5,406 research outputs found

    Resilience Assessment of Offshore Wind-to-Hydrogen Systems

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    Low-cost green hydrogen production will be key in reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Green hydrogen can be produced by electrolysis using renewable energy, including wind energy. However, the configuration of offshore wind-to-hydrogen systems is not yet standardised. For example, electrolysis can take place onshore or offshore. This work presents a framework to assess and quantify which configuration is more resilient, so that security of hydrogen supply is incorporated in strategic decisions with the following key findings. First, resilience should be assessed according to hydrogen supply, rather than hydrogen production. This allows the framework to be applicable for all identified system configurations. Second, resilience can be quantified according to the quantity, ratio, and lost revenue of the unsupplied hydrogen

    Quantification and mitigation of the impacts of extreme weather on power system resilience and reliability

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    Modelling the impact of extreme weather on power systems is a computationally expensive, challenging area of study due to the diversity of threats, complicatedness of modelling, and data and simulation requirements to perform the relevant studies. The impacts of extreme weather – specifically wind – are considered. Factors such as the distribution of outage probability on lines and the potential correlation with wind power generation during storms are investigated; so too is sensitivity of security assessments involving extreme wind to the relationships used between failures and the natural hazard being studied, specifically wind speed. A large scale simulation ensemble is developed and demonstrated to investigate what are deemed the most significant features of power system simulation during extreme weather events. The challenges associated with modelling high impact low probability (HILP) events are studied and demonstrate that the results of security assessments are significantly affected by the granularity of incident weather data being used and the corrections or interpolation being applied to the source data. A generalizable simulation framework is formulated and deployed to investigate the significance of the relationship between incident natural hazards, in this case wind, and its corresponding impact on system resilience. Based on this, a large-scale simulation model is developed and demonstrated to take consideration of a wide variety of factors which can affect power systems during extreme weather events including, but not limited to, under frequency load shedding, line overloads, and high wind speed shutdown and its impact on wind generation. A methodology for quantifying and visualising distributed overhead line failure risk is also demonstrated in tandem with straightforward methods for making wind power projections over transmission systems for security studies. The potential correlation between overhead line risk and wind power generation risk is illustrated visually on representations of GB power networks based on real world data.Open Acces

    Resilience Informed Integrity Management of Wind Turbine Parks

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    Objectifying Building with Nature strategies: Towards scale-resolving policies

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    By definition, Building with Nature solutions utilise services provided by the natural system and/or provide new opportunities to that system. As a consequence, such solutions are sensitive to the status of, and interact with the surrounding system. A thorough understanding of the ambient natural system is therefore necessary to meet the required specifications and to realise the potential interactions with that system. In order to be adopted beyond the pilot scale, the potential impact of multiple BwN solutions on the natural and societal systems of a region need to be established. This requires a ‘reality check’ of the effectiveness of multiple, regional-scale applications in terms of social and environmental costs and benefits. Reality checking will help establish the upscaling potential of a certain BwN measure when addressing a larger-scale issue. Conversely, it might reveal to what extent specific smaller-scale measures are suitable in light of larger regional-scale issues. This paper presents a stepwise method to approach a reality check on BwN solutions, based on the Frame of Reference method described in a companion paper (de Vries et al., 2020), and illustrates its use by two example cases. The examples show that a successful pilot project is not always a guarantee of wider applicability and that a broader application may involve dilemmas concerning environment, policy and legislation


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    The United States has set ambitious offshore wind power generation goals in support of its 2015 Paris Agreement commitments. However, climate change and the multi-polar geopolitical landscape will likely translate into significant vulnerabilities, particularly in the Atlantic, which is the focus of this research. Government and the private sector have spent the last twenty years addressing cybersecurity of critical energy infrastructure, but physical risks from extreme weather and/or sabotage have not been adequately considered. The Great Power Competition in the Arctic will bring near-peers close to US waters, and offshore wind distributed throughout the US economic exclusion zone will be attractive targets for hybrid warfare tactics. At present, the US has limited maritime capacity to protect those assets, and the regulatory risk assessment approach focuses on minimizing a wind project’s impacts on its surroundings and other activities. The US will need a national, long-term offshore wind security plan to address risks to offshore wind, and federal agencies will need to better incorporate future security into current research, policy, and deployment efforts. Historical case studies from the US Gulf of Mexico, Texas and Ukraine help better understand the baseline for energy assets exposed to extreme weather events and hybrid warfare, and points towards challenges OSW will face in the future. This effort than looks forward at potential OSW vulnerabilities, how a multi-stakeholder body might prioritize those potential vulnerabilities through multi-criteria screening, and the need for both proactive and reactive controls. The analysis also addresses some key government entities that will need to be heavily involved. A framework is then proposed for how a multi-stakeholder process can be conducted, including a gaps analysis for adequately protecting offshore energy assets, and followed by development of a National US OSW Strategy and Roadmap for Long-Term OSW Security. The paper concludes by providing sample recommendations for short-term exercises and data collection projects that will help inform the larger and longer gaps analysis and roadmap process


