5,573 research outputs found

    Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Revisited

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    In this thesis, we revisit quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), a standard classification method. Specifically, we investigate the parameter estimation and dimension reduction problems for QDA. Traditionally, the parameters of QDA are estimated generatively; that is the parameters are estimated by maximizing the joint likelihood of observations and their labels. In practice, classical QDA, though computationally efficient, often underperforms discriminative classifiers, such as SVM, Boosting methods, and logistic regression. Motivated by recent research on hybrid generative/discriminative learning, we propose to estimate the parameters of QDA by minimizing a convex combination of negative joint log-likelihood and negative conditional log-likelihood of observations and their labels. For this purpose, we propose an iterative majorize-minimize (MM) algorithm for classifiers of which conditional distributions are from the exponential family; in each iteration of the MM algorithm, a convex optimization problem needs to be solved. To solve the convex problem specially derived for QDA, we propose a block-coordinate descent algorithm that sequentially updates the parameters of QDA; in each update, we present a trust region method for solving optimal estimations, of which we have closed form solutions in each iteration. Numerical experiments show: 1) the hybrid approach to QDA is competitive with, and in some cases significant better than other approaches to QDA, SVM with polynomial kernel (d=2d=2) and logistic regression with linear and quadratic features; 2) in many cases, our optimization method converges faster to equal or better optimums than the conjugate gradient method used in the literature. Dimension reduction methods are commonly used to extract more compact features in the hope to build more efficient and possibly more robust classifiers. It is well known that Fisher\u27s discriminant analysis generates optimal lower dimensional features for linear discriminant analysis. However, ...for QDA, where so far there has been no universally accepted dimension-reduction technique in the literature\u27\u27, though considerable efforts have been made. To construct a dimension reduction method for QDA, we generalize the Fukunaga-Koontz transformation, and propose novel affine feature extraction (AFE) methods for binary QDA. The proposed AFE methods have closed-form solutions and thus can be solved efficiently. We show that 1) the AFE methods have desired geometrical, statistical and information-theoretical properties; and 2) the AFE methods generalize dimension reduction methods for LDA and QDA with equal means. Numerical experiments show that the new proposed AFE method is competitive with, and in some cases significantly better than some commonly used linear dimension reduction techniques for QDA in the literature

    On class invariants for non-holomorphic modular functions and a question of Bruinier and Ono

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    Recently, Bruinier and Ono found an algebraic formula for the partition function in terms of traces of singular moduli of a certain non-holomorphic modular function. In this paper we prove that the rational polynomial having these singuar moduli as zeros is (essentially) irreducible, settling a question of Bruinier and Ono. The proof uses careful analytic estimates together with some related work of Dewar and Murty, as well as extensive numerical calculations of Sutherland

    Elliptic Curves and Hyperdeterminants in Quantum Gravity

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    Hyperdeterminants are generalizations of determinants from matrices to multi-dimensional hypermatrices. They were discovered in the 19th century by Arthur Cayley but were largely ignored over a period of 100 years before once again being recognised as important in algebraic geometry, physics and number theory. It is shown that a cubic elliptic curve whose Mordell-Weil group contains a Z2 x Z2 x Z subgroup can be transformed into the degree four hyperdeterminant on a 2x2x2 hypermatrix comprising its variables and coefficients. Furthermore, a multilinear problem defined on a 2x2x2x2 hypermatrix of coefficients can be reduced to a quartic elliptic curve whose J-invariant is expressed in terms of the hypermatrix and related invariants including the degree 24 hyperdeterminant. These connections between elliptic curves and hyperdeterminants may have applications in other areas including physics.Comment: 7 page

    Two-dimensional lattices with few distances

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    We prove that of all two-dimensional lattices of covolume 1 the hexagonal lattice has asymptotically the fewest distances. An analogous result for dimensions 3 to 8 was proved in 1991 by Conway and Sloane. Moreover, we give a survey of some related literature, in particular progress on a conjecture from 1995 due to Schmutz Schaller.Comment: 21 pages, final version, accepted for publication in L'Enseignement Math\'ematiqu

    Class invariants for certain non-holomorphic modular functions

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    Inspired by prior work of Bruinier and Ono and Mertens and Rolen, we study class polynomials for non-holomorphic modular functions arising from modular forms of negative weight. In particular, we give general conditions for the irreducibility of class polynomials. This allows us to easily generate infintely many new class invariants

    Edwards curves and CM curves

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    Edwards curves are a particular form of elliptic curves that admit a fast, unified and complete addition law. Relations between Edwards curves and Montgomery curves have already been described. Our work takes the view of parameterizing elliptic curves given by their j-invariant, a problematic that arises from using curves with complex multiplication, for instance. We add to the catalogue the links with Kubert parameterizations of X0(2) and X0(4). We classify CM curves that admit an Edwards or Montgomery form over a finite field, and justify the use of isogenous curves when needed