., the impossible worlds semantics. It is shown that this semantics does not easily extend to a language with propositional quantifiers, which are necessary for regimenting some logic talk. Second, it develops an alternative framework based on logical expressivism, which explains logic talk using shifting conventions. When combined with the standard S5π+ semantics for propositional quantifiers, this framework results in a well-behaved system that does not face the problems of the impossible worlds semantics. It can also be naturally extended with hybrid operators to regiment a broader range of logic talk, e.g., claims about what laws hold according to other logics. The resulting system, called hyperlogic, is therefore a better framework for modeling logic talk than previous accounts

    Run-Time Checking of Dynamic Properties

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    We consider a first-order property specification language for run-time monitoring of dynamic systems. The language is based on a linear-time temporal logic and offers two kinds of quantifiers to bind free variables in a formula. One kind contains the usual first-order quantifiers that provide for replication of properties for dynamically created and destroyed objects in the system. The other kind, called attribute quantifiers, is used to check dynamically changing values within the same object. We show that expressions in this language can be eficiently checked over an execution trace of a system

    Expressive power and complexity of a logic with quantifiers that count proportions of sets

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    We present a second-order logic of proportional quantifiers, SOLP, which is essentially a first-order language extended with quantifiers that act upon second-order variables of a given arity r and count the fraction of elements in a subset of r-tuples of a model that satisfy a formula. Our logic is capable of expressing proportional versions of different problems of complexity up to NP-hard as, for example, the problem of deciding if at least a fraction 1/n of the set of vertices of a graph form a clique; and fragments within our logic capture complexity classes as NL and P, with auxiliary ordering relation. When restricted to monadic second-order variables, our logic of proportional quantifiers admits a semantic approximation based on almost linear orders, which is not as weak as other known logics with counting quantifiers (restricted to almost orders), for it does not have the bounded number of degrees property. Moreover, we show that, in this almost-ordered setting, different fragments of this logic vary in their expressive power, and show the existence of an infinite hierarchy inside our monadic language. We extend our inexpressibility result of almost-ordered structure to a fragment of SOLP, which in the presence of full order captures P. To obtain all our inexpressibility results, we developed combinatorial games appropriate for these logics, whose application could go beyond the almost-ordered models and hence are interesting by themselves.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    On Measure Quantifiers in First-Order Arithmetic

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    We study the logic obtained by endowing the language of first-order arithmetic with second-order measure quantifiers. This new kind of quantification allows us to express that the argument formula is true in a certain portion of all possible interpretations of the quantified variable. We show that first-order arithmetic with measure quantifiers is capable of formalizing simple results from probability theory and, most importantly, of representing every recursive random function. Moreover, we introduce a realizability interpretation of this logic in which programs have access to an oracle from the Cantor space
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