326,819 research outputs found

    Size constrained unequal probability sampling with a non-integer sum of inclusion probabilities

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    More than 50 methods have been developed to draw unequal probability samples with fixed sample size. All these methods require the sum of the inclusion probabilities to be an integer number. There are cases, however, where the sum of desired inclusion probabilities is not an integer. Then, classical algorithms for drawing samples cannot be directly applied. We present two methods to overcome the problem of sample selection with unequal inclusion probabilities when their sum is not an integer and the sample size cannot be fixed. The first one consists in splitting the inclusion probability vector. The second method is based on extending the population with a phantom unit. For both methods the sample size is almost fixed, and equal to the integer part of the sum of the inclusion probabilities or this integer plus one

    A simple variance estimator of change for rotating repeated surveys: an application to the EU-SILC household surveys

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    A common problem is to compare two cross-sectional estimates for the same study variable taken on two different waves or occasions, and to judge whether the change observed is statistically significant. This involves the estimation of the sampling variance of the estimator of change. The estimation of this variance would be relatively straightforward if cross-sectional estimates were based on the same sample. Unfortunately, samples are not completely overlapping, because of rotations used in repeated surveys. We propose a simple approach based on a multivariate (general) linear regression model. The variance estimator proposed is not a model-based estimator. We show that the estimator proposed is design consistent when the sampling fractions are negligible. It can accommodate stratified and two-stage sampling designs. The main advantage of the approach proposed is its simplicity and flexibility. It can be applied to a wide class of sampling designs and can be implemented with standard statistical regression techniques. Because of its flexibility, the approach proposed is well suited for the estimation of variance for the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions surveys. It allows us to use a common approach for variance estimation for the different types of design. The approach proposed is a useful tool, because it involves only modelling skills and requires limited knowledge of survey sampling theory

    Qualité réglée, qualité gérée

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    Ce texte est un chapitre destinĂ© Ă  publication dans un ouvrage collectif du CRTD sur "QualitĂ© du travail, qualitĂ© au travail"La recherche de la qualitĂ© a envahi les politiques de management, dans des contextes variĂ©s : secteur industriel, secteur des services, service public. La qualitĂ© est supposĂ©e ĂȘtre obtenue par la dĂ©finition et l'application de standards, de procĂ©dures, de rĂ©fĂ©rentiels, de rĂšgles, de normes. On parlera alors de "qualitĂ© rĂ©glĂ©e". La "qualitĂ© gĂ©rĂ©e" repose Ă  l'inverse sur les capacitĂ©s d'initiative des opĂ©rateurs, seuls ou en groupe, Ă  faire face Ă  l'imprĂ©visible et Ă  la variabilitĂ© naturelle du rĂ©el. A partir de quelques exemples, on montre que la qualitĂ© du travail est la rĂ©sultante d'ajustements, de compromis, d'optimisations entre critĂšres de sĂ©curitĂ©, de performance et d'Ă©quitĂ©. La qualitĂ© gĂ©rĂ©e n'est pas seulement le comblement des lacunes de la qualitĂ© rĂ©glĂ©e ou la rĂ©ponse Ă  des violations Ă  la qualitĂ© rĂ©glĂ©e. C'est aussi un jugement sur la pertinence, dans des circonstances donnĂ©es, de l'application de la qualitĂ© rĂ©glĂ©e et la conception et la mise en Ɠuvre d'un arbitrage raisonnĂ© permettant l'atteinte du meilleur niveau de qualitĂ© possible dans le contexte particulier

    Minimum Quality Standard and Premium Private Labels

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    Cet article propose une étude théorique des nouvelles générations de Marques de Distributeurs dans le secteur alimentaire. Nous proposons un modÚle original de relation verticale, intégrant l'existence d'un marché intermédiaire de type concurrentiel (marché spot) parallÚlement à la mise en place d'une relation contractuelle privilégiée entre une partie des producteurs amont et un distributeur. On montre alors sous quelles conditions les producteurs impliqués et le distributeur vont effectivement mettre en place ce type de démarches. Il apparaßt néanmoins qu'à l'inverse des producteurs, les distributeurs et les consommateurs peuvent préférer une amélioration légiférée de la qualité par un renforcement des standards de qualité minimum.Relations verticales;Grande distribution;Sécurité sanitaire;Standard de qualité minimum;Marques de distribution
