47 research outputs found

    An analytic center cutting plane method to determine complete positivity of a matrix

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    We propose an analytic center cutting plane method to determine whether a matrix is completely positive and return a cut that separates it from the completely positive cone if not. This was stated as an open (computational) problem by Berman et al. [Berman A, Dur M, Shaked-Monderer N (2015) Open problems in the theory of completely positive and copositive matrices. Electronic 1. Linear Algebra 29(1):46-58]. Our method optimizes over the intersection of a ball and the copositive cone, where membership is determined by solving a mixed-integer linear program suggested by Xia et al. [Xia W, Vera JC, Zuluaga LF (2020) Globally solving nonconvex quadratic programs via linear integer programming techniques. INFORMS J. Comput 32(1):40-561 Thus, our algorithm can, more generally, be used to solve any copositive optimization problem, provided one knows the radius of a ball containing an optimal solution. Numerical experiments show that the number of oracle calls (matrix copositivity checks) for our implementation scales well with the matrix size, growing roughly like O(d(2)) for d x d matrices. The method is implemented in Julia and available at https://github.com/rileybadenbroek/CopositiveAnalyticCenter.jl. Summary of Contribution: Completely positive matrices play an important role in operations research. They allow many NP-hard problems to be formulated as optimization problems over a proper cone, which enables them to benefit from the duality theory of convex programming. We propose an analytic center cutting plane method to determine whether a matrix is completely positive by solving an optimization problem over the copositive cone. In fact, we can use our method to solve any copositive optimization problem, provided we know the radius of a ball containing an optimal solution. We emphasize numerical performance and stability in developing this method. A software implementation in Julia is provided

    An Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method to Determine Complete Positivity of a Matrix

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    We propose an analytic center cutting plane method to determine if a matrix is completely positive, and return a cut that separates it from the completely positive cone if not. This was stated as an open (computational) problem by Berman, D\"ur, and Shaked-Monderer [Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2015]. Our method optimizes over the intersection of a ball and the copositive cone, where membership is determined by solving a mixed-integer linear program suggested by Xia, Vera, and Zuluaga [INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018]. Thus, our algorithm can, more generally, be used to solve any copositive optimization problem, provided one knows the radius of a ball containing an optimal solution. Numerical experiments show that the number of oracle calls (matrix copositivity checks) for our implementation scales well with the matrix size, growing roughly like O(d2)O(d^2) for d×dd\times d matrices. The method is implemented in Julia, and available at https://github.com/rileybadenbroek/CopositiveAnalyticCenter.jl.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    A Copositive Framework for Analysis of Hybrid Ising-Classical Algorithms

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    Recent years have seen significant advances in quantum/quantum-inspired technologies capable of approximately searching for the ground state of Ising spin Hamiltonians. The promise of leveraging such technologies to accelerate the solution of difficult optimization problems has spurred an increased interest in exploring methods to integrate Ising problems as part of their solution process, with existing approaches ranging from direct transcription to hybrid quantum-classical approaches rooted in existing optimization algorithms. While it is widely acknowledged that quantum computers should augment classical computers, rather than replace them entirely, comparatively little attention has been directed toward deriving analytical characterizations of their interactions. In this paper, we present a formal analysis of hybrid algorithms in the context of solving mixed-binary quadratic programs (MBQP) via Ising solvers. We show the exactness of a convex copositive reformulation of MBQPs, allowing the resulting reformulation to inherit the straightforward analysis of convex optimization. We propose to solve this reformulation with a hybrid quantum-classical cutting-plane algorithm. Using existing complexity results for convex cutting-plane algorithms, we deduce that the classical portion of this hybrid framework is guaranteed to be polynomial time. This suggests that when applied to NP-hard problems, the complexity of the solution is shifted onto the subroutine handled by the Ising solver

    An Adaptive Linear Approximation Algorithm for Copositive Programs

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    We study linear optimization problems over the cone of copositive matrices. These problems appear in nonconvex quadratic and binary optimization; for instance, the maximum clique problem and other combinatorial problems can be reformulated as such problems. We present new polyhedral inner and outer approximations of the copositive cone which we show to be exact in the limit. In contrast to previous approximation schemes, our approximation is not necessarily uniform for the whole cone but can be guided adaptively through the objective function, yielding a good approximation in those parts of the cone that are relevant for the optimization and only a coarse approximation in those parts that are not. Using these approximations, we derive an adaptive linear approximation algorithm for copositive programs. Numerical experiments show that our algorithm gives very good results for certain nonconvex quadratic problems

    Lower bounds on matrix factorization ranks via noncommutative polynomial optimization

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    We use techniques from (tracial noncommutative) polynomial optimization to formulate hierarchies of semidefinite programming lower bounds on matrix factorization ranks. In particular, we consider the nonnegative rank, the completely positive rank, and their symmetric analogues: the positive semidefinite rank and the completely positive semidefinite rank. We study the convergence properties of our hierarchies, compare them extensively to known lower bounds, and provide some (numerical) examples

    Solution Techniques For Non-convex Optimization Problems

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    This thesis focuses on solution techniques for non-convex optimization problems. The first part of the dissertation presents a generalization of the completely positive reformulation of quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) to polynomial optimization problems. We show that by explicitly handling the linear constraints in the formulation of the POP, one obtains a refinement of the condition introduced in Bai\u27s (2015) Thoerem on QCQPs, where the refined theorem only requires nonnegativity of polynomial constraints over the feasible set of the linear constraints. The second part of the thesis is concerned with globally solving non-convex quadratic programs (QPs) using integer programming techniques. More specifically, we reformulate non-convex QP as a mixed-integer linear problem (MILP) by incorporating the KKT condition of the QP to obtain a linear complementary problem, then use binary variables and big-M constraints to model the complementary constraints. We show how to impose bounds on the dual variables without eliminating all the (globally) optimal primal solutions; using some fundamental results on the solution of perturbed linear systems. The solution approach is implemented and labeled as quadprogIP, where computational results are presented in comparison with quadprogBB, BARON and CPLEX. The third part of the thesis involves the formulation and solution approach of a problem that arises from an on-demand aviation transportation network. A multi-commodity network flows (MCNF) model with side constraints is proposed to analyze and improve the efficiency of the on-demand aviation network, where the electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing (eVTOLs) transportation vehicles and passengers can be viewed as commodities, and routing them is equivalent to finding the optimal flow of each commodity through the network. The side constraints capture the decisions involved in the limited battery capacity for each eVTOL. We propose two heuristics that are efficient in generating integer feasible solutions that are feasible to the exponential number of battery side constraints. The last part of the thesis discusses a solution approach for copositive programs using linear semi-infinite optimization techniques. A copositive program can be reformulated as a linear semi-infinite program, which can be solved using the cutting plane approach, where each cutting plane is generated by solving a standard quadratic subproblem. Numerical results on QP-reformulated copositive programs are presented in comparison to the approximation hierarchy approach in Bundfuss (2009) and Yildirim (2012)