22,023 research outputs found

    Quality related communication approaches for organic food

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    As food quality becomes more complex, consumer s are tending to reduce their involvement in the food purchase decision- making process. Consequently, prices are becoming more significant as they represent an easy choice criterion when consumer s have less information about the differences between the product and process quality inherent in food items (including environmental or social issues). The organic food sector provides high, complex food quality profiles and has therefore been seriously affected by this development. Consequently some SMEs in the food business sector are starting to emphasize certain quality factors, such as sustainable production and processing, as a means of communicating their added value to consumer s. Based on published scientific and unpublished literature, this paper provides an overview of the main instrument s and media of communication on food quality, illustrated by case studies. It also present s the results of a test by means of an information display matrix, conducted in order to analyse the consumer information and quality assessment behaviour involved in apple purchase in Switzerland. Keywords food quality, food indicators, means of communication, food miles, social standards, consumer behaviour.Marketing,

    Targeting occasional buyers - the need for quality related communication approaches

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    Occasional organic buyers often purchase selected organic food items according to perceived added value in terms of quality and food safety issues or perceived additional ecological and social performances along the supply chain. They clearly take a more critical view of organic food and the organic farming concept in general than regular buyers do (Richter et al., 2004; Zanoli, 2004). The main barrier preventing this group from expanding its consumption of organic food is the higher price, which, in their perception, is not justified sufficiently by added quality attributes. However, in many cases the underlying problem is related to the complexity of quality profiles which are less transparent and understandable. To tackle this issue, the paper discusses quality-related communication approaches based on a literature review and an experimental test by using the IDM method. The authors recommend gathering the relevant information attributes of organic food, relating to specific product characteristics, to focus the communication on key quality attributes and to use personal promotion of producers


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    The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects on quality-related learning resulting from the use of the quality cost information (QCI). More specifically, we intend to analyze to what extent the diagnostic and interactive uses of QCI contribute to the development of quality-related learning. A conceptual model was developed and tested using structural equation modelling. To this end, a questionnaire survey was conducted in Portuguese companies with the ISO 9000 certification. The results of the estimation process shed light on the causal links between the variables, showing that the interactive use of QCI has a positive effect on quality-related learning. Inversely, the diagnostic use hasn’t a direct positive impact on qualityrelated learning. However, the diagnostic use of QCI has an indirect positive impact on learning through the positive effect it on interactive use

    Water quality related macroinvertebrate community responses to environmental gradients in the Portoviejo River (Ecuador)

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    The Portoviejo River, located in the central western part of Ecuador, has been heavily impacted by damming, intensive agriculture and untreated wastewater discharge. Unfortunately, detailed information on the water quality and the ecological status of the Portoviejo River is not available, inhibiting decision-making and the development of water management plans. Therefore, the aims of this study were (1) to assess the ecological water quality, (2) to investigate the point along the environmental gradient where the most significant change in macroinvertebrate community occurs and (3) to find potential macroinvertebrate taxa that significantly change in abundance and frequency of occurrence along the Portoviejo River. To this end, macroinvertebrate and physico-chemical data were collected and hydro-morphological conditions were recorded at 31 locations during the dry season of 2015. The results showed that the ecological water quality of the sampling sites ranged from good to bad. In addition, the Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis was used to examine changes in macroinvertebrate communities and revealed significant community change points for sensitive taxa declining at a conductivity value of 930 (mu S.cm(-1)) and nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of 0.6 mg.L-1. In addition, the thresholds estimated for tolerant taxa were set at a conductivity value of 1430 mu S.cm(-1) and nitrate-nitrogen concentration of 2.3 mg. L. Atyidae, Corbiculidae, Thiaridae, Acari, Baetidae and Leptohyphidae can be considered indicator taxa, showing shifts in the community. This study suggests that values of conductivity and nitrate-nitrogen concentrations should not exceed the threshold levels in order to protect macroinvertebrate biodiversity in the Portoviejo River

    Ontology Mapping of PATO to YATO for the improvement of interoperability of quality description

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    To facilitate broad interoperability for phenotype information between different ontological frameworks, we developed a reference ontology, PATO2YATO_Quality, with the careful mapping of terms of PATO which is a quality ontology commonly used for biological phenotype annotation to the latest top-level ontology, YATO, which represents advanced modeling of quality-related concepts. As a result, YATO framework enabled to describe changes of phenotypic qualities along the courses of time in ontologically correct way and sophisticated classification and representation of interrelationships among quality-related concepts to provide fully integration of qualitative values and quantitative values obtained from phenotyping experiments and advanced representation of more detailed quality description. Thus, PATO2YATO_Quality will contribute to advanced integration of phenotypic qualities

    Is regulatory quality related to industry performance? Evidence on telecommunications, gas and electricity in EU15

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    This paper provides empirical evidence on ex ante and ex post indicators of regulatory quality and the relationship between those indicators and market performance in liberalised EU-15 network industries. We report a low level of regulatory independence and competence, a high level of cross-country variations in regulatory quality, and a prevalent absence of correlation between ex ante regulatory quality and ex post performance indicators. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that the design of national regulatory agencies (NRAs) in Europe is not optimal and may be conducive to regulatory ineffectiveness or outright regulatory failure. Nevertheless, the existence and strengthening of EU-level regulators could enable EU member states to reduce the risk of regulatory failure by encouraging coordination and adoption of best practice.Economics of Regulation, European Public Policy, Regulatory Quality, European Network Industries.
