29,938 research outputs found

    A Dilated Inception Network for Visual Saliency Prediction

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    Recently, with the advent of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN), the improvements in visual saliency prediction research are impressive. One possible direction to approach the next improvement is to fully characterize the multi-scale saliency-influential factors with a computationally-friendly module in DCNN architectures. In this work, we proposed an end-to-end dilated inception network (DINet) for visual saliency prediction. It captures multi-scale contextual features effectively with very limited extra parameters. Instead of utilizing parallel standard convolutions with different kernel sizes as the existing inception module, our proposed dilated inception module (DIM) uses parallel dilated convolutions with different dilation rates which can significantly reduce the computation load while enriching the diversity of receptive fields in feature maps. Moreover, the performance of our saliency model is further improved by using a set of linear normalization-based probability distribution distance metrics as loss functions. As such, we can formulate saliency prediction as a probability distribution prediction task for global saliency inference instead of a typical pixel-wise regression problem. Experimental results on several challenging saliency benchmark datasets demonstrate that our DINet with proposed loss functions can achieve state-of-the-art performance with shorter inference time.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. The source codes are available at https://github.com/ysyscool/DINe

    On the dialog between experimentalist and modeler in catchment hydrology

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    The dialog between experimentalist and modeler in catchment hydrology has been minimal to date. The experimentalist often has a highly detailed yet highly qualitative understanding of dominant runoff processes—thus there is often much more information content on the catchment than we use for calibration of a model. While modelers often appreciate the need for 'hard data' for the model calibration process, there has been little thought given to how modelers might access this 'soft' or process knowledge. We present a new method where soft data (i.e., qualitative knowledge from the experimentalist that cannot be used directly as exact numbers) are made useful through fuzzy measures of model-simulation and parameter-value acceptability. We developed a three-box lumped conceptual model for the Maimai catchment in New Zealand, a particularly well-studied process-hydrological research catchment. The boxes represent the key hydrological reservoirs that are known to have distinct groundwater dynamics, isotopic composition and solute chemistry. The model was calibrated against hard data (runoff and groundwater-levels) as well as a number of criteria derived from the soft data (e.g. percent new water, reservoir volume, etc). We achieved very good fits for the three-box model when optimizing the parameter values with only runoff (Reff=0.93). However, parameter sets obtained in this way showed in general a poor goodness-of-fit for other criteria such as the simulated new-water contributions to peak runoff. Inclusion of soft-data criteria in the model calibration process resulted in lower Reff-values (around 0.84 when including all criteria) but led to better overall performance, as interpreted by the experimentalist’s view of catchment runoff dynamics. The model performance with respect to soft data (like, for instance, the new water ratio) increased significantly and parameter uncertainty was reduced by 60% on average with the introduction of the soft data multi-criteria calibration. We argue that accepting lower model efficiencies for runoff is 'worth it' if one can develop a more 'real' model of catchment behavior. The use of soft data is an approach to formalize this exchange between experimentalist and modeler and to more fully utilize the information content from experimental catchments

    A hierarchy of models for simulating experimental results from a 3D heterogeneous porous medium

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    In this work we examine the dispersion of conservative tracers (bromide and fluorescein) in an experimentally-constructed three-dimensional dual-porosity porous medium. The medium is highly heterogeneous (σY2=5.7\sigma_Y^2=5.7), and consists of spherical, low-hydraulic-conductivity inclusions embedded in a high-hydraulic-conductivity matrix. The bi-modal medium was saturated with tracers, and then flushed with tracer-free fluid while the effluent breakthrough curves were measured. The focus for this work is to examine a hierarchy of four models (in the absence of adjustable parameters) with decreasing complexity to assess their ability to accurately represent the measured breakthrough curves. The most information-rich model was (1) a direct numerical simulation of the system in which the geometry, boundary and initial conditions, and medium properties were fully independently characterized experimentally with high fidelity. The reduced models included; (2) a simplified numerical model identical to the fully-resolved direct numerical simulation (DNS) model, but using a domain that was one-tenth the size; (3) an upscaled mobile-immobile model that allowed for a time-dependent mass-transfer coefficient; and, (4) an upscaled mobile-immobile model that assumed a space-time constant mass-transfer coefficient. The results illustrated that all four models provided accurate representations of the experimental breakthrough curves as measured by global RMS error. The primary component of error induced in the upscaled models appeared to arise from the neglect of convection within the inclusions. Interestingly, these results suggested that the conventional convection-dispersion equation, when applied in a way that resolves the heterogeneities, yields models with high fidelity without requiring the imposition of a more complex non-Fickian model.Comment: 27 pages, 9 Figure

    Data mining as a tool for environmental scientists

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    Over recent years a huge library of data mining algorithms has been developed to tackle a variety of problems in fields such as medical imaging and network traffic analysis. Many of these techniques are far more flexible than more classical modelling approaches and could be usefully applied to data-rich environmental problems. Certain techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks, Clustering, Case-Based Reasoning and more recently Bayesian Decision Networks have found application in environmental modelling while other methods, for example classification and association rule extraction, have not yet been taken up on any wide scale. We propose that these and other data mining techniques could be usefully applied to difficult problems in the field. This paper introduces several data mining concepts and briefly discusses their application to environmental modelling, where data may be sparse, incomplete, or heterogenous

