10,691 research outputs found

    Gestural control of sonic swarms: Composing with grouped sound objects

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    This paper outlines an alternative controller designed to diffuse and manipulate a swarm of sounds in 3- dimensional space and discusses the compositional issues that emerge from its use. The system uses an algorithm from a nature-derived model describing the spatial behavior of a swarm. The movement of the swarm is mapped in the 3- dimensional space and a series of sound transformation functions for the sonic agents are implemented. The notion of causal relationships is explored regarding the spatial movement of the swarm and sound transformation of the agents by employing the physical controller as a performance, compositional and diffusion tool

    Music as Evidence for a Creator

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    Throughout history, mankind has made music. While music is artistic, it is also scientific and informed by natural occurrences within the physical world. Mathematical relationships between frequencies, the harmonic series, the materials necessary to build musical instruments, and naturally measured time provide bases for the musical elements of pitch, timbre, and rhythm. Though scientific discovery can inform the practice of music, the origin of music cannot be explained through scientific or evolutionary means because music is not a necessity for survival. The fact that music does exist and has natural bases suggests that music is designed, and its elements were placed in the physical world by a Creator who is beyond that which is physical

    Using fuzzy logic to handle the semantic descriptions of music in a content-based retrieval system

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    This paper explores the potential use of fuzzy logic for semantic music recommendation. We show that a set of affective/emotive, structural and kinaesthetic descriptors can be used to formulate a query which allows the retrieval of intended music. A semantic music recommendation system was built, based on an elaborate study of potential users and an analysis of the semantic descriptors that best characterize the user’s understanding of music. Significant relationships between expressive and structural semantic descriptions of music were found. Fuzzy logic was then applied to handle the quality ratings associated with the semantic descriptions. A working semantic music recommendation system was tested and evaluated. Real-world testing revealed high user satisfaction

    The Physio-Emotional Effects of Audio in the Global Christian Church

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    Audio, specifically as researched by the film industry specialists, has physical and emotional effects on those exposed to it. These effects follow from manipulation of sound’s characteristics in specific and measurable ways. The responsibility of the Christian is to share the gospel with others and support the kingdom of God with his or her skills. In light of these truths, Christian audio specialists should have a thorough knowledge of the physio-emotional effects of audio. Further, they should not shy away from applying strategies from secular audio research to benefit local churches across the globe
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