15 research outputs found

    Global analysis of entrainment in dialogues

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    This paper performs a global analysis of entrainment between dyads in map-task dialogues in European Portuguese (EP), including 48 dialogues, between 24 speakers. Our main goals focus on the acoustic-prosodic similarities between speakers, namely if there are global entrainment cues displayed in the dialogues, if there are degrees of entrainment manifested in distinct sets of features shared amongst the speakers, if entrainment depends on the role of the speaker as either giver or follower, and also if speakers tend to entrain more with specific pairs regardless of the role. Results show global entrainment in almost all the dyads, but the degrees of entrainment (stronger within the same gender), and the role effects tend to be less striking than the interlocutors’ effect. Globally, speakers tend to be more similar to their own speech in other dialogues than to their partners. However, speakers are also more similar to their interlocutors than to speakers with whom they never spoke.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conversational Alignment: A Study of Neural Coherence and Speech Entrainment

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    Conversational alignment refers to the tendency for communication partners to adjust their verbal and non-verbal behaviors to become more like one another during the course of human interaction. This alignment phenomenon has been observed in neural patterns, specifically in the prefrontal areas of the brain (Holper et al., 2013; Cui et al., 2012; Dommer et al., 2012; Holper et al., 2012; Funane et al., 2011; Jiang et al., 2012); verbal behaviors such acoustic speech features (e.g., Borrie & Liss, 2014; Borrie et al., 2015; Lubold & Pon-Barry, 2014), phonological features (e.g., Babel, 2012; Pardo, 2006), lexical selection (e.g., Brennan & Clark, 1996; Garrod & Anderson, 1989), syntactic structure (e.g., Branigan, Pickering, & Cleland, 2000; Reitter, Moore, & Keller, 2006); and motor behaviors including body posture, facial expressions and breathing rate (e.g., Furuyama, Hayashi, & Mishima, 2005; Louwerse, Dale, Bard, & Jeuniaux, 2012; Richardson, March, & Schmit, 2005; Shockley, Santana, & Fowler, 2003; McFarland, 2001). While conversational alignment in itself, is a largely physical phenomenon, it has been linked to significant functional value, both in the cognitive and social domains. Cognitively, conversational alignment facilitates spoken message comprehension, enabling listeners to share mental models (Garrod & Pickering, 2004) and generate temporal predictions about upcoming aspects of speech. From a social perspective, behavioral alignment has been linked with establishing turn-taking behaviors, and with increased feelings of rapport, empathy, and intimacy between conversational pairs (e.g., Lee et al. 2010; Nind, & Macrae, 2009; Smith, 2008; Bailenson & Yee, 2005; Chartrand & Barg, 1999; Miles, Putman & Street, 1984; Street & Giles, 1982). Benus (2014), for example, observed that individuals who align their speech features are perceived as more socially attractive and likeable, and have interactions that are more successful. These cognitive and social benefits, associated with conversational alignment, have been observed in both linguistic and neural data (e.g., Holper et al., 2012; 2013, Cui et al. 2012; Jiang et al., 2012; Egetemeir et al., 2011; Stephens et al. 2010). The purpose of the current study was to examine conversational alignment as a multi-level communication phenomenon, by examining the relationship between neural and speech behaviors. To assess neural alignment, we used Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), a non-invasive neuroimaging technology that detects cortical increases and decreases in the concentration of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin at multiple measurement sites to determine the rate that oxygen is being released and absorbed (Ferrari & Quaresima, 2012). While still considered a relatively new neural imaging technique, NIRS has been well established as an efficacious and effective data collection approach, particularly appropriate for social interaction research (e.g., Holper et al., 2013; Jiang et al., 2012; Holper et al., 2012; Suda et al., 2010). We utilized hyperscanning, a technique that allows for the quantitation of two simultaneous signals, allowing us to document neural alignment between two individuals (Babiloni & Astolfi, 2012). Recent studies have revealed neural alignment between two persons in cooperative states, including alignment in the right superior frontal cortices and medial prefrontal regions (Cui et al., 2012; Dommer et al., 2012; Funane et al., 2011). This increased prefrontal interbrain alignment has also been observed in other social interactions, including joint attention tasks (Dommer et al., 2012), imitation tasks (Holper et al., 2012), competitive games (Cheng et al., 2015, Duan et al., 2013), teaching-learning interactions (Holper et al., 2013), face- to-face communication (Jiang et al., 2012), mother-child interactions (Hirata et al., 2014), and during cooperative singing tasks (Osaka et al., 2015). Interestingly, Jiang et al. (2012) showed that increased neural alignment only occurred between conversational participants when they were speaking face-to-face, but not when participants had their backs facing one another. The authors speculated that the multi-sensory information, for example motor behaviors such as gestures, was required for neural alignment to occur

    Disordered speech disrupts conversational entrainment: a study of acoustic-prosodic entrainment and communicative success in populations with communication challenges

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    abstract: Conversational entrainment, a pervasive communication phenomenon in which dialogue partners adapt their behaviors to align more closely with one another, is considered essential for successful spoken interaction. While well-established in other disciplines, this phenomenon has received limited attention in the field of speech pathology and the study of communication breakdowns in clinical populations. The current study examined acoustic-prosodic entrainment, as well as a measure of communicative success, in three distinctly different dialogue groups: (i) healthy native vs. healthy native speakers (Control), (ii) healthy native vs. foreign-accented speakers (Accented), and (iii) healthy native vs. dysarthric speakers (Disordered). Dialogue group comparisons revealed significant differences in how the groups entrain on particular acoustic–prosodic features, including pitch, intensity, and jitter. Most notably, the Disordered dialogues were characterized by significantly less acoustic-prosodic entrainment than the Control dialogues. Further, a positive relationship between entrainment indices and communicative success was identified. These results suggest that the study of conversational entrainment in speech pathology will have essential implications for both scientific theory and clinical application in this domain.View the article as published at http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01187/ful

