87 research outputs found

    Expressiveness and complexity of graph logic

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    We investigate the complexity and expressive power of the spatial logic for querying graphs introduced by Cardelli, Gardner and Ghelli (ICALP 2002).We show that the model-checking complexity of versions of this logic with and without recursion is PSPACE-complete. In terms of expressive power, the version without recursion is a fragment of the monadic second-order logic of graphs and we show that it can express complete problems at every level of the polynomial hierarchy. We also show that it can define all regular languages, when interpretation is restricted to strings. The expressive power of the logic with recursion is much greater as it can express properties that are PSPACE-complete and therefore unlikely to be definable in second-order logic

    Descriptive Complexity

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    A Logic that Captures β\betaP on Ordered Structures

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    We extend the inflationary fixed-point logic, IFP, with a new kind of second-order quantifiers which have (poly-)logarithmic bounds. We prove that on ordered structures the new logic logωIFP\exists^{\log^{\omega}}\text{IFP} captures the limited nondeterminism class βP\beta\text{P}. In order to study its expressive power, we also design a new version of Ehrenfeucht-Fra\"iss\'e game for this logic and show that our capturing result will not hold on the general case, i.e. on all the finite structures.Comment: 15 pages. This article was reported with a title "Logarithmic-Bounded Second-Order Quantifiers and Limited Nondeterminism" in National Conference on Modern Logic 2019, on November 9 in Beijin

    On two-variable guarded fragment logic with expressive local Presburger constraints

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    We consider the extension of two-variable guarded fragment logic with local Presburger quantifiers. These are quantifiers that can express properties such as ``the number of incoming blue edges plus twice the number of outgoing red edges is at most three times the number of incoming green edges'' and captures various description logics with counting, but without constant symbols. We show that the satisfiability of this logic is EXP-complete. While the lower bound already holds for the standard two-variable guarded fragment logic, the upper bound is established by a novel, yet simple deterministic graph theoretic based algorithm

    Distributed Graph Automata and Verification of Distributed Algorithms

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    Combining ideas from distributed algorithms and alternating automata, we introduce a new class of finite graph automata that recognize precisely the languages of finite graphs definable in monadic second-order logic. By restricting transitions to be nondeterministic or deterministic, we also obtain two strictly weaker variants of our automata for which the emptiness problem is decidable. As an application, we suggest how suitable graph automata might be useful in formal verification of distributed algorithms, using Floyd-Hoare logic.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, includes a condensed version of the author's Master's thesis arXiv:1404.6503. (This version of the article (v2) is identical to the previous one (v1), except for minor changes in phrasing.

    Descriptive complexity for pictures languages (extended abstract)

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    This paper deals with descriptive complexity of picture languages of any dimension by syntactical fragments of existential second-order logic. - We uniformly generalize to any dimension the characterization by Giammarresi et al. \cite{GRST96} of the class of \emph{recognizable} picture languages in existential monadic second-order logic. - We state several logical characterizations of the class of picture languages recognized in linear time on nondeterministic cellular automata of any dimension. They are the first machine-independent characterizations of complexity classes of cellular automata. Our characterizations are essentially deduced from normalization results we prove for first-order and existential second-order logics over pictures. They are obtained in a general and uniform framework that allows to extend them to other "regular" structures. Finally, we describe some hierarchy results that show the optimality of our logical characterizations and delineate their limits.Comment: 33 pages - Submited to Lics 201