    Hydroinformatics and diversity in hydrological ensemble prediction systems

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    Nous abordons la prévision probabiliste des débits à partir de deux perspectives basées sur la complémentarité de multiples modèles hydrologiques (diversité). La première exploite une méthodologie hybride basée sur l’évaluation de plusieurs modèles hydrologiques globaux et d’outils d’apprentissage automatique pour la sélection optimale des prédicteurs, alors que la seconde fait recourt à la construction d’ensembles de réseaux de neurones en forçant la diversité. Cette thèse repose sur le concept de la diversité pour développer des méthodologies différentes autour de deux problèmes pouvant être considérés comme complémentaires. La première approche a pour objet la simplification d’un système complexe de prévisions hydrologiques d’ensemble (dont l’acronyme anglais est HEPS) qui dispose de 800 scénarios quotidiens, correspondant à la combinaison d’un modèle de 50 prédictions météorologiques probabilistes et de 16 modèles hydrologiques globaux. Pour la simplification, nous avons exploré quatre techniques: la Linear Correlation Elimination, la Mutual Information, la Backward Greedy Selection et le Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). Nous avons plus particulièrement développé la notion de participation optimale des modèles hydrologiques qui nous renseigne sur le nombre de membres météorologiques représentatifs à utiliser pour chacun des modèles hydrologiques. La seconde approche consiste principalement en la sélection stratifiée des données qui sont à la base de l’élaboration d’un ensemble de réseaux de neurones qui agissent comme autant de prédicteurs. Ainsi, chacun d’entre eux est entraîné avec des entrées tirées de l’application d’une sélection de variables pour différents échantillons stratifiés. Pour cela, nous utilisons la base de données du deuxième et troisième ateliers du projet international MOdel Parameter Estimation eXperiment (MOPEX). En résumé, nous démontrons par ces deux approches que la diversité implicite est efficace dans la configuration d’un HEPS de haute performance.In this thesis, we tackle the problem of streamflow probabilistic forecasting from two different perspectives based on multiple hydrological models collaboration (diversity). The first one favours a hybrid approach for the evaluation of multiple global hydrological models and tools of machine learning for predictors selection, while the second one constructs Artificial Neural Network (ANN) ensembles, forcing diversity within. This thesis is based on the concept of diversity for developing different methodologies around two complementary problems. The first one focused on simplifying, via members selection, a complex Hydrological Ensemble Prediction System (HEPS) that has 800 daily forecast scenarios originating from the combination of 50 meteorological precipitation members and 16 global hydrological models. We explore in depth four techniques: Linear Correlation Elimination, Mutual Information, Backward Greedy Selection, and Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). We propose the optimal hydrological model participation concept that identifies the number of meteorological representative members to propagate into each hydrological model in the simplified HEPS scheme. The second problem consists in the stratified selection of data patterns that are used for training an ANN ensemble or stack. For instance, taken from the database of the second and third MOdel Parameter Estimation eXperiment (MOPEX) workshops, we promoted an ANN prediction stack in which each predictor is trained on input spaces defined by the Input Variable Selection application on different stratified sub-samples. In summary, we demonstrated that implicit diversity in the configuration of a HEPS is efficient in the search for a HEPS of high performance

    Continuous Modeling of 3D Building Rooftops From Airborne LIDAR and Imagery

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    In recent years, a number of mega-cities have provided 3D photorealistic virtual models to support the decisions making process for maintaining the cities' infrastructure and environment more effectively. 3D virtual city models are static snap-shots of the environment and represent the status quo at the time of their data acquisition. However, cities are dynamic system that continuously change over time. Accordingly, their virtual representation need to be regularly updated in a timely manner to allow for accurate analysis and simulated results that decisions are based upon. The concept of "continuous city modeling" is to progressively reconstruct city models by accommodating their changes recognized in spatio-temporal domain, while preserving unchanged structures. However, developing a universal intelligent machine enabling continuous modeling still remains a challenging task. Therefore, this thesis proposes a novel research framework for continuously reconstructing 3D building rooftops using multi-sensor data. For achieving this goal, we first proposes a 3D building rooftop modeling method using airborne LiDAR data. The main focus is on the implementation of an implicit regularization method which impose a data-driven building regularity to noisy boundaries of roof planes for reconstructing 3D building rooftop models. The implicit regularization process is implemented in the framework of Minimum Description Length (MDL) combined with Hypothesize and Test (HAT). Secondly, we propose a context-based geometric hashing method to align newly acquired image data with existing building models. The novelty is the use of context features to achieve robust and accurate matching results. Thirdly, the existing building models are refined by newly proposed sequential fusion method. The main advantage of the proposed method is its ability to progressively refine modeling errors frequently observed in LiDAR-driven building models. The refinement process is conducted in the framework of MDL combined with HAT. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MDMC) coupled with Simulated Annealing (SA) is employed to perform a global optimization. The results demonstrates that the proposed continuous rooftop modeling methods show a promising aspects to support various critical decisions by not only reconstructing 3D rooftop models accurately, but also by updating the models using multi-sensor data