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    The objective of a power system is to provide electricity to its customers as economically as possible with an acceptable level of reliability while safeguarding the environment. Power system reliability has well-established quantitative metrics, regulatory standards, compliance incentives and jurisdictions of responsibilities. The increase in occurrence of extreme events like hurricane/tornadoes, floods, wildfires, storms, cyber-attacks etc. which are not considered in routine reliability evaluation has raised concern over the potential economic losses due to prolonged and large-scale power outages, and the overall sustainability and adaptability of power systems. This concern has motivated the utility planners, operators, and policy makers to acknowledge the importance of system resiliency against such events. However, power system resiliency evaluation is comparatively new, and lacks widely accepted standards, assessment methods and metrics. The thesis presents comparative review and analysis of power system resilience models, methodologies, and metrics in present literature and utility applications. It presents studies on two very different types of extreme events, (i) man-made and (ii) natural disaster, and analyzes their impacts on the resiliency of a distribution system. It draws conclusions on assessing and improving power system resiliency based on the impact of the extreme event, response from the distribution system, and effectiveness of the mitigating measures to tackle the extreme event. The advancement in technologies has seen an increasing integration of cyber and physical layer of the distribution system. The distribution system operators avails from the symbiotic relation of the cyber-physical layer, but the interdependency has also been its Achilles heel. The evolving infrastructure is being exposed to increase in cyber-attacks. It is of paramount importance to address the aforementioned issue by developing holistic approaches to comprehensibly upgrade the distribution system preventing huge financial loss and societal repercussions. The thesis models a type of cyber-attack using false data injection and evaluates its impact on the distribution system. It does so by developing a resilience assessment methodology accompanied by quantitative metrics. It also performs reliability evaluation to present the underlying principle and differences between reliability and resiliency. The thesis also introduces new indices to demonstrate the effectiveness of a bad-data detection strategy against such cyber-attacks. Extreme events like hurricane/tornadoes, floods, wildfires, storm, cyber-attack etc. are responsible for catastrophic damage to critical infrastructure and huge financial loss. Power distribution system is an important critical infrastructure driving the socio-economic growth of the country. High winds are one of the most common form of extreme events that are responsible for outages due to failure of poles, equipment damage etc. The thesis models effective extreme wind events with the help of fragility curves, and presents an analysis of their impacts on the distribution system. It also presents infrastructural and operational resiliency enhancement strategies and quantifies the effectiveness of the strategy with the metrics developed. It also demonstrates the dependency of resiliency of distribution system on the structural strength of transmission lines and presents measures to ensure the independency of the distribution system. The thesis presents effective resilience assessment methodology that can be valuable for distribution system utility planners, and operators to plan and ensure a resilient distribution system

    Risk-informed Resilience Planning of Transmission Systems Against Ice Storms

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    Ice storms, known for their severity and predictability, necessitate proactive resilience enhancement in power systems. Traditional approaches often overlook the endogenous uncertainties inherent in human decisions and underutilize predictive information like forecast accuracy and preparation time. To bridge these gaps, we proposed a two-stage risk-informed decision-dependent resilience planning (RIDDRP) for transmission systems against ice storms. The model leverages predictive information to optimize resource allocation, considering decision-dependent line failure uncertainties introduced by planning decisions and exogenous ice storm-related uncertainties. We adopt a dual-objective approach to balance economic efficiency and system resilience across both normal and emergent conditions. The first stage of the RDDIP model makes line hardening decisions, as well as the optimal sitting and sizing of energy storage. The second stage evaluates the risk-informed operation costs, considering both pre-event preparation and emergency operations. Case studies demonstrate the model's ability to leverage predictive information, leading to more judicious investment decisions and optimized utilization of dispatchable resources. We also quantified the impact of different properties of predictive information on resilience enhancement. The RIDDRP model provides grid operators and planners valuable insights for making risk-informed infrastructure investments and operational strategy decisions, thereby improving preparedness and response to future extreme weather events

    Advancing probabilistic risk assessment of offshore wind turbines on monopiles

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    Offshore Wind Turbines (OWTs) are a unique type of engineered structure. Their design spans all engineering disciplines, ranging from structural engineering for the substructure and foundation to electrical or mechanical engineering for the generating equipment. Consequently, the different components of an OWT are commonly designed independently using codified standards. Within the OWT design process, financial cost plays an important role as a constraint on decision making, because of the competition between prospective wind farm operators and with other forms of electricity generation. However, the current, independent design process does not allow for a combined assessment of OWT system financial loss. Nor does it allow for quantification of the uncertainties (e.g., wind and wave loading, materials properties) that characterise an OWT’s operations and which may have a strong impact on decision making. This thesis proposes quantifying financial losses associated with an OWT exposed to stochastic wind and wave conditions using a probabilistic risk modelling framework, as a first step towards evaluating Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) resilience. The proposed modelling framework includes a number of novel elements, including the development of site-specific fragility functions (relationships between the likelihood of different levels of damage experienced by an OWT over a range of hazard intensities), which account for uncertainties in both structural capacity and demands. As a further element of novelty, fragility functions are implemented in a closed-form assessment of financial loss, based on a combinatorial system reliability approach, which considers both structural and non-structural components. Two important structural performance objectives (or limit states) are evaluated in this thesis: 1) the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) which assesses the collapse of an OWT due to extreme wind and wave conditions, such as those resulting from hurricanes; and 2) the Fatigue Limit State (FLS), which addresses the cumulative effects of operational loading, i.e., cracks growing over the life of the structure until they threaten its integrity. This latter limit state is assessed using a novel machine learning technique, Gaussian Process (GP) regression, to develop a computationally-efficient surrogate model that emulates the output from computationally-expensive time-domain structural analyses. The consequence of the OWT failing is evaluated by computing annualised financial losses for the full OWT system. This provides a metric which is easily communicable to project stakeholders, and can also be used to compare the relative importance of different components and design strategies. Illustrative applications at case-study sites are presented as a walk-through of the calculation steps in the proposed framework and its various components. The calculation of losses provides a foundation from which a more detailed assessment of OWT and OWF resilience could be developed

    UK perspective research landscape for offshore renewable energy and its role in delivering net zero

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    Acknowledgements This work was conducted within the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub, a £9 Million programme 2018–2023 funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant no. EP/S000747/1.Peer reviewedPublisher PD