18 research outputs found

    Final report on dissemination, regulation, standardization, exploitation & training : D6.3

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    In D6.1 deliverable project dissemination, exploitation and training plans, as well as standardization & regulatory approach strategy was presented. The D6.2 reported on the necessary updates of these strategies and the actions taken by the partners in line with them, as well as the obtained results. In this D6.3 deliverable, a full set of project dissemination activities, standardization & regulatory contributions as well as an operator’s “cook book” outlining steps necessary for full deployment of ON functionality and services, are presented.Deliverable D6.3 del projecte OneFITPostprint (author’s final draft

    TechNews digests: Jan - Mar 2010

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    TechNews is a technology, news and analysis service aimed at anyone in the education sector keen to stay informed about technology developments, trends and issues. TechNews focuses on emerging technologies and other technology news. TechNews service : digests september 2004 till May 2010 Analysis pieces and News combined publish every 2 to 3 month

    QoE over-the-top multimédia em redes sem fios

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    One of the goals of an operator is to improve the Quality of Experience (QoE) of a client in networks where Over-the-top (OTT) content is being delivered. The appearance of services like YouTube, Netflix or Twitch, where in the first case it contains more than 300 hours of video per minute in the platform, brings issues to the managed data networks that already exist, as well as challenges to fix them. Video traffic corresponds to 75% of the whole transmitted data on the Internet. This way, not only the Internet did become the ’de facto’ video transmission path, but also the general data traffic continues to exponentially increase, due to the desire to consume more content. This thesis presents two model proposals and architecture that aim to improve the users’ quality of experience, by predicting the amount of video in advance liable of being prefetched, as a way to optimize the delivery efficiency where the quality of service cannot be guaranteed. The prefetch is done in the clients’ closest cache server. For that, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used, where through a subjective method of attribute comparison, and from the application of a weighted function on the measured quality of service metrics, the amount of prefetch is achieved. Besides this method, artificial intelligence techniques are also taken into account. With neural networks, there is an attempt of selflearning with the behavior of OTT networks with more than 14.000 hours of video consumption under different quality conditions, to try to estimate the experience felt and maximize it, without the normal service delivery degradation. At last, both methods are evaluated and a proof of concept is made with users in a high speed train.Um dos objetivos de um operador é melhorar a qualidade de experiência do cliente em redes onde existem conteúdos Over-the-top (OTT) a serem entregues. O aparecimento de serviços como o YouTube, Netflix ou Twitch, onde no primeiro caso são carregadas mais de 300 horas de vídeo por minuto na plataforma, vem trazer problemas às redes de dados geridas que já existiam, assim como desafios para os resolver. O tráfego de vídeo corresponde a 75% de todos os dados transmitidos na Internet. Assim, não só a Internet se tornou o meio de transmissão de vídeo ’de facto’, como o tráfego de dados em geral continua a crescer exponencialmente, proveniente do desejo de consumir mais conteúdos. Esta tese apresenta duas propostas de modelos e arquitetura que pretendem melhorar a qualidade de experiência do utilizador, ao prever a quantidade de vídeo em avanço passível de ser précarregado, de forma a optimizar a eficiência de entrega das redes onde a qualidade de serviço não é possível de ser garantida. O pré-carregamento dos conteúdos é feito no servidor de cache mais próximo do cliente. Para tal, é utilizado um processo analítico hierárquico (AHP), onde através de um método subjetivo de comparação de atributos, e da aplicação de uma função de valores ponderados nas medições das métricas de qualidade de serviço, é obtida a quantidade a pré-carregar. Além deste método, é também proposta uma abordagem com técnicas de inteligência artificial. Através de redes neurais, há uma tentativa de auto-aprendizagem do comportamento das redes OTT com mais de 14.000 horas de consumo de vídeo sobre diferentes condições de qualidade, para se tentar estimar a experiência sentida e maximizar a mesma, sem degradação da entrega de serviço normal. No final, ambos os métodos propostos são avaliados num cenário de utilizadores num comboio a alta velocidade.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Next-Generation Public Safety Systems Based on Autonomous Vehicles and Opportunistic Communications

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    An emergency scenario is characterized by the unpredictability of the environment conditions and by the scarcity of the available communication infrastructures. After a natural or human disaster, the main public and private infrastructures are partially damaged or totally destroyed. These infrastructures include roads, bridges, water supplies, electrical grids, telecommunications and so on. In these conditions, the first rescue operations executed by the public safety organizations can be very difficult, due to the unpredictability of the disaster area environment and the lack in the communications systems. The aim of this work is to introduce next-generation public safety systems where the main focus is the use of unmanned vehicles that are able to exploit the self-organizing characteristics of such autonomous systems. With the proposed public safety systems, a team of autonomous vehicles will be able to overcome the hazardous environments of a post disaster scenario by introducing a temporary dynamic network infrastructure which enables the first responders to cooperate and to communicate with the victims involved. Furthermore, given the pervasive penetration of smart end-user devices, the emergence of spontaneous networks could constitute promising solutions to implement emergency communication systems. With these systems the survivors will be able to self-organize in a communication network that allows them to send alerts and information messages towards the rescue teams, even in absence of communication infrastructures

    Reti Wireless Cognitive Cooperanti su TV White e Grey Spaces

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    Wireless networks rapidly became a fundamental pillar of everyday activities. Whether at work or elsewhere, people often benefits from always-on connections. This trend is likely to increase, and hence actual technologies struggle to cope with the increase in traffic demand. To this end, Cognitive Wireless Networks have been studied. These networks aim at a better utilization of the spectrum, by understanding the environment in which they operate, and adapt accordingly. In particular recently national regulators opened up consultations on the opportunistic use of the TV bands, which became partially free due to the digital TV switch over. In this work, we focus on the indoor use of of TVWS. Interesting use cases like smart metering and WiFI like connectivity arise, and are studied and compared against state of the art technology. New measurements for TVWS networks will be presented and evaluated, and fundamental characteristics of the signal derived. Then, building on that, a new model of spectrum sharing, which takes into account also the height from the terrain, is presented and evaluated in a real scenario. The principal limits and performance of TVWS operated networks will be studied for two main use cases, namely Machine to Machine communication and for wireless sensor networks, particularly for the smart grid scenario. The outcome is that TVWS are certainly interesting to be studied and deployed, in particular when used as an additional offload for other wireless technologies. Seeing TVWS as the only wireless technology on a device is harder to be seen: the uncertainity in channel availability is the major drawback of opportunistic networks, since depending on the primary network channel allocation might lead in having no channels available for communication. TVWS can be effectively exploited as offloading solutions, and most of the contributions presented in this work proceed in this direction

    Experimenting with commodity 802.11 hardware: overview and future directions

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    The huge adoption of 802.11 technologies has triggered a vast amount of experimentally-driven research works. These works range from performance analysis to protocol enhancements, including the proposal of novel applications and services. Due to the affordability of the technology, this experimental research is typically based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices, and, given the rate at which 802.11 releases new standards (which are adopted into new, affordable devices), the field is likely to continue to produce results. In this paper, we review and categorise the most prevalent works carried out with 802.11 COTS devices over the past 15 years, to present a timely snapshot of the areas that have attracted the most attention so far, through a taxonomy that distinguishes between performance studies, enhancements, services, and methodology. In this way, we provide a quick overview of the results achieved by the research community that enables prospective authors to identify potential areas of new research, some of which are discussed after the presentation of the survey.This work has been partly supported by the European Community through the CROWD project (FP7-ICT-318115) and by the Madrid Regional Government through the TIGRE5-CM program (S2013/ICE-2919).Publicad