6 research outputs found

    Mining candidate causal relationships in movement patterns

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in the International Journal of Geographical Information Science on 01 October 2013, available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/13658816.2013.841167In many applications, the environmental context for, and drivers of movement patterns are just as important as the patterns themselves. This paper adapts standard data mining techniques, combined with a foundational ontology of causation, with the objective of helping domain experts identify candidate causal relationships between movement patterns and their environmental context. In addition to data about movement and its dynamic environmental context, our approach requires as input definitions of the states and events of interest. The technique outputs causal and causal-like relationships of potential interest, along with associated measures of support and confidence. As a validation of our approach, the analysis is applied to real data about fish movement in the Murray River in Australia. The results demonstrate the technique is capable of identifying statistically significant patterns of movement indicative of causal and causal-like relationships. 1365-8816Australian Research Council Discovery Projec

    Toward the integration of spatial and temporal information for Building Construction

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    A conceptual framework for studying collective reactions to events in location-based social media

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    Events are a core concept of spatial information, but location-based social media (LBSM) provide information on reactions to events. Individuals have varied degrees of agency in initiating, reacting to or modifying the course of events, and reactions include observations of occurrence, expressions containing sentiment or emotions, or a call to action. Key characteristics of reactions include referent events and information about who reacted, when, where and how. Collective reactions are composed of multiple individual reactions sharing common referents. They can be characterized according to the following dimensions: spatial, temporal, social, thematic and interlinkage. We present a conceptual framework, which allows characterization and comparison of collective reactions. For a thematically well-defined class of event such as storms, we can explore differences and similarities in collective attribution of meaning across space and time. Other events may have very complex spatio-temporal signatures (e.g. political processes such as Brexit or elections), which can be decomposed into series of individual events (e.g. a temporal window around the result of a vote). The purpose of our framework is to explore ways in which collective reactions to events in LBSM can be described and underpin the development of methods for analysing and understanding collective reactions to events

    Étude du potentiel de OLAP pour supporter l'analyse spatio-temporelle

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    Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201

    Une approche pour supporter l'analyse qualitative des suites d'actions dans un environnement géographique virtuel et dynamique : l'analyse " What-if " comme exemple

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    Nous proposons une approche basée sur la géosimulation multi-agent et un outil d’aide à la décision pour supporter l’analyse « What-if » durant la planification des suites d’actions (plans) dans un environnement géographique dynamique. Nous présentons les caractéristiques du raisonnement « What-if » en tant 1) que simulation mentale 2) suivant un processus en trois étapes et 3) basé sur du raisonnement causal qualitatif. Nous soulignons les limites de la cognition humaine pour appliquer ce raisonnement dans le cadre de la planification des suites d’actions dans un environnement géographique dynamique et nous identifions les motivations de notre recherche. Ensuite, nous présentons notre approche basée sur la géosimulation multi-agent et nous identifions ses caractéristiques. Nous traitons en particulier trois problématiques majeures. La première problématique concerne la modélisation des phénomènes géographiques dynamiques. Nous soulignons les limites des approches existantes et nous présentons notre modèle basé sur le concept de situation spatio-temporelle que nous représentons en utilisant le formalisme de graphes conceptuels. En particulier, nous présentons comment nous avons défini ce concept en nous basant sur les archétypes cognitifs du linguiste J-P. Desclés. La deuxième problématique concerne la transformation des résultats d’une géosimulation multi-agent en une représentation qualitative exprimée en termes de situations spatio-temporelles. Nous présentons les étapes de traitement de données nécessaires pour effectuer cette transformation. La troisième problématique concerne l’inférence des relations causales entre des situations spatio-temporelles. En nous basant sur divers travaux traitant du raisonnement causal et de ses caractéristiques, nous proposons une solution basée sur des contraintes causales spatio-temporelles et de causalité pour établir des relations de causation entre des situations spatio-temporelles. Finalement, nous présentons MAGS-COA, une preuve de concept que nous avons implémentée pour évaluer l’adéquation de notre approche comme support à la résolution de problèmes réels. Ainsi, les principales contributions de notre travail sont: 1- Une approche basée sur la géosimulation multi-agent pour supporter l’analyse « What-if » des suites d’actions dans des environnements géographiques virtuels. 2- L’application d’un modèle issu de recherches en linguistique à un problème d’intérêt pour la recherche en raisonnement spatial. 3- Un modèle qualitatif basé sur les archétypes cognitifs pour modéliser des situations dynamiques dans un environnement géographique virtuel. 4- MAGS-COA, une plateforme de simulation et d’analyse qualitative des situations spatio-temporelles. 5- Un algorithme pour l’identification des relations causales entre des situations spatio-temporelles.We propose an approach and a tool based on multi-agent geosimulation techniques in order to support courses of action’s (COAs) “What if” analysis in the context of dynamic geographical environments. We present the characteristics of “What if” thinking as a three-step mental simulation process based on qualitative causal reasoning. We stress humans’ cognition limits of such a process in dynamic geographical contexts and we introduce our research motivations. Then we present our multi-agent geosimulation-based approach and we identify its characteristics. We address next three main problems. The first problem concerns modeling of dynamic geographical phenomena. We stress the limits of existing models and we present our model which is based on the concept of spatio-temporal situations. Particularly, we explain how we define our spatio-temporal situations based on the concept of cognitive archetypes proposed by the linguist J-P. Desclés. The second problem consists in transforming the results of multi-agent geosimulations into a qualitative representation expressed in terms of spatio-temporal situations and represented using the conceptual graphs formalism. We present the different steps required for such a transformation. The third problem concerns causal reasoning about spatio-temporal situations. In order to address this problem, we were inspired by works of causal reasoning research community to identify the constraints that must hold to identify causal relationships between spatio-temporal situations. These constraints are 1) knowledge about causality, 2) temporal causal constraints and 3) spatial causal constraints. These constraints are used to infer causal relationships among the results of multi-agent geosimulations. Finally, we present MAGS-COA, a proof on concept that we implemented in order to evaluate the suitability of our approach as a support to real problem solving. The main contributions of this thesis are: 1- An approach based on multi-agent geosimulation to support COA’s “What if” analysis in the context of virtual geographic environments. 2- The application of a model proposed in the linguistic research community to a problem of interest to spatial reasoning research community. 3- A qualitative model based on cognitive archetypes to model spatio-temporal situations. 4- MAGS-COA, a platform of simulation and qualitative analysis of spatio-temporal situations. 5- An algorithm to identify causal relationships between spatio-temporal situations