9 research outputs found

    A Software Architecture Assisting Workflow Executions on Cloud Resources

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    An enterprise providing services handled by means of workflows needs to monitor and control their execution, gather usage data, determine priorities, and properly use computing cloud-related resources. This paper proposes a software architecture that connects unaware services to components handling workflow monitoring and management concerns. Moreover, the provided components enhance dependability of services while letting developers focus only on the business logic

    Resolving feature convolution in middleware systems

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    Middleware provides simplicity and uniformity for the development of distributed applications. However, the modularity of the architecture of middleware is starting to disintegrate and to become complicated due to the interaction of too many orthogonal concerns imposed from a wide range of application requirements. This is not due to bad design but rather due to the limitations of the conventional architectural decomposition methodologies. We introduce the principles of horizontal decomposition (HD) which addresses this problem with a mixed-paradigm middleware architecture. HD provides guidance for the use of conventional decomposition methods to implement the core functionalities of middleware and the use of aspect orientation to address its orthogonal properties. Our evaluation of the horizontal decomposition principles focuses on refactoring major middleware functionalities into aspects in order to modularize and isolate them from the core architecture. New versions of the middleware platform can be created through combining the core and the flexible selection of middleware aspects such as IDL data types, the oneway invocation style, the dynamic messaging style, and additional character encoding schemes. As a result, the primary functionality of the middleware is supported with a much simpler architecture and enhanced performance. Moreover, customization and configuration of the middleware for a wide-range of requirements becomes possible

    StarMX: A Framework for Developing Self-Managing Software Systems

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    The scale of computing systems has extensively grown over the past few decades in order to satisfy emerging business requirements. As a result of this evolution, the complexity of these systems has increased significantly, which has led to many difficulties in managing and administering them. The solution to this problem is to build systems that are capable of managing themselves, given high-level objectives. This vision is also known as Autonomic Computing. A self-managing system is governed by a closed control loop, which is responsible for dynamically monitoring the underlying system, analyzing the observed situation, planning the recovering actions, and executing the plan to maintain the system equilibrium. The realization of such systems poses several developmental and operational challenges, including: developing their architecture, constructing the control loop, and creating services that enable dynamic adaptation behavior. Software frameworks are effective in addressing these challenges: they can simplify the development of such systems by reducing design and implementation efforts, and they provide runtime services for supporting self-managing behavior. This dissertation presents a novel software framework, called StarMX, for developing adaptive and self-managing Java-based systems. It is a generic configurable framework based on standards and well-established principles, and provides the required features and facilities for the development of such systems. It extensively supports Java Management Extensions (JMX) and is capable of integrating with different policy engines. This allows the developer to incorporate and use these techniques in the design of a control loop in a flexible manner. The control loop is created as a chain of entities, called processes, such that each process represents one or more functions of the loop (monitoring, analyzing, planning, and executing). A process is implemented by either a policy language or the Java language. At runtime, the framework invokes the chain of processes in the control loop, providing each one with the required set of objects for monitoring and effecting. An open source Java-based Voice over IP system, called CC2, is selected as the case study used in a set of experiments that aim to capture a solid understanding of the framework suitability for developing adaptive systems and to improve its feature set. The experiments are also used to evaluate the performance overhead incurred by the framework at runtime. The performance analysis results show the execution time spent in different components, including the framework itself, the policy engine, and the sensors/effectors. The results also reveal that the time spent in the framework is negligible, and it has no considerable impact on the system's overall performance

    Ingeniería basada en modelos aplicada a sistemas distribuidos sensibles al contexto.

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    239 p.En esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea una metodología, soportada por mecanismos y herramientas, que da soporte al ciclo de desarrollo de aplicaciones distribuidas sensibles al contexto, aquéllas que supervisan su entorno físico con objeto de detectar cambios en él y reaccionar rápida y adecuadamente. Son aplicaciones presentes en diferentes campos de aplicación que demandan requisitos tales como ejecución en entornos distribuidos y heterogéneos, personalización de la supervisión, adaptación a cambios relevantes en su contexto, gestión de la calidad específica de cada aplicación, disponibilidad y recuperación ante situaciones de fallo. En concreto, se propone una aproximación de modelado genérica que permite la especificación y diseño de estas aplicaciones, independientemente de la plataforma de gestión responsable de su ejecución y atendiendo a los diferentes expertos que participan: expertos de dominio y desarrolladores de software. Se hace uso de la ingeniería dirigida por modelos para lograr la separación de dominios necesaria. Así, el experto de dominio realiza el diseño arquitectónico en el que se especifican todos sus requisitos, mientras que el desarrollador de software se centra en el diseño e implementación de la solución software correspondiente. Por tanto, la aproximación de modelado recoge los requisitos de las aplicaciones que una plataforma de gestión debe cumplir en tiempo de ejecución, al mismo tiempo que captura la información necesaria para la generación de su código. También se plantea un entorno de desarrollo integrado, basado en dicha aproximación, que da soporte al ciclo de desarrollo, cuyo prototipo se ha validado en un demostrador en el campo de la asistencia domiciliaria