    Adaptação acústico-prosódica entre falantes

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    This paper presents a global analysis of entrainment in map-task dialogues in European Portuguese, including 48 dialogues, between 24 speakers. Our main goal is to analyze the acoustic-prosodic similarities between speaker pairs, namely if there are global entrainment cues displayed in the dialogues, if entrainment is manifested in distinct sets of features shared amongst the speakers, if entrainment depends on the gender and role of the speaker (giver or follower), and if speakers tend to entrain more with specific interlocutors regardless of the role. Results show that globally speakers tend to be more similar to their partners than to their own speech in the majority of the analyzed features, a strong evidence for entrainment. Moreover, almost all the pairs of speakers display cues of global entrainment, even though in different degrees (speakers entrain but in distinct features). Additionally, the role and gender effects tend to be less striking than the specific interlocutor effect. Our results support the fact that all prosodic parameters are monitored by the speakers in our corpus, contrarily to studies for other languages, which indicate that the main cues are energy related.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Study of Prosodic Entrainment and Social Factors in Mandarin Conversations

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    In conversations, interlocutors usually adopt prosody to that of their partner, and they become similar in prosodic production for successful communication. This phenomenon of prosodic entrainment is related to complex factors. This study aims to explore the relationship between prosodic entrainment and social factors. Two analyses are accomplished: the analysis of prosodic entrainment and gender, and the analysis of prosodic entrainment and role. In terms of prosodic entrainment and gender, it is found that the most prosodic features are entrained in female-male conversations, and the least in male-male conversations. In terms of prosodic entrainment and roles, it is found that different roles have influence on the entrainment degree, and information givers entrain more to followers in conversation

    Acomodación fonética durante las interacciones conversacionales: una visión general

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    During conversational interactions such as tutoring, instruction-giving tasks, verbal negotiations, or just talking with friends, interlocutors’ behaviors experience a series of changes due to the characteristics of their counterpart and to the interaction itself. These changes are pervasively present in every social interaction, and most of them occur in the sounds and rhythms of our speech, which is known as acoustic-prosodic accommodation, or simply phonetic accommodation. The consequences, linguistic and social constraints, and underlying cognitive mechanisms of phonetic accommodation have been studied for at least 50 years, due to the importance of the phenomenon to several disciplines such as linguistics, psychology, and sociology. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the existing empirical research literature, in this paper we present a structured and comprehensive review of the qualities, functions, onto- and phylogenetic development, and modalities of phonetic accommodation.Durante las interacciones conversacionales como dar una tutoría, dar instrucciones, las negociaciones verbales, o simplemente hablar con amigos, los comportamientos de las personas experimentan una serie de cambios debido a las características de su interlocutor y a la interacción en sí. Estos cambios están presentes en cada interacción social, y la mayoría de ellos ocurre en los sonidos y ritmos del habla, lo cual se conoce como acomodación acústico-prosódica, o simplemente acomodación fonética. Las consecuencias, las limitaciones lingüísticas y sociales, y los mecanismos cognitivos subyacentes a la acomodación fonética se han estudiado durante al menos 50 años, debido a la importancia del fenómeno para varias disciplinas como la lingüística, la psicología, y la sociología. A partir del análisis y síntesis de la literatura de investigación empírica existente, en este artículo presentamos una revisión estructurada y exhaustiva de las cualidades, funciones, desarrollo onto- y filogenético, y modalidades de la acomodación fonética

    Phonetic entrainment in L2 human-robot interaction: an investigation of children with and without autism spectrum disorder

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    Phonetic entrainment is a phenomenon in which people adjust their phonetic features to approach those of their conversation partner. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have been reported to show some deficits in entrainment during their interactions with human interlocutors, though deficits in terms of significant differences from typically developing (TD) controls were not always registered. One reason related to the inconsistencies of whether deficits are detected or not in autistic individuals is that the conversation partner’s speech could hardly be controlled, and both the participants and the partners might be adjusting their phonetic features. The variabilities in the speech of conversation partners and various social traits exhibited might make the phonetic entrainment (if any) of the participants less detectable. In this study, we attempted to reduce the variability of the interlocutors by employing a social robot and having it do a goal-directed conversation task with children with and without ASD. Fourteen autistic children and 12 TD children participated the current study in their second language English. Results showed that autistic children showed comparable vowel formants and mean fundamental frequency (f0) entrainment as their TD peers, but they did not entrain their f0 range as the TD group did. These findings suggest that autistic children were capable of exhibiting phonetic entrainment behaviors similar to TD children in vowel formants and f0, particularly in a less complex situation where the speech features and social traits of the interlocutor were controlled. Furthermore, the utilization of a social robot may have increased the interest of these children in phonetic entrainment. On the other hand, entrainment of f0 range was more challenging for these autistic children even in a more controlled situation. This study demonstrates the viability and potential of using human-robot interactions as a novel method to evaluate abilities and deficits in phonetic entrainment in autistic children