    QoS Aspect Languages and Their Runtime Integration

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    . Distributed object middleware, such as CORBA, hides systemand network-specific characteristics of objects behind functional interface specifications. This simplifies development and maintenance of distributed objects, contributing to their growing acceptance. Critical applications have Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, however, such as real-time performance, dependability, or security, that are hidden by middleware. Because of this, application developers often bypass distributed object systems, thus gaining little or no advantage from the middleware. We have developed Quality Objects (QuO), a framework for developing distributed applications with QoS requirements. QuO provides a set of aspect languages, called Quality Description Languages (QDL), for specifying possible QoS states, the system resources and mechanisms for measuring and controlling QoS, and behavior for adapting to changing levels of available QoS at runtime. This paper describes QuO's aspect languages, their usa..

    Policy-Driven Adaptive Protection Systems.

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    PhDThe increasing number and complexity of security attacks on IT infrastructure demands for the development of protection systems capable of dealing with the security challenges of today’s highly dynamic environments. Several converging trends including mobilisation, externalisation and collaboration, virtualisation, and cloud computing are challenging traditional silo approaches to providing security. IT security policies should be considered as being inherently dynamic and flexible enough to trigger decisions efficiently and effectively taking into account not only the current execution environment of a protection system and its runtime contextual factors, but also dynamically changing the security requirements introduced by external entities in the operational environment. This research is motivated by the increasing need for security systems capable of supporting security decisions in dynamic operational environments and advocates for a policy-driven adaptive security approach. The first main contribution of this thesis is to articulate the property of specialisation in adaptive software systems and propose a novel methodological framework for the realisation of policy-driven adaptive systems capable of specialisation via adaptive policy transformation. Furthermore, this thesis proposes three distinctive novel protection mechanisms, all three mechanisms exhibit adaptation via specialisation, but each one presenting its own research novelty in its respective field. They are: 1. A Secure Execution Context Enforcement based on Activity Detection; 2. Privacy and Security Requirements Enforcement Framework in Internet-Centric Services; 3. A Context-Aware Multifactor Authentication Scheme Based On Dynamic Pin. 3 Along with a comprehensive study of the state of the art in policy based adaptive systems and a comparative analysis of those against the main objectives of the framework this thesis proposes, these three protection mechanisms serve as a foundation and experimental work from which core characteristics, methods, components, and other elements are analysed in detail towards the investigation and the proposition of the methodological framework presented in this thesis

    A Quality-Driven Approach to Enable Decision-Making in Self-Adaptive Software

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    Self-adaptive software systems are increasingly in demand. The driving forces are changes in the software “self” and “context”, particularly in distributed and pervasive applications. These systems provide self-* properties in order to keep requirements satisfied in different situations. Engineering self-adaptive software normally involves building the adaptable software and the adaptation manager. This PhD thesis focuses on the latter, especially on the design and implementation of the deciding process in an adaptation manager. For this purpose, a Quality-driven Framework for Engineering an Adaptation Manager (QFeam) is proposed, in which quality requirements play a key role as adaptation goals. Two major phases of QFeam are building the runtime adaptation model and designing the adaptation mechanism. The modeling phase investigates eliciting and specifying key entities of the adaptation problem space including goals, attributes, and actions. Three composition patterns are discussed to link these entities to build the adaptation model, namely: goal-centric, attribute-action-coupling, and hybrid patterns. In the second phase, the adaptation mechanism is designed according to the adopted pattern in the model. Therefore, three categories of mechanisms are discussed, in which the novel goal-ensemble mechanism is introduced. A concrete model and mechanism, the Goal-Attribute-Action Model (GAAM), is proposed based on the goal-centric pattern and the goal-ensemble mechanism. GAAM is implemented based on the StarMX framework for Java-based systems. Several considerations are taken into account in QFeam: i) the separation of adaptation knowledge from application knowledge, ii) highlighting the role of adaptation goals, and iii) modularity and reusability. Among these, emphasizing goals is the tenet of QFeam, especially in order to address the challenge of addressing several self- * properties in the adaptation manager. Furthermore, QFeam aims at embedding a model in the adaptation manager, particularly in the goal-centric and hybrid patterns. The proposed framework focuses on mission-critical systems including enterprise and service-oriented applications. Several empirical studies were conducted to put QFeam into practice, and also evaluate GAAM in comparison with other adaptation models and mechanisms. Three case studies were selected for this purpose: the TPC-W bookstore application, a news application, and the CC2 VoIP call controller. Several research questions were set for each case study, and findings indicate that the goal-ensemble mechanism and GAAM can outperform or work as well as a common rule-based approach. The notable difference is that the effort of building an adaptation manager based on a goal-centric pattern is less than building it using an attribute-action-coupling pattern. Moreover, representing goals explicitly leads to better scalability and understandability of the adaptation manager. Overall, the experience of working on these three systems show that QFeam improves the design and development process of the adaptation manager, particularly by highlighting the role of adaptation goals

    QoS Aspect Languages and Their Runtime Integration

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